
After we departed from home with all of our weapons prepared we began to make our way northwards as that is where the highest concentration of Skaven can be found.

Currently it seems they have stopped their search for now and have formed up into one group, most likely to take a break and eat, with the strongest getting real meat while the weaklings have to fight for the bones and scraps left over.

"There's about 100 of them, and only 9 are strong with 4 being the strongest of them all." I say as I look at the minimap and see the red dots huddled in one place, 5 bigger dots and 4 being the largest of them all, but I wasn't worried as they didn't have skulls and crossbones on them, meaning they were only a bit above our level in strength with Terra's blessing weakening them, must be why they didn't retreat out of it as it means their close to their target, our home.

"So what do you want to do?" Heckla asked as we were closing in on our targets.

"If we can will capture the strongest ones and take them back to extract intel out of them, as for the weaklings they won't know much so kill them all." I say as I hold my blade over my shoulder as my face betrays my clear excitement I'm feeling.

And can you blame me? This is my first relatively large scale battle with well over 100 fighters against us, but I'm not to worried as Skaven try using horde tactics for the most part to overwhelm us with numbers, but in this world quality always beats quantity, well about 90% of the time that is, but this situation I'm not worried.

(N) Que Vermintide music.

"There they are the rat bastards." I say as we arrive on a small hill that overlooks the area, and near the hills bottom was a base of operations for the Skaven with a few burrow holes scattered outside for them to use to quickly travel around the Great Redwoods as a result.

And like I said they were eating, nine of the strongest were gorging on actual food and tossing what they were done with off to the side where the SlaveRats would fight eachother tooth and nail for the scraps.

"Best to strike while the iron is hot, Xahka, why don't you give them a warm welcome to our territory?" I say as I look over to my Bokoblin lover who was pulling out her staff.

"Heh, I've been waiting to try this ever since we got that extra Fire Crystal." She says as she attaches the fire crystal on her waist to her staff to turn it into a fire staff before she began her chant.

"Great Spirit Ignis, Lord of Fire, allow me to grant these intruders to our home a warm welcome, bring down the sun and rain down the fires of death upon them! Go forth! METEOR STORM!" She shouts out as she finishes her chant as we look up and see high into the sky a large swarm of meteorites falling down from the sky towards the Skaven camp.

They didn't see it coming at first, but the sorcerers felt something wrong and saw what was falling right towards them, they quickly grabbed their things and made a barrier to protect themselves, but it was only large enough to protect them and those close to them.

The SlaveRats weren't so lucky and many of them were killed or otherwise seriously injured from that attack alone as they couldn't dodge when all grouped so close together as they were.

"Well? What are you waiting for?! We can't let her have all the fun! Let's go Rat hunting!" I shout out as the others cheer as they joined me as we rushed down hill with our weapons in hand.

Half of them were killed and the rest varying degrees of injured with the strongest ones unscathed before they saw a groups charging straight at them.

'Kings Charge! Kings Banner' I silently activated my king skills giving us all a 25% buff in our main stats along with temporary invincibility and speed boost to our charge as we reached the camp and began our slaughter.





We were quite easily tearing right through the SlaveRats who were both wounded and terrified from our previous attack that they were rapidly losing their members and their morale was dropping rapidly as they already were thinking about fleeing, but neither us nor their leaders would let them leave alive.

"Fight you Wretches! I com-command it!" One of the leaders, a woman with many horns sticking out of her head, said as she cast spells at us while thrashing her whip at the remaining SlaveRats to keep fighting and to not run away.

She and three others were the mages and were the strongest along with the five others being fighters, a Skaven Spearwoman, a Skaven Assassin, a Skaven Boltswoman and two Skaven flail users


But the thing is they were at a heavy disadvantage due to all of our buffs on top of us, we were 25% stronger where we needed to be and currently we were invincible and moving at extremely rapid speeds so by the time Kings Charge had worn off, all the remaining SlaveRats had been killed off by us.

I was covered in Rat blood but most of it fell onto my bear pelt giving me an even more ominous look as I, along with my blood soaked women, were looking at the remaining leaders who were a bit tired and the fighters covered in some cut wounds on their bodies from fighting my women.

It was 8 vs 9 now and besides Xahka who was tired after using Meteor Storm earlier, the rest of us weren't compared to the 9 remaining Skaven who were tired and wounded from this fight between us, clearly we had the edge over them.

"Alright you rats! I'm only going to say this once, surrender and we won't kill you, don't and only one of you is coming out of this alive." I say as I flick the blood off my blade and point it at them as I can see the fear in their eyes.

"We-we surrender! Don't kill us!" The more wounded ones tossed their weapons away in surrender while the leader, the one with many horns on her head, along with green glowing spikes jutting out of her arms and legs was pissed at them just giving up like that.

"Cowards! You think La-Lady Teir will forgive you for giving up like- GUHKAK!" She was soon cut off by a heavy punch to her stomach by Hekla.

"You talk to much, now then, anyone wants a taste of my fist to?" She said as she clenched her hand as the muscles on her arm bulged at the same time.

Seeing that they all rapidly shook their heads and the remaining mages gave up after throwing their staffs away before me and the girls tied up their wrists and began to drag them back towards our home.

I would say this was a successful hunt, now we just need to deal with the Lynels in the future.



*Yawn* an extremely large woman, almost as tall as a giant, Yawns out as she wakes up from her nice nap she had while staying the huge forest to the south of the DemonKings Lands.

"Hmmm…. I should probably go get those girls, even though they left it's best if I bring them back." She says as she combs her hand through her hair as she gets all the leaves and branches out of it.

"If those dumbo Hinoxes weren't so lazy and those BossBokoblins so focused on their own crews I wouldn't need to go out any do this myself!" She said in irritation as she stomped on the ground making the area of roughly half a mile shake from that stomp alone.

"Although I think they went to that Goblin King that I felt being born awhile back, and I still feel him too, I mean I could've told those big guys back at the castle where he was, but that wouldn't be fun, heck maybe he's cute and I'll just take him away for myself, luckily I'm not this big all the time and me and him could have some fun." She says with a seductive smile as she licks her lips and begins her walk to the rather large forest.

"Don't worry girls, your queen is coming."
