
Earlier, before Belle was taken away unconscious in the carriage...

The young boy, who had been running errands for his master, had finally gotten a break from it all since his master was receiving a visitor.

He remembered the snarl the visitor had greeted him with when he came, but he had instead returned it with a blank and uninterested face.

It was the same man who had recently frequented his master's place. And something about the man made it clear that he was not good. The conversation he unfortunately overheard made it even clearer.

"Sixty gold coins?!" Their usual hushed tone had suddenly risen, probably because of the excitement, but it was also the loophole that gave away their plan.

"Keep it low, Albert."

"Ahem!" The man cleared his throat discreetly. "But I still can't do what you are asking. Kidnapping women?" There was horror in his voice.