Chapter 4: Confront

Sarah and Fred were in the school library, nervously discussing the strange hooded people they both had lately. Sarah admitted to Fred that she was scared the people had followed her home, frightened out of her wits. Fred too was scared, confessing to Sarah he was worried they had followed him into the tunnel when he had gone alone the previous night.

Feeling a strange connection between them, Sarah started to open up to Fred about her fears that the hooded people were tracking her. She felt paranoid around them, like she was being watched every second. Fred too shared his experience of the same strange feeling, comforting Sarah in her fear.

The mention of the tunnel stirred a fear in the two of them, a fear that something was waiting for them in the dark. After much debating and analyzing, Sarah and Fred came to the conclusion that the hooded people had to have been sent by some sinister force. They both needed to remain vigilant at all times.

Sarah and Fred were both apprehensive of the hooded people. Fred mentioned how he had seen how they seemed to be keeping track of him, and Sarah talked about how her parents had noticed them around her house. Neither of them knew what the hooded people wanted and felt powerless to them.

When Sarah found out Fred's plan to go back to the tunnel alone again, she proposed that they go together. It would give them a sense of safety and protection, while they investigated what was going on. Though their parents had strictly forbidden it, they realized the importance of their mission and decided to risk it.

Once at the tunnel, Sarah and Fred began to explore, trading one glance every now and then to make sure everything was okay. As they crept through the darkness, Sarah's fear increased exponentially. She felt like something was on top of her, ready to pounce. Fred, being the brave one, tried to soothe her with his reassuring words.

Suddenly, Fred stopped in his tracks, motioning for Sarah to stay still. He had seen a group of hooded people walking towards them, seemingly out of nowhere. This definitely confirmed Sarah and Fred's suspicions about the hooded people being after them. Sarah and Fred ran back in the opposite direction, desperately hoping they hadn't been noticed.

Safe back at the school library, Sarah and Fred discussed the encounter they had. Both were shaken but they were relieved that they were okay. Sarah thanked Fred for being so brave and strong through the ordeal.

The rest of their conversations were more optimistic and they were able to come up with a plan of action. They both agreed that they needed to find out more information about the hooded people and tried to stay one step ahead of them.

Sarah and Fred understood that the hooded people had some sort of ulterior motive that was beyond their control. They both had to remain brave and vigilant so that when the time was right, they could take the initiative to seek out and protect the people of their school.


Fred and I exited the library. The hooded people followed us. I can't believe it. I brushed my hair out of my eyes. "The hell?" I said as a thin lock of white hair fell off of my head. Fred looked at me with a curious look. "What?" I tilted my head up to lock eyes with him. "Nothing." A couple of police cars passed us. Me and Fred locked eyes. We ran towards the direction the police cars were heading. Not knowing about the dangers ahead of us.