Getting it Down in the Onsen (R-18)

Give me stones and reviews, I don't care if their just the 'I like it 5 stars!' Reviews I just want this story to have a rating as well as stones, and to top it off to have interaction with you guys cause when barely anyone says anything where there's 1.5k of you guys reading this, as of me writing this, and you guys don't say anything makes me feel like bots are watching instead.

Maybe it's because this is basically a porn fanfic and you don't want people to know you read this, but it's better then not hearing anything from barely anyone at all besides a few people overall which I can count on like one hand with people who interact on here and I can name them as well which is really saying something after all, also the reason most people stop writing stuff is lack of reader interaction on people's stories if outside influences are excluded.

But anyway mini-rant over, let's get back to the action you guys are all here for!


So the first ones to approach me were the Pig Orcs who were lead by their leader Nazarg, came over to me with a smirk on her face, "Do you mind if we get you nice and heated up do you?" She asks while she starts massaging her massive breasts.

I raise my eyebrow because I know what she's talking about, "Are you sure? If you send me into a rut like that you girls might not be able to handle it." I say as I see the girls sit around me before Nazarg pulls me into a hug before she Burt's my head between her massive tits.

"Don't worry about it, I think we can handle it, now breath it all in." She said as she switched places with me and sat down before sitting me in her lap and turning me around with her huge tits wrapping around my neck as I started to get extremely hard, hot and bothered.

Pig Orcs when there ready to mate go into heat, but not only that they also release the equivalent to pheromones from their natural body scent to send their mate into a rut making it even more likely for those they have sex with to make them pregnant in just one go all the time, so all the pig orcs surrounding me and all of them going into heat made me go into a very deep rut that was starting to make my head fuzzy as I saw them all gawk at my massive member sticking out of the water.

"Wow, looks like our lover has a real bitch breaker there, looks like I'll have to test it out." Tesha said as she stepped on over and held my hot pulsing meat rod in her hands before aiming it at her crotch and letting it slide deep into her before it pushed past her cervix and right to the back of her womb making her belly bulge in the process.

"Oooo Fuck that's huge!" She moaned out as she was speared by my rod before Nazarg grabbed at her hips as I was a bit to out of it to even lift up my arms to guide her up and down my cock properly right now.

"Don't worry big boy, just let momma do all the work for you." She said as she began to move Tesha up and down my member for me, so I get to completely enjoy the ride as they do all the work as my face was covered in tits as Tesha leaned forward using Nazarg as support while she was getting fucked by my cock.

Feeling her fat ass bouncing up and down my cock while my head was buried in two huge pairs of tits while wrapped around by soft womanly flesh I was basically in my own personal sex heaven.

The others were playing with themselves as they watched all of this as the sounds of flesh against flesh could be heard along with the splashing of warm water on the skin, with a nice warm tight pussy going up and down my cock it didn't take long for me to feel a massive load leaving my balls and going right into her womb.

"OHHHHHHHHGAAAAAAWWWWWDDDDDSSSSSS!!!!!!" She screamed out in ecstasy as she felt her womb instantly bloat to pregnant size from a single shot of my extremely thick cum, with the second blast being to much for her that it lifted her off and sent her flying back into the onsen.

Soon another girl jumped in and impaled herself after she had gotten a shower of cum all over her before she also was bloated full of cum and pulled off by the next who took her place.

And rinse and repeat with my basically nonstop cumming that it really didn't take long for them all to be filled to the brim with cum and covered in it as well while the onsen took on a milky white color from all the cum alone.

All of them by this point were overstuffed with cum while they had my cum dripping off their skin from the sheer amount as they were intoxicated from the smell alone as they let it all just deep into their skin.

Meanwhile by this point I was pumping my still cuming cock in and out of Nazarg's pussy as I kept pumping her pussy with an overflowing amount of seed as her girthy weight alone was the only thing keeping her from being blasted off from the excessive amount of cum like everyone else.

After that well….. I don't really remember that well, by the next day I realized I was now in the Orcs tent surrounded by all of my Orc women without a single one not covered and filled to the brim with my cum as I was laying on top of the largest and softest of them all as my own personal cum bed as my body was also plastered in my own fluids, luckily excluding my face of course.

I just look and see all the happy and content faces of my women who's normally green skin was turned marble white from the excessive cum all over them, it was enough to turn a man on, but I think I over did it as my rod hurt with the thought of getting hard again, so I did the next best thing and slid out of the cum filled tent and went to go take a bath in the now cleaned up hot springs to relax and take my mind off things for a bit.

Everyone else had left for their jobs today except for the strongest of us from both the Bokoblins and Gnolls that being Shazza, Vira, Xahka, Neex, Heckla, Tasha and T'Shana who were all relaxing in the onsen as Heckla looked at me and smirked.

"Have fun last night?" She said as I hopped into the onsen as it became murky white as I dunked myself underneath to get all the cum off me before I popped back out.

"…. You could say that." I said as I leaned back and relaxed letting the water do its magic for me as I let it take all the tiredness out of my body.

Soon enough I had fully recovered as I washed myself before grabbing a animal pelt towel to dry myself off before the girls follow suit as we got out and got dressed and grabbed our gear.

"So what's the plan for today?" Shazza said as she hoisted her long bone club onto her shoulder.

"Oh nothing much, we just have a ratmen problem to the north that we got to deal with, though there's only 8 of us and over a hundred of them but I'm not to worried as their much weaker than us, we just got to take them out and find their leaders and take them out as well one way or another." I say as I tighten the belts of my armor and put on my bear pelt hood over my head.

"Ahhh, so are you planning on making any Skaven women yours as well? You really are insatiable you know." T'Shana says with a chuckle which gets her sisters laughing a bit at that as well.

"Skaven Women? I doubt that, it's most likely going to be men after all since their race was the ones most likely to be least effected by the Monster Curse after all with all of their dark magics they have surrounding them, besides I doubt a Skaven woman will be that attractive anyway, now come on! Let's go and get this pest cleaning done with already." I say before we all head out the Northern Gate and into the Great Red Woods.

It's Rat Hunting Season, time to claim some trophies.


So should I just keep it with massive orgies all the time with a few one on one and small group sex scene chapters?

Or should I have smaller group chapters that are more detailed along with one on one chaps with massive orgy chapters happening every once in awhile instead?

I don't care which honestly but I know some of you guys like sex scenes more detailed and others don't care if their not as detailed but for my sanity and not wanting to write a 10k orgy chapter that hyper focus on the details of all the sex going on I leave the details in orgies to a bare minimum as a result where as more detailed with less people involved.

There won't be that many one on one chapters as they are only going to happened with special characters with mainly either it being group or orgys when he has sex with large amounts of women so give me your thoughts and opinions on this and I'll see you all next chapter!