Chapter 8 “You touched me, why can't I touch you?” 

Chapter 8 "You touched me, why can't I touch you?"

Saito awoke in the nurse's office. Sayori was still asleep on his arm. He lost feeling in his left arm and his right arm was also her captive so he couldn't move at. Not that he wanted to either. He looked at her sleeping face. He stared at her face without blinking for tens of minutes. Without him realizing it it's been another 30 minutes. Then a slightly grumpy voice was heard.

Sayori - "How long do you plan on staring."

Saito instantly responded.

Saito - "Forever."

Redness starts to spread on her face. She became silent not knowing what to say. When footsteps were heard. She slowly got up to a sitting position, this fully displaying how tired she must have been.

Saito - "Want me to pick you up."

The redness that was starting to die down was back on her face.

Sayori - "No need."

Saito complained, "You touched me, why can't I touch you?"

In his head, this was a very logical question. But when Sayori was about to respond, she felt well-rested. She caught sight of a massive grin on her brother's face.

Jessie - "No fair Sis. You can't be selfish now. If you touched him it's only right he touches you. We believe in equal exchange in this country."

Just when Sayori was about to yell at her brother she caught sight of her homeroom teacher. And the words were stuck in her throat.

Saito of course wouldn't care. "Exactly Sayori, please let me hold you."

At this point, even Jessie thought that his friend was doing this on purpose. But when he saw the earnest look on the giant's face. he was so confused.

Jessie thought, "he wants to do that here? Dam my guy how bold"

He couldn't help giving him a thumbs up like a proud father when he comes back from war.

Saito didn't know why his best friend was giving him a thumbs-up, but he reciprocated.

Seeing this exchange made the innocent teacher blush so hard.

Kaori nearly screams, "Please refrain from doing such a thing on school grounds."

Sayori became so embarrassed she screams with her bright red face, "SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS!"

The four were currently sitting in Kaori's car. Jessie was in the front. And Saito and Sayori were in the back.

Sayori was crossing her arms on her chest and looked angry. She was still a bit red due to all the innuendos.

Saito has his face down like a punished child.

Saito felt wronged but he was too scared to say anything and just expressed his feelings on his face. This made Jessie laugh again.

Jessie - "Don't worry bud'm sure sis will let you touch her as much as you want home."

Saito smiled and asks for confirmation, "You sure."

A hard smack was instantly applied to the back of his head. This acted as her response and a means to relieve her stress.

Saito felt even more wronged. Jessie laughed even louder.

Kaori could help but send a glare at him for tease his friend and sister.

Kaori - "Jessie-kun you very naughty when you're with your family huh?"

However little did she know that this charming boy who was so quiet in class just a few minutes ago would use every chance he gets to tease her.

Jessie - "Of course Kaori, just wait until we're alone I will show you exactly how naughty I can be."

Kaori get red and could not respond. Sayori was struck dumb by two things. First was that way Jessie just addressed their teacher. And second, was that he sounded like he was actively flirting with her.

It's a known fact that Jessie is extremely good-looking. Even extremity does not justify his face. Jessie takes after his mother who was a Mrs. Universe winner. Not to say humans have taken over the universe but she was known to be the most beautiful woman at least on this planet. And among his admirers one can count: his classmates, upperclassmen, and even some models were actively offering themselves up if he signs a contract with their company.

So when this brother of hers was trying to flirt with their teacher she was shocked. This one statement of his silenced the entire car. Kaori was so embarrassed she couldn't say anything even though she knew he was joking. She was too embarrassed to speak. Sayori was still digesting this statement from her brother. Saito was laughing silently not wanting to get hit again, even though he didn't exactly know what Jessie was talking about. Saito just thought Sayori's open mouth expression was so cute that he could not help but laugh.

When the car arrived what greeted it then was a very angry head chef.

Like a little girl that saw her mother after being bullied, Sayori ran to her Aunty that caught her with open arms. Sayori only acted spoiled with one person and that is her Aunty. Gone was the aloof expression she had in class or the angry expression she had minutes ago. The onlookers could only see a poor defenseless girl. Who wanted to get pampered.

This however terrified the two males that were with her.

Saito was so scared to get out of the car that he put his seat belt on, which he didn't even use when the car was moving.

Jessie showed that he was the smarter one of the two. He quietly got out of the car. Loosened his tie, and raised it till it was above his eyes. Then like a person on death row, he got on his knees ready for his execution.

The other offender was too scared that when he saw the iron chef beckoning him over with her finger that he closed his eyes and started shaking his head from left to right. As if to hope, it was just a dream.

Kaori seeing all this was so shocked that her mouth dropped open. she simply couldn't keep up with the sudden development, "weren't these two laughing seconds ago? what happened"

As if a petite godzilla was approaching she stopped in front of Kaori, scaring her even.

Mayumi - "No need to be scared Izo-sensei.My name is Mayumi Kenshin. I am Saito's mother as well as Sayori's and Jessie's Aunty. Thank you so much for bringing the children back." She said with a smile on her face.

Kaori who could not believe such a sweet voice and beautiful woman could terrify these two men to a level where absolute submission is an understatement.

Kaori couldn't help but ask, "Mrs. Kenshin-san are these two in trouble?"

Mayumi's smile stretches even further as she said, "Yes they bullied me precious Sayori they will be punished."