Chapter 36

Jiaxing processing and packaging mould factory occupied the area of three hectares. The main factory building had two floors and was surrounded by logistics warehouses and a few office buildings.

Snipers could confirm the presence of three kidnappers who were holding hostages somewhere on the second floor inside the factory, but they could not determine their exact location.

In order to avoid alerting the kidnappers, the vehicles of SWAT and CID were parked far away from the scene, and only the communication van disguised as a freight company drove into the corner opposite the factory building. Director Lu brought the negotiation experts of the provincial department to take the command in person.

The operation personnel were divided into two groups: the group that was supposed to enter the factory from the east and the second group that was supposed to do it from the south, their specific action routes were marked out respectively. The target of one of the groups was the roof of the factory. After the observers confirm the location of the hostages, they would send a signal to Captain Kang and the special police officers to use ropes to carry out a window-breaking raid.

"The first principle of the SWAT is to evacuate the hostages and avoid the exchange of fire on the premise that it can be avoided. Yan Xie, your task is to take two teams of personnel to guard the passageways from the second floor to the first floor of the factory, and at the same time, after Captain Kang takes the hostages out, to immediately take over and cover them.

If in 1/10000 chances, the operational personnel is discovered by the kidnappers and the hostage's life is in danger, then I order the second team to evacuate quickly in order not to infuriate the gangsters, and at the same time try their best to lure the kidnappers in order to create conditions for the snipers. Does everyone understand? "

Director Lu's chubby round face no longer had a hint of usual kindness, as if Maitreya had finally decided to show his majestic true face.

The voices of both Yan Xie and Kang Shuqiang sounded on the communication device at the same time: "Got it!"

"Team 2 Got it!"

"Director Lu," Director Chen from the Provincial Bureau who tagged along this time, was sitting in the command vehicle as he couldn't help but say, "This operation is a matter of great importance, in case of any mistakes, the hostages..."

"Lao-Chen" said Director Lu with great emphasis.

Everyone's hearts thudded.

"You should have confidence in our public security cadres and in our SWAT officers. Ah, I believe that, first of all, we aim for perfection, we use the greatest efforts and strictest preparations. We despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically; Secondly, in the area of hostage rescue, leaders at all levels of the Jianning City Public Security Bureau attach great importance to persistent training and resolutely implement ideas and guidance of the Ministry of Public Security. "


Why did you provoke this man surnamed Lu to open his mouth!

Several other experts glared angrily at Chen Chu, who in turn covered his mouth and wanted to cry without tears.


The sky was getting darker and the street lights were on.

The entrance to the first floor of the factory building. The hidden place inside the flower bed.

"Hey, Lao Yan," came the lowered voice of Director Huang of Technical Investigation from another channel of the headset, "What have you just called me for and why are you trying to locate your own chip?"

Yan Xie was wearing a bulletproof vest, his shirt cuffs were rolled up past his elbows, he was holding the gun tightly against the corner of the wall. Before replying he glanced back at his colleagues scattered in various hiding places and then whispered on the headset, "Just check it, don't talk too much nonsense."

Huang Xing: "Hey why are you so fierce? Are you trying to check if your girlfriend is cheating on you? Oh yeah you don't have a girlfriend."

Yan Xie: "....."

"Hey, I've advised you to lower your expectations, and to date a small internet celebrity. Just look at your requirements. You're asking them to be your soulmate? Who'd be a soulmate with a guy who has his head in his pants? They're not blind."

Yan Xie: "................"

The SWAT officer in front stretched out his hand from the outside of the building entrance and gave a sign to move forward.

"The consequence of your unwillingness to lower your requirements is the red apricot tree leaning over the garden wall . Your chip has moved---"

Yan Xie almost fell to the ground.

"It stopped!" "Huang Xingxin reported happily: "They stopped 20 meters away from the original coordinates!"

"..." Yan Xie said coldly, "Please don't talk to me unless they move further than 500 meters." Then he raised his hand and switched back to the communication channel, dashed around the corner of the stairs, swept his gun forward, and gave a decisive backward left-handed "Keep pushing" command.


Three minutes ago, outside the warehouse.

Han Xiaomei watched Jiang Ting open the door of the Grand Cherokee, step out of the car, straighten his sleeves and head to the silver-gray Mercedes which he had arrived on without turning back.

"Lu...Lu Lu Lu... " Han Xiaomei, who was ordered by deputy chief Yan to stay there as a jailer, was simply going to cry, she wanted to stop him but didn't dare to go forward, but it was also hard to summon up the courage to hold back the two full words, "Mr. Lu..."

Jiang Ting opened the door of the car, "What's the matter?"

When that cold handsome face looked at her with those pitch black eyes, she was unable to say anything and only shook her head vigorously with pursed lips.

Jiang Ting got inside the car and slammed the door shut.

