
Roland took some time during the dance to speak with a few of the military leaders that he had met earlier. He tried to keep the conversations focused on things that were reasonable for him to be interested in. He casually asked about how the troops' training was coming along, how long until they would be prepared for war, and things like that.

Two of the men reported that the newest recruits were somewhat stubborn and difficult to train. Roland made note of this, as it was entirely possible the 'new recruits' were the village men who were being threatened into service. He asked about various strategies to help the training go more smoothly, and the soldiers seemed incredibly pleased that their new prince should take such an interest in them.

The military-related conversations had to be short, given that the men had their wives there, and the ladies were less than entirely interested in the topic. They wanted their husbands to dance with them, and soon each of the men had to acquiesce.

It troubled Roland further to see how very human all these people were. It was easier to work against murderous monsters in the dark than the people who feasted and danced like a large family.

The dance finally concluded late in the evening. Roland had avoided Brenna with her intoxicating scent, though the woman had made herself available to dance with him. He sighed as the last song concluded, a group dance that was not partnered, to his great relief.

He returned to Titania's side to escort her back to her tent. She waved him off with a smile and headed off by herself, leaving him behind with Duncan.

Never having been alone with the man, Roland wasn't sure what to say. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Thank you again for your part in organizing this." He said.

"The people needed something to celebrate." Duncan replied simply. Roland frowned. Perhaps his father wasn't softening to him like he'd thought.

"I hope you had a pleasant evening, then, and that the people enjoyed it," Roland offered.

"It was enlightening." Duncan stated.

"Oh?" Roland was curious.

"I thought you were one of Titania's plots," Duncan began, his voice uncharacteristically colored by emotion. "The way she can change people's appearances, it made me angry to think she would desecrate the memory of my only son by doing this, using this kind of manipulative--" He broke off. Roland noted how he'd used his mother's first name instead of her title.

"What changed?" Roland questioned. This was the most peculiar conversation he'd ever had, but he needed it to continue. To know his father, and put a piece of his past together.

"You dance like your mother. Your eyes, her eyes, could be Titania's magic, but she cannot copy the grace that Liberty had. You cannot be anything but hers. So now I know that it's really you, Derek." The older man clamped his hand on Roland's shoulder.

The younger man's emotions were turmoil. He felt like a fraud being called Derek. He felt immense joy at his father's recognition, though the man was practically a stranger. He wondered intensely if Duncan's actions were just another part of Titania's plot.

"I thought my eyes must be hers," Roland stated. It was an obvious assumption, given that every Rhone, including his father, had black eyes.

"She was a foundling," Duncan dropped his voice to a whisper. "She and her sister were left behind by a plague that swept across a village. I was young then. She grew into a beautiful woman." His voice caught. "I'll never forget her. It's why I haven't remarried yet."

"But you intend to?" Roland asked.

"I needed an heir, eventually. You've been lost for over twenty years, so I arranged a marriage with a very young bride who could give me children and strengthen the royal line, as well as a legitimate claim to rule whatever few people may be left of Klain after the war. Since she was but a child, the marriage was delayed for over a decade, but she is finally of age." Duncan narrowed his eyes. "You are here now, but a secondary heir would still be beneficial."

"In case Titania decides I would be more useful as a martyr for the cause than a living grandson?" Roland chanced saying his suspicions out loud.

Duncan's shoulders straightened, "I am both pleased and dismayed that you see her so clearly so quickly. She is a cruel, calculating woman. Now that she has two living heirs, one of us is expendable; likely the one who she deems less likely to bend to her will. Even then, once a child is produced, neither of us is safe. I wasn't worried until now because I believed you were a fake, meant to manipulate me."

Something ate at the back of Roland's mind and he backtracked. "I'm getting a stepmother?"

Duncan waved his hand dismissively, "Yes, some daughter of a Klain official who has been spying for us for many years. We bargained that in exchange for his cooperation, he will be left alive and his daughter will one day be queen... not that his life is much worth living now."

"Ashley??" Roland tried to keep his voice down, but it was difficult. "You're Ashley's intended?"

This was proof of The Provider's treachery, and made Roland's blood boil. Spying for many years?? Giving his daughter in marriage to a man more than old enough to be her father? Picturing young Ashley as his stepmother made Roland shudder.

Duncan's expression changed to curiosity, "You know her? I can easily change the bargain to intend her to you instead. You are in the royal line, after all."

"No! I mean, I... Titania seems to have someone else in mind for me. If I needlessly get in the way of her plans, I think it would go poorly." Roland stuttered. He did not want Ashley for himself, he wanted Serafina. He struggled for a way to put everything the way it should be.

"I'll leave it up to you, but I warn you, anyone Titania has chosen for you is a manipulation. I chose your mother because she was not within Titania's influence. Unfortunately, her sister was within Klain's. I believe she was a spy who murdered your mother and stole you from us. Perhaps there is no one outside the influence of greater powers." Duncan seemed a broken man under the hard exterior.

"You're taking a large chance, telling me all this. What if I were already under Titania's control?"

"If you are, there is no hope for me anyway, Derek. My feelings are not secret from her." Duncan said evenly.

"My aunt... she raised me for a time before she died." Roland whispered.

"Songslet?" The older man suddenly leaned forward. His sister-in-law was the worst traitor Rhone had ever known.

"She changed her name to Betty. I have always been called Roland. She... that is, my understanding is that she did not kill her sister." Roland didn't want to give away Amelia's role in the events, lest Titania's wrath be incurred on the innocent woman.

"She would have every reason to lie," Duncan scoffed, but internally he reviewed his memories of Songslet. No hint of treachery was evident before her heinous act, but a good spy is like that.

"She loved me, and cared for me at great sacrifice of herself until the day she died." Roland had no personal knowledge of what happened around the time of his birth, and could only offer what he had seen.

"And what did she say happened?" Duncan was still skeptical. A young child is easily misled.

"Titania murdered my mother with poison, because she was softening your heart. With her last breaths, my mother made Songslet promise to steal me and take me far away from Titania's influence where I would be safe from harm." Roland kept his voice as steady as he could. He would not try and convince Duncan of what he believed to be true, but let the man judge for himself.

The older man was silent for a time. "It is late. We must rest for tomorrow."

"What is tomorrow?" Roland hadn't been informed about any scheduled events, he usually was just pulled along at Titania's side until she sent him to do other things.

"Your training begins."


Training with the spear was worlds away from the sword. Though he was clumsy with his footwork at first, remembering the dances he had learned helped make his body cooperate.

It was a completely different experience than training with a group in Klain. His father, who he understood to be the greatest warrior of Rhone, personally trained him. The spear was more versatile than the sword, which should make it more difficult, but Roland found it incredibly intuitive.

Titania seemed utterly pleased at Duncan's acceptance of Roland, which made the latter uneasy. Apparently this was part of her plan. Maybe she hoped to get him truly attached to Rhone, and make Duncan the martyr instead? Her son was hardly loyal to her in any real, deep sense.

Roland pushed the thoughts aside for now and concentrated on his training. A coming war, no matter the side, meant that he would need to be prepared to fight.