Chapter 37

"Command Car, this is Surveillance Point B. The kidnappers are walking away from the hostage. Visually, the nearest kidnapper is three to four meters away from the hostage, but due to the angle and glass material, we can't see the situation clearly, please give your instructions."

In the command car, the fluorescent light was reflected on Director Lu's face: "Continue monitoring. Once the kidnappers approach the windowsill, Captain Kang will immediately parachute through the window and Yan Xie will begin to take over."

Two succinct, "Yes!" came from the communication channel.


Director Lu pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly asked, "Attention to all surveillance points, is there a way to transmit a signal to the hostages from outside?"

"No," came Kang Shuqiang's cautious reply amidst the rustling electricity, "The second floor has floor-to ceiling windows, the gangsters' sight angle is uncertain, so it's difficult to secretly transmit the signal to the hostage. In the unlikely event that the kidnappers notice it, it would definitely lead to unpredictable consequences."

Director Lu nodded without saying anything and sighed softly.

--While they were conversing, Han Xiaomei was listening to the situation coming from the walkie-talkie in the Mercedes-Benz in the distance. She forgot about the chocolate in her mouth, her fine eyebrows were knitted tightly.

"The kidnappers walked away from the hostages?" Jiang Ting's voice came from the driver's seat.

"Yes, but we can't proceed until we determine the exact status of the scene."

The front row was quiet for a moment before Jiang Ting said, "The situation has eased somewhat, the hostage must have made some kind of compromise."

"What kind of compromise?" Han Xiaomei asked casually.

Not hearing an answer for a long time, Han Xiaomei looked forward, only to see Jiang Ting turning off his phone. As soon as she looked up she saw his calm eyes reflected in the rearview mirror.

"The hostage has the ability to synthesize 'Blue Gold'."


In the laboratory.

"It has nothing to do with her. Let her go!" Chu Ci took a deep breath but didn't seem to find the right words, so he restrained his emotions and repeated: "--Let her go."

The so-called "laboratory" was filled with half-finished drugs on the table, ice piled up in a cauldron in the corner, and pink money scattered on the dirty floor. The technician and Wang Le were laughing, winking at each other, roughly pushing Ding Dang forward.

The young girl staggered forward with tears in her eyes.

Chu Ci's gaze fell on her pitiful face, but without stopping for half a second he moved his eyes away to the wall clock.

What now?

Stall for time and wait for help, or immediately agree to go with the drug dealers and wait for the opportunity on the way?

If a few more years had passed, Chu Ci should have been able to handle such unexpected situations in more mature and mellow way, and would have been more comfortable facing such dilemmas; but at that time, in his early twenties, he had yet to come into contact with society, and was still unfamiliar with how the public security system worked, so he was still inevitably somewhat uneasy.

--If I go with them, will the police really treat me as an accomplice, will it be difficult to explain everything in court in the future?

The high fever and lack of water that had lasted for more than ten hours really weakened him. Chu Ci closed his eyes, then opened them again, and when he was finally about to speak, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eyes.

Outside the glass window in the far corner of the factory building, something dashed past in the night, as if it were a rope.

The rope.

A lifeline?


Chu Ci's brain was buzzing. He could not see Ding Dang's tearful gaze or hear the kidnapper's teasing. He raised his hand to hold the edge of the table behind him. On the second try he managed to grab a large glass test tube and clenched it tightly.

"Let's not wait for that idiot Diao Yong, let's get out of here," Chi Rui picked up the scattered bills and instructed the remaining laughing two kidnappers: "Wang Le will bring the van and move everything that should be moved away, as for that kid-" he motioned to Chu Ci's side, "tie him up together with the Ding girl, do you understand?"

Wang Le said: " Got it, I'll get the car keys."

"Is that a moth hitting the glass?" Chi Rui suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He got up and looked at the window farthest from them, the night outside the window was so deep and vast, there was no movement. After a long time, Wang Le asked, "What moth?"

Chi Rui remained still and thought to himself that it really was not safe to turn on the lights after it got dark outside. Although several main transparent windows were made of frosted glass, they were guilty of making drugs at night after all, so he asked Wang Le to turn off several bright incandescent lamps and headed to check the window frame bolts.

"--Reporting to the command vehicle! A gangster is approaching the east corner windowsill. I'm unable to determine if he is armed with a gun!"

Unable to determine if they are carrying a gun?

Several eyes were directed at the center of the command vehicle at the same time, and for a brief moment the air seemed to freeze, then only a few words left Director Lu's mouth.

"Group A, Down!"

It's as if someone flipped a switch, and all the changes in all aspects were happening at that moment--.

Kang Shuqiang closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. With a lifeline dangling from his waist he pushed both feet against the wall, and his entire body swung out in a half-circle before rushing towards the glass.

On the other side of the window, Chi Rui suddenly noticed the rapidly approaching shadow of a person reflected outside the furry glass, his pupils constricted at the sight.

On the far residential rooftop, behind the scope, with emotionless face Ajie pulled the trigger.

The 5.8 mm caliber assault rifle sliced through the night sky, crossing hundreds of meters of distance, hitting Kang Shuqiang in the back. Like a kite with its string broken, the SWAT captain flung himself against the window and with a loud bang crushed inside covered with blood!



A series of blurred noises came from the stairs, and Yan Xie whispered into his headset, "Lao Kang?"

In the command vehicle, the expression of Director Lu changed dramatically.

"Fuck!", Chi Rui roared: "Police!"

With a cracking sound, Chu Ci shattered the glass test tube, and got ahold of the tip!

