Chapter 10 - Different Types of Love

Chapter 10 - Different Types of Love

Jessie was laying in his bedroom. It was 3 in the morning. He still hasn't slept. Last night's conversation kept playing in his head. "first step ahead".

Jessie recalled Mayumi's words. Many aspects of last night's conversation affected him greatly.

He thought: "be superior to her in everything" is what Aunty said."That is easier said than done. I have to be better at English than my English teacher. More mature than a 20-year-old while being 15. And more reliable than a fully functioning independent adult. In all honesty, this is not even what bugs me the most.

What bugs me the most is Aunty herself. If Aunty knows so much about love, then why can't she see how Dad feels about her? I know she loves him too. Again if I compare Sis and Saito, and now me and Kaori. The love Aunty and Dad have is just as strong. And they know each other even longer than I have been alive."

Jessie scratches his hair aggressively while saying. "Ugh, what is wrong with them? I can't wait, I need to ask Aunty."

Jessie jumps out of bed runs downstairs and runs to the other house. Jessie usually does not do any physical activity so even this much exertion has left him breathing heavily and loudly. As he was about to knock on the door while grasping. The door opens on its own.

Mayumi - "You know, knocking at someone's door at this time, is beyond rude right?

Jessie looks at Mayumi. She was in the same clothes as last night with a cup of coffee in her hand which leaves him shocked. While she walks inside leaving the door open. Jessie thinks she did not sleep either last night. Jessie hurriedly follows her. Mayumi takes a cup of orange juice out and pours it into a cup. Seeing this Jessie smiles.

Jessie - "You know everything, Aunty."

This ambiguous statement makes Mayumi have a bitter smile. She hands it to him. And sits across from him at the same table they have all their meals.

Mayumi still with a bitter smile asks Jessie, " Ask what you want to ask."

Jessie can feel she already knows what he wanted to ask the moment she opened the door. But he acts obedient anyway.

Jessie - "Aunty why don't you want to be my mother?"

Hearing him actually, ask so bluntly makes Mayumi smile even more bitterly.

Mayumi - "You know, even though you are an empath you are kind of heartless."

Jessie - "That's because I have always loved Aunty like my mother. And always will. So I have the right to ask."

Mayumi seeing Jessie act so aggressively, smiles and sighs.

Mayumi - "Izo-sensei did a number on you huh? You so full emotion now or rather you're so filled with energy."

Jessie restates his prior statement. "You know everything, Aunty."

Mayumi asks, "First tell me how much you know about your father and my past."

Jessie becomes silent for a moment to think. Then says, "Not much, all I know is you guys were friends, and then an accident happened and my mom and Saito's dad died."

Mayumi nods her head and says, "Yes that is significant. But a lot is missing from your knowledge. The first thing I would like to say is your father and I became friends after I got married to Saito's father. Your mother and I were childhood friends though."

This information shocks Jessie. And he asks, "Why didn't you guys tell us anything?"

Mayumi places another bitter smile on her face. "It's too painful in too many ways."

Mayumi touches her face and thinks I have been putting this smile on too much recently.

Mayumi continuously trying to be positive. "That's not all, your father and Saito's father were also childhood friends. You did notice the dumb bear's height right? They were often ignored in school; they stood out too much because they were always tall. That's why they became close friends the only difference was they used their physical characteristics for different purposes as adults. Your father loved basketball and Saito's father wanted to be a firefighter."

12 years ago

A dark and cold night. The rain was more audible than even the single car on the road. A long narrow passage where a black luxury car was moving steadily. The only light on this mountain path was the headlights of the car and the large smiles of the car's passengers.

Inside the car was a family of four. Two adults and two young children. A tall and handsome man was driving the vehicle. His face was full of smiles while his eyes were full of love for the person sitting in the passenger seat.

Kuro - "Honey I am so glad we came to my hometown. I can't wait to show you the house I bought. Also, I can't wait for you to see the surprise I got for you."

