Chapter 9 Jessie’s Predicament

Chapter 9 Jessie's Predicament

Sayori was currently in her bed. Saito and Jessie were in the basement where they would spend probably most of the night cleaning.

Sayori could help but think about all the events that happened today. She not only clarified her feelings that she has bottled up for 10 years. She also learned that the star that she was reaching out for, was also reaching out to her. Saito's words kept ringing in her ears. He said to her, "Because I love you and respect you". He confesses to her every morning. But this was the second time since his first confession that he truly showed how he felt about her. More than the "I love you" the "I respect you" made her heart warm. Sayori thought to herself that this is what she always wanted. To be able to stand side by side with him as an equal. To let this giant know that she was just as tall as him, wasn't this her life's goal? Even if she couldn't beat him today, wasn't she close? She was even winning for most of the game.

"That stupid bear just got lucky" she laughed and said to herself. He said, "But I can never disrespect you".

*Sigh* a long sigh escaped her lips. And with all that turbid air most of her negative emotions were gone.

*knock knock*

Mayumi - "Honey, may I come in?

Sayori with a big smile on her face. Replied in an equally smiling voice, "Yes Aunty please come in."

Mayumi enters with a glass of warm milk. She had a relieved smile on her face.

Mayumi - "You have no idea how worried your father and I were today. I couldn't even focus at work. Haha, I cut myself do you believe that haha."

Sayori's face instantly became as pale as a ghost. She jumped up from bed and grabbed Mayumi's bandaged hand.

Sayori asked in a voice that sound like her life was cut in half. "What happened?"

Mayumi laughs again. "Nothing it was just a small cut. Haha. You will find out when you and the dumb bear have children how we felt. When your child is worried: you are much more worried. And when your child is in pain: you are in much greater pain."

Sayori's face instantly dyed crimson.

Sayori then contemplates a little and asks, "Is it similar to how when the person you love gets hurt, you feel the pain much worse?"

Mayumi laughs again at her innocent response."No, it's even worse sweetie. When Saito gets a scrapped knee you run with antiseptics, but when your kid gets hurt you will freeze up. Haha"

This scares Sayori and her eyes lose focus for a second.

Sayori questioned the person she respected most, "Why is that?"

Mayumi smiled with a longing expression. "Because your child is the most significant proof of your love."

Sayori places a contemplating face again trying to understand.

Seeing such a reaction Mayumi laughs again. Mayumi thinks this child's reactions are so unique today.

Mayumi - "Drink your milk and tell your Aunty about your day. Remember I am always on your side you can tell me everything."

Sayori's face turns red again, but she nods obediently. And begin to explain everything that happened today at school. While listening to the explanation Mayumi could laugh from time to time. Sayori also laughed at herself and Saito. But when they got to the part with Jessie and Kaori. They both stopped breathing for a second.

As if on cue they both screamed, "JESSIE!!!!"

Jessie and Saito ran up with what looked like dirt on their faces. They look like coal miners that just left the mines. They were shaking thinking they did something wrong again. 2 loud gulps are heard when they entered the silent room.

Jessie & Saito - " Yes ma'am!"

They said with their backs straight, with one hand balled into a fist placed on their heart and the other hand behind their back like in a certain anime. Which was Mayumi's favorite.

Mayumi and Sayori were too distracted to care about the actions the two were using to appease the iron chef.

Mayumi & Sayori - "Do you love Izo-sensei?"

Saito upon hearing that, got so scared he jumped onto his knees. The action was so fast that it made a loud noise. Like a falsely accused convict he pleaded, "Mom, Sayori, I swear to god I love Sayori and no one else! Please you gotta believe me !!!"

Saito reacted so fast that he left everyone else in the room stunned. Soon loud footsteps were heard.

Kuro jumped into the room out of breath, "haaa haaa is everyone ok?"

The whole situation left the true perpetrator lost, but he soon composed himself. Knowing his sister and Aunty would always support him no matter who he loved.

Jessie - "Yes Aunty and yes Sis. I love her as much as you love Saito."

Jessie couldn't help but say this to tease his sister in order to divert her attention, but today it didn't work

Sayori didn't know why his usual teasing was useless today. Was it because she already opened up about her feelings or was it because Jessie being in love with someone was such a monstrous event she herself didn't know.

Silent permeated the room as his whole family heard his proud declaration.

Surprisingly the usually confused one asked the most sensible question.

Saito - "What is your plan to get her to accept you?"

Saito might have asked this question because he was very happy for his best friend. But he also asked this because Sayori still hasn't accepted his proposal yet, and he wants to learn from his smart friend.

No one can really blame Saito for wanting to learn from Jessie. Jessie can almost read minds with his empathic ability. Even Kuro wanted to hear how the only guy who can mind reads plans to make someone fall in love with him. In actuality, the males were not the only ones that wanted to hear his answer. Sayori also strained her ears not to miss a single word of such important information.

