Title at the End

*Sniff Sniff Sniff* *Grrrr* "Goblins, hunting on our hunting grounds…." A woman with a rather husky voice says as she sniffs the air for the faint scent she smells.

"No not goblins, Bokoblins, look at footprints." Another points to the tracks left in the dirt showing three toe footprints."

"What you mean? Bokoblins don't wear shoes!" Another says as she points to a few sets of shoe prints in the dirt that are as fresh as the Bokoblin footprints.

"Strong goblins leading other Bokoblins?" Another thinks out loud her thoughts.

"Females all of them, wait *Sniff Sniff* one male goblin…." Another says which makes the others perk up their ears when they hear that.

Just like the goblins most of the males of their kind have died out as well and because of the death of most of their males they are now constantly in heat and are looking for something to help put out the fire in them, even if it most likely won't get them pregnant.

Hearing that their is a male in this group of hunters made them salivate in anticipation of them getting a male to have their way with.

"Do we follow them? Or wait for them to come back?" A smarter one said as she wiped the drool from her mouth.

"We wait…. After all they come into our territory soon enough…. All we have to do is wait…." One said with a big toothy grin on her face as she and the rest nodded before they soon disappeared from sight.




"Looks like I'll need to build another hut." I say with a smile as I look at all of my lovely women who were carrying a baby goblin or two with Regina and Wolba being the ones that had 5 each overall I had 33 new daughters to call my own.

Regina, had 5 Raven, Karly, Kandi, Bella & Meg

Rala, had 1 Jinx

Lily, had 1 Daisy

Rachel, had 1 Karen

Toxi, had 2 Helga & Lala

Vala, had 1 Purha

Fera, had 1 Habi

Lia, had 1 Lilo

Shantelle, had 1 Shakky

Yizzy, had 1 Tizzy

Kat, had 1 Kit

Mila, had 1 Loomy

Wolba, had 5 Pixie, Moxi, Kim, Cait & Piper

Shazza, had 2 Shaz & Zala

Xahka, had 1 Kah

Vira, had 1 Vila

Neex, had 1 Nini

Shalla, had 1 Shalli

Ekah, had 1 Bekah

Reka, had 1 Rokah

Paula, had 1 Lula

Nesha, had 1 Nix

Froni, had 1 Feba

(N) After this I'm not naming any of the daughters anymore, I'll upload pics sure but you guys can come up with names and I'll take the ones people like the most and make it their names while I try not to repeat names but names will definitely repeat like it does in real life after all.

Population 25/100 -> 58/100

I smiled at my baby girls as they were fed by their mothers I turned my head to make another hut with the supplies we had been gathering for the past few days.

After the whole Wood Elf incident we haven't had issues since then as we have been getting supplies to prepare for the coming of my daughters birth with the foods we have gained as well as the supplies we have earned through our hard work with everyone staying home and just resting and fishing in the river as we waited for them all to give birth to my daughters.

But soon enough before the shining eyes of my baby daughters I began to build them their nursery house that connected to our big tent where they would sleep in when my room is full.

This was after all the starts of my future mansion and later on our castle and palace to come.

The nursery wasn't much different from the bokoblins home as it was basically the same, but their was a door to keep them from crawling off on their own with the only open way is to go through our bedroom to head outside, but besides that it's all the same as before.

"It still amazes me to see houses be quickly built like this." Shazza says as she's feeding her two daughters.

"Well will have to have some of these girls learn to build, or find others to join our tribe who know a thing or two about building as I can't be making houses and other places all the time in the future after all." I explain to her as the house finishes being made right before us.

Soon enough all the girls head in through the tent and into the house which was the same as the Bokoblins home but the floor was even softer with extra pelts used to pad the floor along with stuffed animals made from animal pelts and stuffed with cotton we got from a few cotton bushes we found growing in the plains along with toys made from animal bones that they can play around with.

Though it had only been a few hours since they were all born the girls could already start crawling around and playing with the toys around the room.

Today would just be a day where we just spend time together as a family and enjoy ourselves with our new family members, as they will be a wild bunch by tomorrow as they begin to play and soon figure out what they want their classes to be.

(N) Goblins/Bokoblins are adults after roughly 5 days or so from their birth.