Kuro said to his wife. The woman sitting next to him had beauty that could make the countries collapse. If Helen of Troy looked like her then no one could blame that young prince. She had platinum blonde hair that silk could not match. Bright blue eyes eyes like glass that shinned brighter than any amethyst. However, they felt deep, deeper than any ocean. Every time he looks at his wife's eyes he remembers the first time he saw them. The tall and handsome man felt that he was dropped into the middle of the ocean with no hope to escape. Even now after many years, of marriage he still finds himself lost in her eyes. Unfortunately on a night like this distraction from the road could be deadly…

Mayumi was sitting on her couch looking out the window. It was still dark out she could not help but have a worried expression on her face. From the window, she can see the loud smacking of rain hitting the window. The rain itself seems angry tonight. She was told by her husband to call off today due to the horrible weather, and since the restaurant was not expecting many customers she agreed. She foolishly wanted to ask why doesn't he also call off, but she knew. This man, who has never once missed a single day in his life as a fireman would not start now.

Mayumi thought trying to cheer herself up, her childhood friend and her family will be living next to them now. Her friend's husband says it's a surprise so she hasn't told her either. She couldn't wait to see the expression on her face. She also couldn't wait to play with her cute niece and nephew. Mayumi looked at Saito who was sleeping on the couch with his head on her lap. She thought that her boy would have new friends to play with now.

A loud bang was heard on the mountain path. A large van that was driving on the opposite road suddenly turned towards the luxury car and hit it halfway off the mountain. Thankfully the highway rail stopped the car from completely falling off the mountain. However, the rail was now under the car. A slight tip would cause the vehicle to fall off the mountain. The luxury vehicle had an emergency response signal with a GPS so the moment the accident occurred the fire department was notified.

Minutes later, a firefighter truck and an ambulance were seen. Four firemen ran out of seeing the wreckage. A tall figure was seen with a dark frown on his face seeing the wreckage. On his head was a red hat that displayed his position as captain. He instantly gave orders for 2 of his subordinates to check on the van that was flipped over. He and the remaining firefighter will check on the car close to the edge. The medical personnel were getting ready to receive anyone who was hurt. From this side, it was impossible to know that the luxury vehicle was close to falling because the rail was positioned diagonally under the car. Upon getting closer to the car the tall figure's heart stopped. He sees his best friend who was supposed to come tomorrow in the car along with his family. The tall figure sees the two children and decides they are the priority here. He asks his subordinate to grab the boy closest to them while he goes to the other side to grab the girl.

Due to the crash, all persons within the vehicle were unconscious. The only wounded man was his friend. He could not see his right hand. Holding on to his sadness. He thought what would his friend want him to do first? The answer would be simple. So after taking both children out of the car. He asks his subordinate to grab his friend while he grabs the woman from the same side he grabbed the child earlier. This was a mistake…

The moment the subordinate firefighter pulled Kuro out of the car. The vehicle began to till towards the edge of the mountain. Seeing this the captain positioned himself between the car and the edge. Using all of his strength to keep the car from falling off the mountain. He used his strength to the maximum. Blood vessels could be seen twitching all over his handsome face. The subordinate starts the become afraid the moment the car starts to tilt to the other side.

The captain screamed. "Get him out of here NOW!!!"

The terrified subordinate reacts automatically to the order of his fearless captain. He starts to run dragging the man who is so much taller than himself.

The rain was hard and loud hiding a small sound of dripping oil. The captain's face was soaking wet even though his captain's hat was shielding it from the rain. Seconds felt like years for the man without proper footing who was holding half a weight of a full metal vehicle. And like all things in this life, his incredible strength too withered. The car tilted towards him.

He still did not let go.

He would not let go.

Every life he sees he will protect, this was the purpose of the body he was given.

Then at that moment when Kuro was being dragged to the ambulance he opened his eyes. He saw that he was being dragged. He had no strength to even speak but worried about his family he somehow turned his head around, while still being dragged.

He saw his best friend.

A smile spread out of his face, having full faith that his friend who always protected him; even as a child would protect his family now.

