Chapter 35

In front of the City Public Security Bureau building, Yan Xie rushed down the stairs and quickly got into Grand Cherokee. Ma Xiang and other people who were escorting Diao Yong followed him.

As soon as the car door closed, the red and blue police lights headed all the way to the southeast.

"We still need forty minutes, and the SWAT team has almost arrived at the location." Gao Panqing skillfully used the steering wheel to cut into the traffic flow, "Director Lu is on his way from the provincial hall to the target location, and the call just came in saying that until he gets there, this operation is fully under your command, Yan-Ge."

Yan Xie's face was pale, not showing any excitement or agitation.

"It's fine, Brother Yan." Ma Xiang thought he was nervous, so he looked back from the front passenger seat and smiled: "Drug manufacturing, drug trafficking, kidnapping and murder, this is a big case. It's pretty cool to crack it in just a few days. After we catch those little kidnappers tonight, we'll all go home and get a good night's sleep, and then tomorrow afternoon..."

"Lao Gao," suddenly Yan Xie spoke up, "Turn off the siren."

Several people froze at the same time.

"...Hey", confused Gao Panqing did as he asked.

Yan Xie took out the cell phone wrapped in the evidence bag and shook it in front of Diao Yong, "Don't you want to reduce your sentence?"

Diao Yong's eyes turned left and right with that phone: "Yes, yes, yes, I have old parents and children to take care of, give me a chance to turn over a new leaf..."

"But if they killed Chu Ci and got involved in a murder, it would be impossible to reduce anyone's sentence."

"-Ah?" Diao Yong's snot and tears were solidified on his face.

"If you still want to live, just do as I say." Yan Xie's index finger tapped the phone screen, his tone was cold and meaningful: "Make a phone call."


"Lao Chi, don't be impulsive, calm down, it's not that easy for the police to-"

"What the fuck are you still day dreaming about!" Chi Rui furiously roared: "That grandson Diao Yong has not contacted us since he was hospitalized yesterday afternoon, and there has been no news about Ding Jiawang either! Where else would they be if they hadn't already been arrested by the police?"

In the open area in front of the factory, several drug dealers argued among themselves. The technician spoke out, "It's possible, but..."

"How long do you think those two would last? They might have sold us out already. Are you not running away because you want to die?! You have to live to make money, but you also have to live to spend it, do you understand that? Let's assume this kid can really recreate the "blue gold", but even if we run away, with China being so big, do you think we won't be able to find another student who knows chemistry!?"

In fact, there was a lot of truth in what he said, and the technician hesitated and glanced at Wang Le, who was equally as hesitant: "Well, that's true..."

Chu Ci was pale, he pursed his lips and said nothing.

"If you don't dare to do this, I'll do it!" Chi Rui kicked the stone and went for Wang Le's gun, "Coward, give me the gun!"

Wang Le didn't dare to give it to him: "Lao Chi what are you doing? Can't we talk this over, hey let go first..."

"While you keep talking, the police cars might be already on their way. You may not want to live, but I do!"

"Okay, okay, but just calm down or we'll let this kid-"

The phone rang.

The sudden ringing and vibration made everyone freeze, Wang Le reacted first, "Uh... Lao Chi, it's yours."

Chi Rui pulled out his cell phone in confusion.

"Diao Yong? " Wang Le blurted out when he saw the number on the screen.

The situation suddenly became very confusing, and the three drug dealers looked at each other, not knowing how to react.

"Pick up, pick up", Wang Le quickly pounded Chi Rui, who was still in a state of confusion.

Chi Rui's mind was a mess, his thumb was going back and forth between the answer and hang up buttons, wanting to press something but not being able to do so. After repeating this action for several times he finally gritted his teeth and pressed to answer, staring straight at the screen.

"Hello?" The background on that side was noisy, then came Diao Yong's gruff dissatisfied voice :

"Why weren't you answering the phone?" Is the plan going fine? Hello?"

Several people stared at each other in shock.

"...Why haven't we heard anything from you?" Chi Rui was cautious.

