
As the feast reached its conclusion, a group of musicians took their place of one of the low tables. The food trays were cleared away by the slaves, and Titania brushed Roland's arm, indicating he should take his place in the dance area.

The first dance of the evening began as an individual dance of Roland alone, representing the founding of Rhone by the first king. His instructors had taught him the moves carefully, and as the music started he stepped forward twice, clapped his hands above his head, then retreated, turning a quarter turn to repeat the moves in succession to each of the cardinal directions. At each clap, another dancer joined him, symbolic of the ancient king gathering the people from all directions in unity.

Having gathered the four other dancers, he spun, one hand in front of his waist, the other behind his back, as the others rotated around him like a wheel. The kingdom began to function. As the music grew, so did the number of dancers, all men at first, but women were pulled into the dance and paired with the men, showing how the kingdom grew into a place of families.

The dance continued and Roland came face to face with his partner in the crush and swirl of the dance floor. He bowed as she curtsied, and their hands came up, turned to clasp the other person's. They rotated slowly around their joined hands, and Roland caught the scent of roses, mint, and something else.

The woman whose hand he held in dance was beautiful. Her hair was as dark as her eyes, but both caught the light of the bonfire in a way that changed what might have been an unsettling black void into something akin to an eclipse: darkness hiding the brightest light. She smiled at him and then shyly averted her eyes, and his head clouded.

Something wasn't right.

He looked over to Titania, who wore an expression of pleased interest as she observed them. She gave him an encouraging smile, and he turned back to his partner before he missed a step. She was blushing in the firelight with her gaze still modestly avoiding his.

The women hadn't come with the men to greet him during the feast, remaining in their seats instead. He supposed she must be the daughter of some general or something, but didn't care enough to ask.

"We're all so thankful you've returned to us," the young woman ventured to say, causing a fresh wave of the scent to pass over Roland. She must be good at dancing to be able to speak while remembering the steps. Roland simply gave her a noncommittal half-smile as a reply.

Besides, he was distracted trying to figure out the other components of the peculiar perfume. He was sure it was the reason he felt a little light-headed, and the air around the woman's head was seeming to shimmer softly.

"My name is Brenna," She offered as they switched hands and turned the opposite direction. He almost introduced himself, then realized that she obviously already knew his name, and he also would have introduced himself as Roland, which would have been poor form.

"Your eyes are amazing," She purred at him, prompting him to make eye contact with her again, "like the blue of the sky in the summer, with the sun shining all around, not like the cursed Darkness," her tone turned to one of fear. It was an odd compliment, given that his eyes marked him as a foreigner and should not be attractive to her, he would think.

His eyes narrowed. Though he had relatively little experience with women, he recognized her flattery as being in the same vein as Titania's. Yet he felt... softened by it? He took a deep steadying breath, but it was full of that mysterious scent again.

Titania's style of flattery. The herbal scent. His head felt like it was struggling through mud, but he realized he should get away from this woman as soon as the dance was over. He managed a polite smile before it was time to join both hands and spin.

She clasped his, and he noticed her hands were cool, and her fingers long and delicate. She smiled at him again, having lost her previous shyness.

"What do you think of the dance?" She asked, finally saying something that required an answer of him.

"It is... intriguing," He struggled to speak and concentrate on the steps with his head becoming muddied. She guided him through the next part as he continued, "I don't know the whole story it tells."

She blushed at him, though dully he thought it seemed inauthentic, and lowered her eyes shyly.

"This part tells the story of the first king finding his queen," She whispered, just loudly enough for him to hear, "In the spinning and chaos of the new kingdom, they found each other, and their lives shifted to revolve around one another."

Roland tried to shake off the heady feeling. This was a trick. A trap. He was sure of it. He pulled Finn's image to the forefront of his mind as a defensive barrier against Brenna's wiles. He was even tempted to mention already being in love to throw this seductress off balance, but that might put Finn at risk.

Instead, he plunged headfirst into a very dangerous game. Ignoring her wasn't going to work, so engaging her was the only other option.

"Is that so?" He smiled at Brenna.

"Oh, yes," She said, beaming up at him as he spun her and caught her hands again.

"Tell me more," He said. Short responses were his best way to keep his concentration and also lead her into oversharing to keep his interest. He guessed she was not quite so good at this game as Titania; maybe he had a chance against her despite the intoxicating scent.

"Oh, I can't recall the entire tale. I do love the dance, and you are very talented at it." She laughed lightly in enjoyment.

"Not like others." He managed, glancing at the swirl around them.

She turned her head away and he felt a short moment of reprieve.

"No, you're not like others." She conceded, "You were born for great things, I venture to guess." The full force of the perfume's pull hit him again and muddied his head.

He smiled politely. Blessedly, the song was rapidly coming to its conclusion. He was aching for some fresh air. He bowed deeply, and she curtsied.

"Thank you for the dance," She purred at him, "I hope we might have another in the course of the evening."

"Perhaps we shall," He replied evenly, with a smile that kept it from being taken as a rude rejection. He turned and left, holding his breath until he got back to his place and sat. He gulped down fresh air to clear his mind.

Titania smiled at him, "What a wonderful dance! You did beautifully, Derek," She said, "Who was that lovely girl you danced with?"

"I believe you know Brenna, your Majesty." Roland replied, causing Titania to raise her eyebrows.

"Oh? Did she mention knowing me?" She tilted her head in perplexity.

"No, I just recognized some traits that you must have taught her." He replied cryptically.

"I'm not sure I understand," She blinked at him in innocence.

"Perhaps I'm mistaken," He allowed graciously, dipping his head and taking a drink of water. He shouldn't provoke her, he was just growing weary of the games.

She had turned her face back towards the dancers, but watched her grandson from the corner of her eye. Interesting.

"So these traits of mine you thought you saw in this young woman, you found them pleasing or displeasing?" She baited.

"What a question!" He responded. He had observed her using the phrase to avoid answering queries she didn't want to as she changed the subject. "The feast was delicious, you are so gracious to have arranged it all for me."

She smiled dazzlingly at him, and spread her opposite arm to include the man on her other side in the conversation, "Duncan was such a help! He made out all the invitations to the other camps, and consulted on the menu as well!"

Roland was surprised that everyone had been gracious and welcoming if Duncan had been the one to spread the message of his return.

"Thank you, sir," Roland had never been instructed on how to address his father. Clearly the man did not consider him his actual son for reasons Roland didn't understand, but calling him 'Prince Duncan' seemed too stilted. The issue hadn't really been pressed since the two had rarely interacted. "The food was outstanding, and I appreciate the efforts you went to on my behalf."

Duncan gave a short nod, and it was all the reply Roland expected from the man. He was surprised when his father spoke.

"You're welcome, Derek."

Roland's countenance changed from mild surprise to shock. Titania grinned at them both.

"I can't tell you both how deeply grateful I am to have us together. I simply might burst from the happiness of it all!" She affectionately took one of their hands in each of hers, daintily sniffing back tears. "I never thought I would. What a joyous day!"

Roland smiled, but his eyes slid to the crowd which was softening at their monarch's show of emotion. This sweet family moment had been carefully curated, down to the single tear that escaped Queen Titania's eyes.