Chapter 11 - New Sayori

Chapter 11 - New Sayori

After the hug ended between mother and son they separated. Mayumi then got another cup of juice for Jessie, and some more coffee for herself. Jessie watched absentmindedly.

Then when she sat down again he asked," So are you gonna just act like normal."

Mayumi asked in exchange, "What's changed?"

Jessie let loose the longest sigh of his life. Then asked, "Then can I call you mom? I don't remember any mother besides you. Sayori feels the same. We just replaced Aunty with Mom in our heads anyway."

Mayumi's smile becomes bitter again. "Honestly I would like that, but it would be very painful to you father."

Jessie then concludes that "Then in turn we would be hurting you."

Mayumi smiles and says "You two aren't the only ones to rewire your brains."

Jessie laughs and says in a teasing voice. "True. Besides Sayori will be calling you mom soon enough. Haha"

Mayumi makes a strained expression, "Yes instead of working for me you need to remain as their strategist. Those two need your help so badly."

Saito came back earlier than usual because of the atmosphere he felt. But he ran hard to compensate. He was still sweating and was out of breath. When came back he saw Jessie asleep at the dinner table while his mother was reading a book.

Saito - "Mom you ok, your eyes a red."

Mayumi smiles, "Don't worry, I was reading a tragedy."

Saito was too scared of his mother to point out that she was holding a cookbook so he nods his head and goes to take a shower and get dressed.

He comes out soon and sees not much development has occurred while he was gone. So he states making breakfast.

A few minutes before he was finished Sayori walked in. Seeing him make breakfast she has a small smile on her face she could not wait to eat. At this sometime Mayumi left to get ready. Sayori sees her brother sleeping so she smacks his head. Jessie gets up and sees his sister.

Then in a fake irritated voice, he says.

Jessie - "Morning sis.

Saito, hearing Jessie, turns around and looks at her. When he was about to greet her with his usual greeting she interrupts him.

Sayori - "Finish up first, I am not going anywhere."

She says with a smile.

Hearing this he smiles his smile was much wider today from her words. Jessie observes this interaction and could not help but ask," Would you newlyweds like me leave the room, or the house even?"

Sayori frowns and says, "Why don't you leave Earth?"

Jessie nods and confirms, "So you didn't disagree with the newlywed part just disagreed with the distance I am supposed to be away."

See her blunder she was left speechless. Once again she felt she was a the mercy of her brother and her subconscious.

The door opened again and Kuro walked.

Kuro "Mornin'n kiddos ... where is Mayumi. Is she ok?"

Jessie answered his father. "She is a bit late at getting ready today."

Kuro didn't believe it "Really?"

Jessie said in annoyance, "She is human too you know."

Sayori couldn't sit still, she was also bothered that Mayumi was not there. And just when she was about to walk to her room. Mayumi came downstairs with a smile when she saw her family gathered for breakfast.

Mayumi was wearing a fresh set of clothes and just took a shower.

Kuro's eyes lost focus when he saw her. But no one besides Mayumi and Jessie knew.

Mayumi said, "I don't have work today so I am just going to take a bit easy that's all."

Jessie grumbled, "I wish I don't have school."

Mayumi instantly said, "Don't you have a certain teacher you need to impress? I would what she will think if you miss class?"

Kuro and Sayori thought "Checkmate"

Saito finished presenting breakfast to everyone. He made eggs, sausage, salad, pancakes, and fruit salad.

Sayori looked at the thick stack of eggs and pancakes in front of her and couldn't help but have a large smile on her face. She didn't like meat but loved eggs and pancakes. Mayumi had eggs and some salad. Kuro and Saito are eggs and sausages. Jessie ate eggs and fruit salad.

Then right before everyone started eating Saito said the same line everyone here has been hearing since he received his MVP last year. "Good morning Sayori, would you marry me?"

The non-participant of this conversation just started eating expecting the same scene to play out like always. But today was different.

Sayori - "Not today later."

Kuro and Jessie dropped their spoons. Mayumi also stop.

Saito stood up. He needed to ask for confirmation. "Please repeat that again"

Sayori frowned and said, "I said not today later."

Upon hearing the confirmation of her response Saito sat down in his chair like he did need anything else in the world. He looked so satisfied.