At that moment, countless heroes of the Anti Japanese War flashed in front of Han Xiaomei's eyes, from those who heroically bombed the bunker to those who sacrificed their lives to block the muzzle of the gun; from "comrades follow me" to "the proletariat stand up"; the red five-star red flag was flying high on the land of Shenzhou, and the revolutionary blood was surging in Han Xiaomei's heart for a long time!

Jiang Ting pulled the data cable out of the glove box, began to charge his phone, and then looked up.

In front of the car, he saw Han Xiaomei with her arms spread wide, looking resolute as she blocked the middle of the road with a magnificent expression of "If you dare to go, do it over my dead body".

"...." the two of them looked at each other for a long while.

Jiang Ting took out two chocolates, peeked out of the car window, and asked her: "Would you like to come in for a break and have some chocolate? "

Han Xiaomei: " Oh. "

Han Xiaomei shriveled up, stepped forward to take Jiang Ting's chocolate, and got into the back seat of the car.


One of the rooms on the second floor of the factory building had lights on, and across the hundred-meter night sky, a faint shadow shifting in the room could be seen in the sniper's mirror.

"Reporting to the command vehicle. This is monitoring point A. There is activity in the east corner of the second floor of the building. It is impossible to tell whether it's kidnappers and hostages, the sniping angle is not good. Over. "

"Understood. Keep monitoring." Inside the command car, Director Lu paused under the worried eyes of several experts, "Little Kang, do you hear me?"

On the roof of the building the well-trained SWAT officers were perfectly concealed in the darkness of the night. Kang Shuqiang grabbed the rope and crawled on the ground: "Yes, a group of people will move forward in the direction of the target."

"Yan Xie?"asked Director Lu.

"Understood." Somewhere around the corner of the corridor on second floor of the factory, Yan Xie was half-kneeling on the ground with the gun, and only the cold light of his eyes was glowing in the darkness: "Team two has split up, blocked the three main routes and is ready to take over at any time."

Director Lu nodded and took a deep breath.

"What's now, Lao Lu?" A provincial hall expert asked in a low voice.

Director Lu's seemingly round, chubby, harmless face looked unmoving, when he said indifferently: "Wait."

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. In this static-to-freezing situation, the kidnappers were eagerly waiting for the drugs to synthesize, the hostages were stalling time for rescue, the SWAT officers were waiting in various hideouts for the right moment to break in, and the snipers were blending in with the surrounding night at a high altitudes; no one dared to make a move to break the dangerous balance.

Pull one hair and the whole body moves.

The walls of the "laboratory" were white with fluorescent light, and on the wall clock, the hour hand gradually pointed to eight o'clock.

As Chu Chi turned off the equipment, took off his goggles and looked up as he nearly hit the muzzle of the gun that was pointed to the back of his head at a close range.

The three drug dealers glared at him, and Wang Le eagerly pointed his gun at him as he asked, "Can you do it?"

"...It's somewhat difficult." Chu Ci's voice was extremely hoarse, "But achieving mass production is possible at a relatively low cost compared to traditional morphine-based drugs."

Chi Rui eyed the technician, who nodded in confirmation.

"Then get it done!" Wang Le was overjoyed

Chi Ci's adam's apple bobbled as if he was struggling to swallow something - in fact, he hadn't had any water for a long time, and his throat was very dry even when he spoke.

"There's a lack of equipment." He casually gestured at the surroundings saying: "Your laboratory, which does not even produce methamphetamine properly, produces and synthesizes it in parallel. In the unlikely event of an explosion during the production, the mixture of pseudoephedrine and red phosphorus would heat up and produce large amounts of toxic phosphine gas. When the time comes, none of us will be able to escape and we'll all die. If you want to synthesize this new rare fentanyl compound, a lot of specialized equipment is necessary."

Several drug dealers looked at each other, and after a moment they reached some sort of consensus in silence.Chi Rui went out with a gun in his pocket.

The technician, on the other hand, coughed and walked up to Chu Ci, handing him a bottle of water.

"Thank you," Chu Ci replied politely, "I'm not thirsty."

He was afraid that the water was laced with an addictive substance.

The technician didn't mind, pulling up a bench to sit in front of him and asked: "How old are you, son?"

Chu Ci said, "Twenty-one."

"Ah, a twenty-one-year-old." The technician nodded, he himself was a dark, skinny, middle-aged man of thirty or forty who actually looked like a pushover: "- I heard from Ding Jiawang that your family had some difficulties, but your academic performance is good, right?"

Chu Ci didn't deny it.

"You students have never been out in society, and you probably don't know that us, chemistry majors, make only 8,000 to 9,000 a month even if we graduated from a famous school...that's like smoke on my ancestors' graves. What can you do with eight or nine thousand in a place like Beijing? Is it enough to buy a house, marry a wife or to bring your parents and son to the capital from a shabby nook?