As his family tried to slow their heartbeats in order to hear his words even more clearly. Jessie felt disgusted with all of them.

In an irritated voice, he said. "There is someone who already loves each of you. What the hell are you asking me for?"

Sayori and Saito looked at each other upon hearing Jessie's words. Then turn to opposite directions. While Kuro was confused.

Jessie let loose a long sign at how childish his family was acting. But remembers that love does make one stupid to an unbelievable degree. Wasn't he almost struck dumb for 4 hours when he fell for Kaori?

Jessie looks at Saito, the origin of the question everyone wanted to know. "I don't have a plan. I will enjoy my time with her as much as possible. Then when I feel she changed the way she looks at me, I will ask her to go out with me. Simple no?"

Jessie says with a large smile on his face. As if proud of himself.

Sayori instantly grabs the bridge of her nose where her glasses usually sit and says in a voice so dark that it sounds like the abyss itself, "So you plan on cheating"

Saito and Kuro - "huh"

Saito and Kuro let out a sound automatically. When they first heard Jessie's response they thought how amazingly manly he was to leave his love to the fates and just go with the flow.

But hearing Sayori's response they recalled that this jerk can read minds. "Changed the way she looks at me" Who are trying to lie to? You can feel exactly what she is feeling, you bastard. Even if your eyes are closed… no wait you don't even need to turn towards her direction to tell exactly what is she feeling.

Saito and Kuro - "This guy need to be punished!"

They both said in a voice that sounded similar to how a judge would react when presiding over a murder.

It was quite an impressive feat that Jessie made 3 people that loved him seriously consider researching the science of cloning. So they could experience killing him a few hundred times.

The only calm one in the room was Mayumi brought everyone back to the topic at hand.

Mayumi - "Kiddo you look handsome enough, but she will always think of you as her student."

Kuro, Saito, and Sayori "What?"

Jessie did not say anything and frowned.

Mayumi continued, "Remember what happened at dinner today? When all of us were eating today she gave you, Sayori, and Saito the same look and amount of attention. But from Sayori's narration, you spend many hours with her alone. Even when to the level of flirting with her in a joking manner. But her look remained the same."

Jessie's voice turn deep and asked in a serious voice for the first time. "Then in your opinion what should I do?"

His tone of voice surprised everyone except Mayumi. No one has ever heard Jessie be this serious about any subject. But they all realize how seriously he fell for this girl. That just the prospect of never being with her would be a matter of life and death level seriousness.

Mayumi takes a deep breath and also continues in the same tone of voice as Jessie. "You need to work proactively to change her opinion of you. She needs to think that you are not her student but a person she can rely on. She needs to see you as an adult worth being in a relationship with."

Jessie - "Sorry Aunty you still haven't answered my question. What should I do?"

Mayumi smiles and says, " It's simple, be superior to her in everything. While remaining by her side. And when she stumbles hold her back up with encouragement."

After a few moments of silence as if Jessie was thinking about every word that Mayumi said he spoke.

Jessie - "You think she will fall for me then?"

Mayumi raises her hand and says, "Love is a very complex emotion. It's easy to make someone hate you or even be friends with you. But true love is tricky. You can only leave that to fate, but this will make it so you will not be stuck as her cute student. At least you have a shot if she thinks of you as a superior."

Sayori suddenly asks, " Why does he have to be superior to her"

Sayori couldn't help herself from asking this while looking at Saito. She did not necessarily mind being superior to Saito. But she did mind being left behind by him.

Mayumi laughs, "She, not you so don't worry. Haha like I said love is tricky. Everyone has different standards for it. And what Jessie asked for is true love. Even if you know about the person every like and dislike you can't promise that they will fall for you. If your appearance matches their taste they will be attracted to you. If your like matches theirs, they will like talking to you and spending time with you. Does that mean they fell for you? Of course not. Love is also not just physiological or just psychological. It is also chemical and historical. Haha. It's cultural too. There are too many factors to point out to create your love formula. This is why I say it's fate. But to directly answer your question let's talk about your situation. What is your position to Saito?"

Sayori flushes for a second but due to the importance of this question, she calms down and thinks as critically as she can. She even places her glasses down on the table to have less distraction.

After what seemed like an eternity she responds in a dejected tone.

Sayori - "I was in an inferior position."

This leaves everyone so confused. Inferior, Sayori? When? How?

Saito himself wanted to say, "But I am dumb?"

realizing that they probably know something he didn't he decided to keep his mouth shut.

Sayori continues, "I never beat, Saito. Not once. Even though I have Dad's genes. I could never beat him"

Mayumi smiles at her perceptive student. And elaborates further. "This is why you wanted to become his equal before accepting him. And this is why you don't mind if you're better than him. But you can't accept being worse. In the opposite situation. Jessie is her student and he will always be her student until he graduates. This is why hope is never lost. If he can't overcome her while being in school. He would just have to try to get closer to her after graduation. But if he doesn't want to wait and he wants her to look at him as an equal he needs to first step ahead of her."