"Fuck you, go ask Ding Jiawang! I was stabbed and almost ended up in the ICU! The hospital said something about the knife hitting the gastric tube. I don't know the exact details but if it went in a bit further I would've been finished. Do you think Ding Jiawang did this on purpose?"

Wang Le pointed at Chu Ci and winked at Chi Rui, who hurriedly covered his phone and walked away.

"You weren't caught by the cops?" Chi Rui asked in a low voice.


The car was slightly shaking, everyone remained quiet. Yan Xie was closely staring at Diao Yong.

"I'm a brave man, not only I hadn't gotten arrested, but I also gave them my testimony. Ah, if it weren't for the fact that the factory paid for the medical expenses this time, I would have lost a lot of money. That Ding asshole...."

"The situation is not good," Chi Rui interrupted Diao Yong's endless complaints: "The girl said that she and her parents were being watched. I don't know if it was the standard police procedure or if they are being suspected. Are you sure you're safe?"

Diao Yong kinda froze and looked at Yan Xie for help.

Yan Xie quickly typed out a few words on his phone and showed it to him-

The police have issued a warrant for Chu Ci.

"Ah, what? Do the cops suspect Ding Jiawang?" Diao Yong sounded surprised, "Didn't you guys watch TV? The Public Security Bureau has issued a warrant for Ding Jiawang's intern, the one I caught, named Chu, for the theft of controlled chemicals. Didn't you know that?"

There was silence on the phone.

Every second felt unbearable, and the oppressive breathing in the police car rose and fell.

"...Pay attention and find out more about it, also tell Ding Jiawang to pass a message through to you." The fierce, deep voice of Chi Rui was finally heard again on the phone, "That Chu kid can "recreate" the drug, we can't let him go. Right now we're in the small factory. "

All the people in the car relaxed one after another, and Yan Xie gave them a thumbs up.

"Okay okay. I'll ask that Ding guy to give me a call. I'll find him if I have to!" Diao Yong was full of promises, only to hear the opposite side click to hang up the phone.

On the factory territory, Chi Rui put the phone back in his pocket, turned around and walked back to his accomplice, squinting his eyes to look at Chu Ci.

The sun was setting, and the pale twilight was a shade of gray. Chu Ci lowered his eyelashes without uttering a word, standing straight there under his scrutiny, without any emotion on his face.

Suddenly Chi Rui swung a punch - bang!

Chu Ci covered the corner of his forehead and staggered several steps, his fingers were blue and white, and blood slowly oozed from between his fingertips.

"Take him to the 'lab'," Chi Rui said icily.


The back seat of the police car.

As the phone hung up and the screen went dark, everyone breathed out in relief at the same time.

"Looks like the student is still alive," Ma Xiang rubbed his chest with palpable relief, "Mom, a few more times and this young heart of mine will have to retire early! Yan-Ge we still have twenty minutes, the command center just called to say that the SWAT police have arrived."

Yan Xie nodded, grabbed Diao Yong's mobile phone and threw it into the evidence box.

"What else can I do? Ah, police comrades? " Diao Yong was like a drowning man desperately trying to grasp at straws to survive. "I'll do whatever you'll tell me too. I will cooperate with you!"

Yan Xie did not look at him and just said: "Pray."

"... What? Pray for what? "

"I don't care what you pray for! Do you want me to stop now and buy you a Vajra Sutra? "

Diao Yong immediately shrank in the back seat, too scared to speak.

Yan Xie's remaining anger was not gone, he took the walkie-talkie ready to say something to set up the arrangements. However, he hadn't yet organized his thoughts, when suddenly he received a message.

--Surname Lu.

Yan Xie almost immediately weighed his priorities, took the phone and leaned back, unlocking the phone at an angle where no one could see the screen.

The next thing he knew, his eyes widened.

Surnamed Lu: "I'm behind you."

Yan Xie looked back and didn't see any supernatural phenomenon at the back of the car. Then, through the one-sided visible rear window, he saw a silver Mercedes-Benz that cut out from the flow of cars. On the driver's seat was emotionless Jiang Ting, who caught up with the tail of the police car like lightning, but then was immediately thrown off by the red light at the intersection.