Looking at his face Sayori couldn't help but say "your food is gonna get cold."

He responded automatically "I am full already"

Sayori started to frown. She said in a tone that did not allow any rebuttal. "Eat now or I will be upset."

Saito woke up from his euphoria. And said "Yeah actually I am really hungry. Thank you so much for the food Sayori."

No one reminded him that he made the food. Everyone at the table were still digesting the fact that she accepted his marriage proposal.

After the meal was over Sayori seemed to have made up her mind about something.

Sayori then cleared her throat and said, I am joining the basketball team."

Mayumi looked at her with concern and said, Sweetheart are you sure? What about what happened last time?"

After she started to be ignored on her basketball team. She vowed she would never play basketball with a team again. She also became much colder at school. And was never seen talking to anyone else besides Jessie and Saito.

Kuro and Jessie had the same worried expression as Mayumi.

Saito was thinking that Sayori could do anything she wanted and he would always support her decisions so it didn't matter what she chose to do.

Sayori clarified, "I plan on joining the boys' basketball team."

Kuro, Jessie and Saito "Huh?!??

Mayumi sips her coffee and then brings the conversation forward.

"How do you plan to do that?"

Sayori puts on an evil smile and says "First I will pretend to be Jessie and then join the team."

Jessie and Sayori look similar since they are siblings even more since they are twins. The biggest difference would be their hair, Sayori's glasses, and eye color.

Sayori continues, "I prepared a wig that can be secured so when I run it won't come off. I also have some contacts that changed my eye colors. She starts naming many items that would allow her to fully transform into Jessie.

Jessie could not help but ask," Sis how long have you been preparing for this"

Sayori stops mid-sentence then looks at Saito with a red face then says, "Since he won MVP last year"

This time Saito could hold himself back. He fainted on the spot. While muttering "Cute" continuously.

His muttering were heard by the whole family

Making Sayori even redder with his every word.

As the three were walking to school. Saito looked like he was going to start skipping. Jessie did his best to stop his friend back. And Sayori looking at him was trying her best to keep her outside aloof her expression.

Jessie had more than enough of his friend's antics.

"Bro you need to stop!"

Saito - "I can't help it. I am so happy today not only did Sayori say she would marry me she said she will play basketball with me by joining XXXXX"

Jessie and Sayori instantly grab the big bear's mouth to shut him up.

Saito - "Sorry."

Jessie and Sayori sighed

Sayori - "I know you are happy, I am too. But you need to be quiet otherwise we will all get in trouble."

Unfortunately for her, after she said she was happy too, Saito's brain stopped working and his soul left his body.

She realized that and knew she had to be a bit more firm with the dumb bear.

Sayori - "Saito you a forbidden from speaking about this. Promise me "

Saito woke from his second euphoria attack and said "I promise"

Saito was a simple boy filled with innocence. When he makes a promise he never breaks it.

Jessie and Sayori let out a sigh thinking that now the plan for the future can start.

Jessie says, "Since both of you will be these I will join too. I won't play, but I will help you keep your secret. And help you cheat hahaha."

Sayori smiles and says "Thanks Jessie"

Jessie - "Of course."

The school was uneventful. Even the homeroom and English that Jessie was so excited about ended without much interaction between Kaori and himself. After both these classes ended Kaori left to get to the next class. Jessie looked like a puppy whose master left him home alone.

Looking at his blight Sayori and Saito started laughing at him. He was so frustrated he started trying to bite them. Making them laugh harder while they were running away.

It was lunchtime.

The three were eating lunch together. Sayori was looking at her brother and Saito messing around. She was smiling at their goody actions. When she suddenly realized that the smile from this morning has not left her face. She was usually aloof at school. Sometimes even blunted. Not making any expression. But since starting this school she feels her emotions are too strong for her to control her face. Then she recalls how she responded to Saito's proposal "Not today later". Suddenly a soft bell-like laugh started to leak out of my face. "Hehehehe"

The classroom became quiet. Yesterday many people tried to talk to the extremely beautiful girl with glasses. Who also received the top score on the freshman entrance exam. If her appearance and intelligence were not enough reason to speak to her, her connection would be the most important reason. She was the daughter of a retired professional basketball player. And he was the head coach of the school. The number of favors she could provide while being at this school left everyone hungry to speak to her. She was also the sister of Jessie. The man who would make models chase him. Alas, this woman was colder than the artic. She also looked to have a short temper. The only two people she spoke to. She was physically abused all day. So when her class saw her laugh they were so confused.

