Chapter 7 -  Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril

Chapter 7 - Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril

Even before the war, known as the 1v1 tournament was happening on the basketball court, the usual strategist was going through his own troubles. He had stayed here lost in thought for an hour while Kuro was showing the rest of class A-1 the facilities of the school. Then when the students returned for their bags and give their goodbyes to Kaori, he decided to stay. And think some more.

Kuro - "You know Jessie, your sister, and Saito are gonna join the 1v1 tournament. You sure you don't want to watch and cheer them on?"

Kuro asked his son. He knew his son was similar to a sloth so he never pushed him for anything. But Kuro would still like Jessie to foster a positive relationship with his sister and his best friend.

Jessie - "Nah Dad it's hot. You guys have fun. When it's over come and pick me up."

Jessie said still lost in thought. And just like that, another hour has gone by. The only change was that he sat closer to Kaori. He acted almost on impulse while in thought. It just felt that this seat was better for some reason. Currently, Jessie was sitting in the front seat right in front of Kaori.

Kaori was creating her lesson plans for tomorrow. And Jessie had his head down with an English textbook open in front of him. Kaori said she was going to stay 2 hours every day after class to help any student that needs help. It has been an hour since school ended so she would be spending another hour here. Jessie knew that he only has another hour to fully understand his feelings. She did not ask Jessie to open up the textbook, but he did so to have an excuse as to why he was lost in thought.

Jessie was indeed lost in thought, but it had nothing to do with English and everything to do with Kaori. Jessie was an empath since he was a child, therefore he understood emotions much better than anyone else. But this is also why he was so lost currently. He knows how his best friend felt about his sister. He too knows how his sister feels about his best friend. He becomes full of energy when they are around each other. They are like two light bulbs, but when put together they become the sun itself. So he is acquainted with love. But he has watched Sayori's and Saito's love blossom over the years. At first, they loved each other as a family much like how he loved them. But at some point, their love became much more potent. The energy their feeling gave him also multiplied. He was very happy to remember their smiles every time they are together.

This now brings him back to his own feelings. His feelings for this person in front of him is not one bit weaker than Saito's or Sayori's feeling toward each other. "How could that be" and "Why" is where his head has been stuck for the last hour. He remembers this feeling started when he was in the assembly when he saw her lifting her feet, with a smile. So he understood the "When" question. But the "Why" had no rhyme or reason. "Is he crazy for feeling this way towards someone he has met for the first time today?" this question also keeps arriving to his head.

Then the question that irritated him most was, "WHAT IS THIS PAIN?!!!" Every time he sees her feet he feels like someone stabbed him in the chest. He does not remember when he got up and grabbed a chair and placed it in front of her so she can rest her feet on it. Rather the only reason why he remembered that the chair was moved by him is that he remembers her beautiful smile when she said, "Thank you." This itself was unfair he thought because these two worlds nearly stopped his heart. But this in itself made him realize why his genius sister sometimes acts like an idiot.

Just like that, another hour passed. Kuro enters the class with a pained expression on his face.

Jessie was still facing his head down lost in thought.

Kuro says with a low tone, "Hey buddy it's time to go home."

Jessie looks up when he finds his father's voice like he was about to cry. Jessie was not the only one to look up, Kaori looks at the tall man in confusion.

Jessie asked in surprise while jumping up in his seat, "Dad what happened? Are Sis and Saito ok?!"

Kuro shows a bitter smile and nods. "Yes they are ok just tired, they are in the infirmary resting… It's just that Saito won against Sayori."

This is all that needed to be said. He knew his sister just as much as his father knew her. Even Autny knew what her plans were for today. The only reason why Autny did not come is that she did not want to place more stress on Sayori. Rather Jessie thought that if Autny was here she would have broken Saito's legs to make it easier for Sayori to win.

But this thought did not bring a smile to his face. He thought maybe he should have asked her to break his legs just enough for him not to win. His loss today would have made today the best day of his life.

Jessie instantly becomes depressed as his father.

Kaori felt all her students were her responsibility so she could not help but ask, "Why is it bad that Saito-kun won?"

Jessie almost automatically responded, "Sayori would have asked Saito out if she won, but now that she lost she does not believe she has the right to."

Kuro looks at his son strangely. This was some insider information he just spread. He was a little disappointed that Jessie let his sister's personal information out like that.

Kaori asked again, " But didn't they leave hand in hand when Hasegawa-san was giving them a tour of the school?"

Jessie as if a robot without a mind of his own responds to her as if she had the right to ask anything from him. "Yes they both love each other deeply but she doesn't feel like she is good enough for Saito."

At this point, Kuro could not help but say, "Jessie you shouldn't talk about your sister like that."

Jessie instantly responded why a slight frown. "It's ok if it's Kaori."

Even he was shocked by the amount of affection he called out her name with.

Kaori was not bothered by it. And said, "Of course, my student's personal information will not be spread even if someone threatens me with death. Don't worry Hasegawa-san."

Kuro was so shocked by these two that he felt that he was a stranger in the room. Was this not his son and a teacher he has met today? Why did it feel like he was trying to get between a husband and his wife?

Kuro believed that he was getting old and is just too tired to think clearly.

Kuro says, "Ok you can come home with me or wait for them to finish resting up to you."

Kaori instantly asks, "If they are still resting I will go there when I am about to go home. I will take them home today."

Kuro smiles at the overzealous school teacher and says, "Thank you I will leave them in your care then"

Kuro looks at his son again.

Jessie says, "I will stay with Kaori"

Kaori at this point finally realized how he has been addressing her and makes a troubled face."Uhh Jessie-kun can you please call me Kaori-sensei at least? I am still your teacher."

Jessie says when smiles, " I will call you sensei when in class but when we are with family I will call you Kaori."

His tone was so strong that Kuro was shocked for the second time. Who is this guy and why is so aggressive?

Kaori makes a troubled face and knew that she could only count her wins and losses. "Then please make sure not to forget to call me sensei in class. I would be really troubled if everyone stops call me sensei."

Jessie says with the same slightly aggressive tone. "Of course, I don't want anyone else to call you Kaori."

Kuro looks at Jessie who was acting so possessively with Kaori. That he wanted to ask how many years have they been married. But again was reminded that the charming boy was his son. And the beautiful woman was his teacher whom he has known for less than a day.

Kuro feels like he needs an expert's opinion on what is going on with Jessie so he decides to go and consult said expert. Kuro knows on tough days like this there is only one person that calms his heart.

Kuro - "Ok Mrs. Izo please take of Jessie as well. Thank you. And Jessie text me when your sister and Saito wake up. Your Aunty and I will be worried until then."

Jessie - "Yeah, Dad I will make sure they text you too."

Kuro nods and leaves the room.

Kaori remembers her feet and sits back down in a hurry and laughs.

Jessie with a frown says. "Why did you have to get up in just a hurry?"

The stab to the heart was felt again making his expression crumple.

Kaori laughs again, "Sorry. Sorry. Let's give them an hour or so. Then we will go to the nurse's office and pick them up."

Jessie flatly refused, "No I will take you first to your car, then pick up the stupid couple."

Kaori laughs and says, "Ok but you shouldn't call your friends stupid Jessie."

Jessie nods. But what he agreed with was not what she was saying. He agreed to himself that he does not care anymore when, where, or how this person became dear to him. He would take care of her from now on.