A few days later the girls were grown up enough that we didn't all need to stay to watch them so we could continue doing what we needed to do, though I was a bit surprised the Wood Elves haven't shown their faces since their first visit.

(N) Damn elf politics slowing everything to a crawl.

Though during the days we have been taking care of the kids we've been making new clothes from hides along with the heavier pelts and bones to make bone armor for me and the hunters as we set out to hunt.

"But Dad I want to come with you and my mommies!" Wolba's daughter, Pixie, along with her sisters, Shazza's and Xahka's daughters also wanted to join us on our hunt.

"Girls, your not fully grown yet, and you don't have your classes selected yet for what you want to be because of that, until then you girls are gonna stay home and train your skills, and when your fully grown in two days I'll take you girls along on our hunts, but not until then, got it?" I said as I put my foot down on this and I'm not willing to budge on it.

Their lips began to quiver as they began to snivel as they gave me a full blown teary eyed puppy dog eyes to make me change my mind.


"Ugh!" I had to grab my chest at this combined cuteness attack of theirs, but I persevered.

"No means no! Now go back and continue your training so you can join us in a few days!" I say before I point back towards the village which makes them sadly/angrily turn away and go off and do as I told them.

Shazza came over and patted my shoulder, "You did good honey, now come on we need to take to the far off hunting grounds like last time, I remember seeing buffalo tracks there so we can get more meat, bones and pelts if we hunt them down." She said before we began to lead the way with both Kat and Rachel pulling along their own pull carts as we made our trek to the distant hunting grounds.

This hunting grounds isn't under Terra's protection but it's also not an area under the Wood Elves control making this an open hunting grounds that haven't been used in awhile with the abundance of animals present so it might be risky but it gets us the most animals in one go so it's worth it to go there.

So after a few hours of travel we had reached the hunting grounds, though there were no animals present, but that's usually not an issue as they usually aren't that far away.

"Wait…. Somethings not right…." Xahka said as she began to look around and see somethings that were off.

"Paw prints…. And not of the animal kind…." She says seeing the many paw prints on the ground, but of something much bigger than the average canine.

*Rustle Rustle*




The trees and bushes began to rustle as the wind began to pick up, and in between those sounds I could here quiet snickering nearby.

"Guys…. Get your weapons ready…." I say as I pull out my sword as everyone grabbed their weapons and got back to back with one another, forming a circle between us all.

Me, Shazza, Xahka, Kat and Rachel made the circle with Regina in the center as she held onto her scepter to prepare for anything.

"Hehehe, I guess theirs no need to wait anymore if your already waiting for us." I can hear a woman's voice from one of the trees above before she dropped down, along with the others and a few that came out of the bushes with their weapons in hand.

"Now then, hand him over to us girls and nobody needs to get hurt." She said with a toothy grin as she licked her lips at the sight of seeing me before her.

"Gnolls, it just had to be Gnolls didn't it?" I say as I along with the girls get ready to fight for our lives!


*More Daughters & Gnoll Ambush!*


Raven, Desert Goblin

Karly, Mud Goblin

Kandi, Flower Goblin

Bella, Hill Goblin

Meg, Swamp Goblin

Jinx, Feral Cave Goblin

Daisy, Cave Goblin

Karen, Hill Goblin

Helga, Hill Goblin

Lala, Hill Goblin

Purha, Hill Goblin

Habi, Hill Goblin

Lilo, Shadow Goblin

Shakky, Shadow Goblin

Tizzy, Fire Goblin

Kit, Gob

Loomy, Mushroom Goblin

Pixie, Pygmy Goblin

Moxi, Pygmy Goblin

Kim, Pygmy Goblin

Cait, Pygmy Goblin

Piper, Pygmy Goblin


The Bokoblin daughters all look basically like their mothers so no pics for them unless you guys can find me some then I'll use those for what they look like but they should look similar to their mothers at least.

Also give me a bit to upload the pics as I have to search through my galleries for the right ones and like them when you see them so I know you guys can see them.


Shaz High Bokoblin

Zala High Bokoblin

Kah Gold Bokoblin

Vila Silver Bokoblin

Nini Black Bokoblin

Shalli Blue Bokoblin

Bekah Blue Bokoblin

Rokah Blue Bokoblin

Lula Red Bokoblin

Nix Red Bokoblin

Feba Red Bokoblin