In trouble

Belle could hear their voices, but it got distant every time they spoke. She was not sure if they were actually leaving or if it was her mind playing tricks on her.

"Aye," The coachman breathed out his frustration, his gaze flickering quickly from the girl to the man now in front of him. "That was a close call. I thought you might not make the right hit and you would not make it on time."

"Let's wrap up things here." The man suggested it with urgency in his words. "I don't want to get caught."

"And am badly in need of money right now. You are sure that we can make a few gold out of her?" The coachman tried to confirm with his ally.

The man smiled grimly and said, "Of course. I have never been wrong." With great scrutiny, he watched the girl on the ground longer and added, "More than a few golds, my dear friend."