"Look at me, I also studied chemistry, and I got mixed up in this shit."

The technician spread his hands and pointed out again, "You know Ding Jiawang is an engineer in a big company, isn't that pretty cool? To tell you the truth, he only earns a bit more than 10,000. If he wasn't working in this line of business, how would he pay for his wife and daughter, how would he pay off the mortgage? A car loan? Young man, you're a good student. You're in the wrong line of work if you're studying chemistry!"

"It's okay," Chu Ci said indifferently, "I'm a chemistry major who won an award in the Olympiad and was directly guaranteed a place."

Technician: "....."

The technician probably cursed harshly in his mind, but restrained himself on the surface.

"Yes, you're feeling fine now, but when you start working in society later, you'll know how unfair the world is. Those who are officials and businessmen, which ones of them are not greedy and which ones are not doing something illegal? We've got a lot of killers and arsonists who get away with their crimes out there. We can sell drugs for little money. As long as no one gets killed, do you think the cops will arrest us?"

Chu Ci remained silent for a long time and a hint of wavering appeared on his face.

Seeing that he was not so stubborn, the technician was slightly pleased and pulled the bench forward and said, "Student, I'll tell you one thing. We are sure to run away next, so obediently

cooperate with us. After we go to the south to find a small place to stay we'll wait for the experimental equipment you want to be built. If you really made 'Blue Gold', you'd be a living god of wealth, who wouldn't offer you a good deal?"

The technician winked at Wang Le.

"Oh man, what's the point of talking about this!" Wang Le deliberately said that in a coarse voice, then headed to the lower level of the chemical storage cabinet in the corner and dragged out a tattered travel bag, swiftly threw it in front of Chu Ci, and several stacks of Yuans suddenly fell out of the bag.

"The whole thing's for you, high achiever. It's all yours!"

Chu Ci stared at the thick stack of pink cash for half a day before turning his gaze away, as if he was struggling fiercely inside.

This would likely turn out well! The two drug dealers were overjoyed.

"Hey, what are you doing, Lao Wang, isn't that insulting? Compared to the money we'll get when we start producing "Blue Gold" later, this is not enough money to pay the beggars!"

The technician said as he leaned in closer, patted Chu Ci's shoulder and deliberately lowered his voice: "By the way, student boy, you haven't been in love yet! Right?"

Chu Ci remained silent and didn't deny that.

The technician said: "I think that dishonest girl of the Ding family seems to like you. Cooperate well with us, and we'll let you have her today, what do you say to that?"

Chu Ci raised his eyebrows, only to see the door open and Chi Rui, who had just gone out, standing in the doorway with a gun pointed at Ding Dang's head!

Ding Dong's red cheeks seemed to have been slapped a few more times, she stood there trembling, wanting to cry but not daring, casting him a crushing plea for help.


-- At the same time, somewhere hundreds of meters away in front of a residential building that was to be demolished

"I'll take it all. Wrap it up for me."

The remaining apples and pears in the crate were either wrinkled or had worm spots. No one had passed by for a long time. Originally, the vendor had given up hope and was planning to pack up and take them home for dinner in half an hour if they weren't sold.

Unexpectedly, a full fledged customer came when he was in a daze. Not to mention bargaining, he didn't even ask for change.

The vendor was overjoyed, but fearing that the customer would regret his purchase, he quickly packed the fruits into plastic bags. He even wiped the change and handed it to him happily.

--Hmm? The peddler was a little attentive.

Why was this man wearing leather gloves in early May?

He thought so, as he packed up to leave, while subconsciously looking up at the customer.

The street lamp light was dim so he couldn't see the man that well, but the customer seemed to be quite young, he was in black clothes from head to toe and his black leather shoes almost melted into the night. He was carrying a large briefcase in his left hand, looking like a white collar office worker who just got off from work. But the side of his face seemed quite unfamiliar, as if he had never seen him around the neighborhood.

The peddler was pondering about that, when, suddenly the customer seemed to have realized he was looking at him and turned around.


The moment the eyes met, a sudden chill rose in the peddler's heart, he felt like a rabbit stalked by a hawk or a frog stalked by a snake, and the instinctive cowardice crawled down from his spine all over his nerves, causing him to shiver in the early summer night.

Then the customer raised his chin and wondered, "What, is there not enough money?"

-- his attitude was unexpectedly very casual.

"No, no,", the peddler waved hurriedly, saying to himself that he was too curious for his own good, so he decided not to think about that anymore and hurried back home with the cart.

It was not until the figure of the fruit seller disappeared at the end of the night road that Ajie smiled, took out an apple and wiped it, took a bite and after having thrown away the rest with the plastic bag he turned around and walked towards the residential building.


The night wind roared from the sky and the rooftop of residential buildings.

Ajie looked at the processing mold factory in the distance, put down the "briefcase", opened it, and began to assemble the sniper rifle methodically.