"...." Yan Xie's eye started to twitch as he quickly typed out a few words: "How did you know?" Then deleted it again and retyped the message, "How do you text while speeding like that?!"

Lu didn't answer.

Yan Xie was eager to ask questions, but he typed out a few words and deleted them, repeating that several times.. Then he breathed out, raised the walkie talkie and said : "This is Yan Xie. Captain Kang of SWAT on Dongyuan Road reply!"

"Deputy Yan, it's me." Captain Kang replied, " We've arrived at the target location, we're surrounding the warehouse and the factory building and we're ready to study the terrain and arrange for the snipers to be in position. What are your instructions?"

"We will arrive at the site in five minutes, and a silver-gray Mercedes-Benz with the license plate number JianA8Z668 may arrive later. It is a member of the criminal investigation bureau. Don't stop him and let him in!"


Yan Xie wanted to swear but could not make a sound, with an angry expression on his face he sent a text message to "Lu" about the drug dealers' hideout, and immediately slammed his cell phone onto the leather seat.


It was so quiet in the fast-moving car that Ma Xiang weakly made a comment: "The license plate number is very auspicious, ha ha ha."

Yan Xie's anger finally found an outlet for his anger: "What? Auspicious? How about I send you to the traffic police brigade next door to copy auspicious license plate numbers every day!?"

Ma Xiang: "..."

Next, no one spoke, except for the bumps of driving no other sounds could be heard in the car. The low pressure almost solidified.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that a message sound came from the back seat. Ma Xiang peeped through the rearview mirror, only to see Yan Xie pick up the mobile phone he dropped, press the voice key to put it to his mouth, and say angrily:

"Stop speeding. Drive carefully."

Everyone: "..."


Jiaxing processing plant on Dongyuan Road, Wuhai Industrial Zone.

Iveco of the SWAT was parked outside the warehouse. A car came flying from the distance, and then abruptly stopped with the ear-piercing sound of brakes. Catching everyone's attention, Yan Xie, who was still in a bad mood, got out of the car and asked, "How's the situation?"

Kang Shuqiang, the captain of SWAT-- known as Kang Chifu/Master in the public security system-- was explaining something to his men with an aerial map of the factory area. He walked forward quickly, but before he could speak, he was nearly blinded by the 24K titanium alloy dog eyes of the legendary rich second generation criminal investigation deputy.

"I...We looked at the factory floor plan and felt that it was a safe bet to sneak in, our goal is to find a way to get our people in without alarming them."

Kang Shuqiang paused, hesitated, but finally couldn't help but say what was on everyone's mind: "Brother, are you here for the operation or for the catwalk? Why don't you leave your watch in the car first?"

"What do you know," Yan Xie said impatiently as he took off the watch and threw it into the car.

"I haven't changed for five days. If I had an egg in my pocket, it could hatch a chicken now-- do you think we detectives change our clothes every day like you SWATs?"

Kang Shuqiang: "....."

"Have you read the detailed information of the kidnappers which was sent to you?" Yan Xie asked.

We change clothes every day because of training! Sweating! You haven't changed for five days because you are lazy!

Kang Shuqiang finally swallowed the vomiting desire that was about to overflow in his throat, and said with a loud voice:

"Yes. Considering the fact that Chi Rui has a record of making and owning guns, we can reasonably speculate that there are illegal guns and bullets in the drug traffickers' hideout, which indeed poses a certain risk to the penetration. But I just assigned four snipers to different sniping locations. Even if at the last moment, the gangsters jumped the wall and took hostages, we've prepared certain countermeasures.

Yan Xie nodded, "Try not to let it escalate to that point."

At this time, there was engine sound outside the encirclement. Yan Xie moved his ears sensitively and looked up.

A familiar silver gray Mercedes Benz slowly parked at the side of the road, then Jiang Ting in sunglasses, with a trench coat in his hand got out of the car. Young and handsome, with elegant posture, he firmly closed the door.

Yan Xie's expression suddenly underwent a subtle change.

Ma Xiang came rushing: "Brother Yan Brother Yan! This is the latest information from the sniper, visually there are a total of three kidnappers inside the building-" then Yan Xie suddenly raised his hand to block it.