Still, in her own world, she remembers Saito's stupid face when she said "Not today later". "Heheheheeh"

Sayori's laugh gets louder and louder. Her face becomes red because she couldn't stop laughing. Then she remembers him fainting while saying "Cute". She started laughing uncontrollably.


The class was dead silent. Even Jessie and Saito looked at her like a strange new animal. She has not laughed like that even at home. She was so lost in her own world while reminiscing about this morning that while laughing she stood up and kissed Saito on his left cheek. And grabbed her brother and kissed him on his right cheek. Still laughing she went to the bathroom.

Jessie and Saito looked at the slight mark on each other's cheeks with an absolutely horrified expressions. They were so scared that their minds stopped working. They were so confused at what just happened that they didn't even notice when Sayori returned. What brought them back to Earth with her bright, sweet voice. "You still have food in your lunch boxes. Aunty will be sad if you don't finish your meals."

She still had her sweet smile on her face. Jessie wanted to ask if she was feeling ok. But the dumb bear said the smartest thing ever.

Saito - "Sayori you have such a pretty smile"

Sayori upon hearing that smiled even more brightly and pointed at his meal. Saito obediently started eating. Even Jessie who loved to tease his sister could not break this happy moment for her. Jessie does not remember when she smiled like that. He was truly happy for her at this moment.

The school day ended with no other sweet moments. As class continued Saito kept looking at Sayori with his goofy smile. Sayori would have hit him at this point if it was before, but maybe because her affection for him has broken through some barrier she allowed him to do what he wanted.

Finally, it was after school. The four suspects were all in Kuro's personal office. As one of the greatest reasons for the school's popularity. Kuro's office was more like a hotel room than an office. There were four couches facing each other in the middle of them was a large rectangular table. And at the far end was a large desk facing the couches. Which was surrounded by chairs. He even had a private bathroom.

Jessie - "Ok so since it's just practice I don't have to come right?"

Sayori's happy smile was nowhere to be seen at her brother's dumb question. "No you idiot you can't show yourself to anyone otherwise we will be caught. Stay here obediently until practice is over."

Jessie looked horrified. When Sayori made this face he would usually not try to argue with her. But with this subject, he couldn't help himself. "But Sayori what about Kaori."

Sayori signed she knew her brother would ask this question. This is why she has come prepared. "I know you would be sacrificing your precious time with Izo-sensei, so I asked her to come to our house from now on because 'you' have joined the basketball team and do not have time to come for tutoring after class. I have even said Aunty would like to make her dinner for thanking her for it"

Jessie's heart stopped. He nearly fainted from happiness. Sayori smiled, she thought his face looked like a certain someone this morning.

Jessie was still imagining eating dinner with Kaori every day.

Kuro - "Ok Sayori hurry up and get ready. Then we will go to practice together."

Sayori - "Got it"

She left for the bathroom. After a few minutes, she walked out looking nearly identical to Jessie.

Sayior - "What do you guys think?"

Along with the school's white and red uniform. Sayori had a fullbody underarmor. Only her face and hands were visible.

Kuro and Jessie nodded

Kuro - "You look pretty similar. Should be enough."

Jessie - "Well done, make me look good."

Sayori looked at Saito who was still looking at her like normal.

She couldn't help but ask, "What do you think?"

Siato shrugged and said, "You look kinda like Jessie. But to me, you still look like pretty Sayori and you still smell good too so."

His statement made everyone else in the room have two questions. They first would like to know how closely he looks at Sayori. And second, is how much does he smell her.

Sayori was not an exception to these thoughts, but instead of being embarrassed or mad at his remark. She smiled and nodded like this is how it should be.

Kuro and Jessie couldn't help but feel like: they can't keep up with them anymore, so they gave up on trying to.

Kuro said with a smile, "Ok kiddos it's time for practice, let's hit the courts."

Sayori smiled the brightest she had done since elementary school. She finally can finally play basketball with the person loves.