The simple fact that he saw his friend filled his heart with so much relief that he closed his eyes. He had blind faith in that man. He thought that man could do anything and everything. But then he heard an explosion…


His eyes which were so filled with relief a second ago, opened so wide that he could almost feel them falling out.

He saw the black car on fire.

The explosion was so powerful the car jumped eventually falling into the dark chasm taking away the man he respected most and the woman he loved the most with it.

The explosion was heard by everyone at the scene but they all shared the same shocked and grief-filled expression. The emergency responders did not know the person the fire chief was trying to save. But everyone knew of the hero who saved countless lives, and they knew the hero would not be able to save another after today.

Mayumi who was blankly looking at Jessie's shocked-filled expression had tears running down her face. She did not even feel them as they were dropping into her cup of coffee. She kept on staring at the youth who was clutching at his chest like holding onto an old wound that still hurt him.

Jessie took a deep breath and see Mayumi's tears he immediately got up and wiped them off her face. The strongest person he ever knew, now looked like a little girl whose treasure was cruelly stolen from her. When in fact it was.

Jessie said in a choking voice said, "I am sorry"

Mayumi smiled with a face that was more pained than the one she had before repeated his words to him "I am sorry too".

After a long while sounds were heard coming from upstairs. In his training clothes, Saito came out of his room. He sees a dull look on his family members but can feel something wrong so he says, "Should I make breakfast instead of training today." Still not registering that someone has spoken to them. Their bodies reacted themselves not trying to trouble someone they love they shake their head from left to right.

Reluctantly Saito leaves the house saying "I will be back".

Moments later when the sun's raise fell onto Jessie and Mayumi's face they awoke from their stupor.

Mayumi is the first to creak a smile and starts by saying. "After that, it's known history you guys moved in next to us as was planned. Kuro and I supported each other and raised all you kids like our own. And here we are today. At some point, I started seeing Kuro in a romantic light, but can't help but feel guilty about you losing your mother. And I think he feels the same."

Jessie clears his throat, "I see. It was much more complex than I thought."

Mayumi reminds the youth in front of her. " This is why I said, love is fate. I love Kuro and I know he loves me but we will probably never be together."

Jessie's face crunches up and says in an unconvinced manner. "Isn't that too sad though?! Isn't that unfair?!! Why can't the two of you be happy?!!!"

With his every word, his scream became louder and louder. Feeling all these negative emotions would have normally left him half asleep. The reason for his energy to scream was the woman in front of him.

Mayumi asks, " Am I unhappy?"

It sounded so strange for someone to ask someone else if they are happy. But the empath understood completely. Rather he couldn't understand it at all. The first time he fell in love was yesterday and all he wanted to do was hold that person forever. How could he understand Mayumi who was with her love for years but never once held him?

Yet she still was happy. He can feel it clearly. The woman in front of him was as happy as she always was. She had the same reliable smile she always did. She was also emitting the positive emotion always does.

Seeing the confused look on the youth that was her son, she smiled and said. "Even though we are not together we are companions in this life. We have raised our children together. And will always be partners. And besides, to us, our world begins and ends with you. Seeing you kids grow up happy and healthy is the greatest happiness in this life for both of us. So don't worry too much and become a strong and reliable man. Not only so that you can impress your lady, but so your father and I don't have to worry about you so much.

Jessie started to cry. He didn't know why exactly cried.

First, he thought: how unfair fate was to take his mother away and this woman's husband away.

Second, he thought: how unfair it was that this woman could not be with the person loved.

Third, he thought how: kind fate was to give him a mother like the woman in front of him.

Then he thought that it must have been for all these reasons.

And cried some more and a bit louder.

Mayumi stood up from her chair and hugged her son who was crying. She never once differentiated between Saito and Jessie. They both were her boys and she loved them both to death. It was at the funeral of her husband and best friend that she promised herself that Jessie and Sayori would never feel the absence of their mother, while she was alive.

Jessie suddenly says, "Mom, thank you so much for everything."

Mayumi is stunned for a second then hugs Jessie tighter and says. "No problem."

She realizes that her promise from so many years ago has been fulfilled.