In full view of the public, Yan Xie strode to Mercedes Benz, grabbed Jiang Ting, then dragged him to the side of the car, and without saying a word he pushed him into the back seat and got in himself.

Kang Shuqiang was dumbfounded.

After a few moments of silence, Kang Shuqiang finally shivered and pointed at Jiang Ting's car, saying.

"... Forget about boss Yan, is the criminal investigation branch already a place where anyone can drive a luxury car to the scene? What about the front-line police officers who earn half a dog a month? "

Ma Xiang said seriously, "Well, that's our Yan deputy's personal consultant-Why don't you compete for this position, too? But first of all, you have to be 1.8 meters tall, have 1.2 meters long legs and be good-looking. "


Yan Xie pressed Jiang Ting to the back seat with one hand, covered the whole person and closed the door. The tinted windows immediately them cut off from the outside world:

"What are you doing here?"

The two of them were extremely close, gazing at each other, even the tips of their noses almost touched.

Then Jiang Ting raised his right hand slightly upwards, not really touching Yan Xie's arm, it was an empty gesture: "I thought you would ask me why I was still watching your car."

Yan Xie's height and figure could create a strong sense of pressure when he was condescending, especially when he stared at something intently. His eyes were like a knife sharpened by more than a decade long criminal police career, which could make people feel chills from the depths of their brain.

".... " Jiang Ting narrowed his eyes.

"That's not an attitude towards someone who just gave you a clue." He asked thoughtfully, "What happened? Did Zhang Jiao's testimony have something against me?"

Yan Xie didn't move a muscle.

With the corner of his line of sight, with his hand behind his back, he opened his cell phone case and fumbled to buckle out a chip.

"No, with Zhang Jiao's participation in this case, the police will not accept any nonsense." Jiang Ting raised his chin and looked back at Yan Xie and asked, "Did you pry open Ding Jiawang's mouth?"

Yan Xie's eyes flickered, as if he didn't know what to think, while gently closing his phone case.

---He finally smiled.

That expression resembled the silent smile of some large beast when it was approaching its prey, but it was gone in a flash. Then he finally got up and moved backwards, teasingly putting his arms around Jiang Ting's shoulders : "-It seems that you know very well that you are not particularly innocent, little policeman!"

"I don't need others to judge whether I'm innocent or not." Jiang Ting finally moved his neck,

"Sit further."

"Okay, okay, what's wrong with hugging a little, hey you're such a..."

The backseat was obviously very wide, but Yan Xie hugged Jiang Ting's straight shoulders and squeezed his side. At the same time, as soon as his fingers loosened, the microchip slid silently into Jiang Ting's chest pocket against the shirt cloth: "What's the matter? What are you hiding?"

Yan Xie pointed at Jiang Ting's head, extremely bossy and arrogant: "I'm telling you, in our bureau, this kind of policeman flower belongs to the country, to the collective, but not to the individual! Come on, the operation is about to begin. Wait for me in the car, I'm telling you not to make a single step out."

As he leaned over to open the car door he heard the faint words of Jiang Ting behind him.

"Yan Xie."

Yan Xie moved.

He appeared to be unimpressed, but if he used a device to measure his heartbeat at that moment, the results would be astonishing.

The wait made a few seconds seem like torment, when finally he heard Jiang Ting's voice from behind him again, saying.

"Don't test me, I'm on your side."

Yan Xie looked a bit odd, turning back to reveal a very handsome smile that didn't have much seriousness to it, affectionately hitting him with the back of his hand: "I know. Don't worry about it. I'm protecting you, aren't I?"

Jiang Ting snorted lightly, and Yan Xie clearly heard the mockery.

"I'm gone!" Yan Xie got out of the car and pretended that nothing happened, "Just three kidnappers, we'll try to end the operation in half an hour! Going Going..."

The car window was knocked on twice.

Yan Xie was baffled as he turned around to lower the glass, he saw Jiang Ting leaning his elbow against the car window: "Let me remind you of one thing, Deputy Chief Yan."


"It's not three kidnappers." Jiang Ting said slowly, "It's four."