Chi Rui, Wang Le and the technician turned around and pounced on the hostages, while a distraught Ding Dang subconsciously chose the safest direction and tried to rush behind Chu Ci with a scream.

At that moment Chu Ci was like moving clouds and flowing water , instead of putting her behind him, he grabbed her by the neck and dragged her in front of himself at extreme speed without hesitation. At the same time, he pressed the sharp piece of glass against her carotid artery!

"Stay back!" Chu Ci shouted, "Otherwise I will kill her!"

Three drug dealers stopped at the same time!

"...What are you doing?"

The young girl's delicate body was trembling like a leaf, and with a noticeable fear in her voice she said: "It's me, Chu Ci, look clearly it's me, why-"

She seemed to be terrified to the extreme, but Chu Ci didn't even give her a glance: "Because you're the mastermind behind this gang."

Like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, for a moment Ding Dang stiffened and her eyes met with the three drug dealers.


Two more windows got completely shattered and everyone turned around at the same time!

They saw the other two SWAT officers break through the window almost with the intention of dying, not even bothering to check on the captain, who was lying in a pool of blood. They rolled up after landing, raised their guns and roared: "Hands up!" Drop your weapon! Or we'll shoot! "

"Command car, Captain Kang has been shot in the back! The condition of his injuries is unknown! Repeat, Captain Kang has been shot in the back! The condition of his injuries is unknown!"

Upon hearing that, all four were shocked, and Chief Lu rose up, "Yan Xie!"


"Break in!!!"

Like a cheetah, Yan Xie instantly rushed out from the darkness and kicked the door open. Inside he was confronted by the sight of Chi Rui's arms spread wide in mid-air, he was desperately trying to pounce on Chu Ci and take him hostage.


Without saying a word, Yan Xie raised his hand and fired a shot squarely into Chi Rui's thigh. He cried out in pain and tumbled to the ground!

In the blink of an eye, the police officers who had been lurking on both sides for a long time, poured in and suddenly their guns were raised one after another, each of them pointing at the three drug traffickers who were looking at each other in dismay in the middle of the factory.

"Hands up! Police! "

The situation was on the verge of the gunfight.

".... " The drug dealers looked at each other, and the sight of Chi Rui continuously twitching on the ground was unusually jarring. A few seconds later Wang Le was the first to react, throwing his gun to the ground and raising his shaking hands.

"Go check on Lao Kang," Yan Xie ordered the police officers in a low voice, while pointing his gun at Ding Dang and signaling Chu Ci to back off.

Ding Dang's face had already lost its color, she was shaking and trying desperately to hide in the back, "I really don't know anything, I don't know, don't believe him..."

"Save that for the Public Security Bureau," Yan Xie replied coldly, reaching out to grab her.

However, just as his fingertips were about to touch Ding Dang, in the instant when no one reacted, suddenly and without warning-


The test tube on the countertop burst!


The chemical storage cabinet burst!


The whole row of reactors just exploded!

"Get down!" Yan Xie cried out, "It's a sniper bullet!"

Glass shards poured down, the entire pot of methamphetamine spread all over the air, countless bags of chemical raw materials were opened, and the reagent from the reaction kettle was ignited by sparks, causing the first earth-shaking explosion!


In the distance, inside Mercedes Benz, Jiang Ting looked up sensitively.

"Reporting to the command car, reporting to the command car!" The hiss of the walkie-talkie came from the back seat: "There was a long-range sniper outside the east corner window, the chemicals were ignited and there was an explosion! I repeat, there was a long-range sniper outside the east corner window, and there was a chemical explosion at the scene! "

"How could this happen... " Han Xiaomei was incredulous, "How, how can this be..."

In the distance of the night, the light of the explosion was reflected in Jiang Ting's eyes and then the smoky flames shot out of the factory window, tumbling up into the inky night sky.

-Anti drug operation, explosion, teammates in the sea of fire, how familiar was this scene.

As if repeating a thousand times the nightmare gazed at him, slowly showing a hideous smile from the abyss.

Trembling, Jiang Ting breathed in extremely deeply, then spat it all out. Where Han Xiaomei couldn't see, his fingers were gripping the steering wheel so hard that the knuckles on his fingers were slightly discolored, yet when he opened his mouth again, it was impossible to detect any abnormality. "The SWAT captain was sniped from behind when he broke through the window at the east corner?"

"Huh? Yes!"

Under these visual conditions, even if the most distinguished assassin comes in person, combined with the internal equipment and shooting target, he won't go beyond the limited range. Combined with the locked down firing angle, most of the nearby buildings are....

"Which of the five story buildings radiate 15 degrees to the left and right, and 600 meters backwards, starting at an acute angle from the east corner window of the factory?"

Han Xiaomei answered quickly with a shaky voice: "Large...mostly flat warehouses and parking lots, a logistics distribution center office building, and residential buildings, but it should be torn down soon to build a viaduct...ahhh!!!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Jiang Ting stepped on the accelerator, and the force of inertia nearly caused Han Xiaomei to crash into the back of the front passenger seat.

"Fasten your seat belt." Jiang Ting didn't look back, as he swiftly turned the steering wheel and passed through the gap between the Cherokee and the SWAT's Iveco, and with a beautiful, superb tailspin headed straight onto the road.

Han Xiaomei: "Mr. Lu, you want t- ahhhh"

Jiang Ting did not answer, his side profile looked stern and cold.

The sniper's target is not difficult to speculate, he thought.

But why did he take such earth-shaking measures?


"Cough cough..."

The scene of the explosion was full of smoke and Chu Ci was coughing so much, he did not have the energy to see the surrounding scene at all. In the overwhelming vertigo, suddenly a trace of ominous foreboding rose from the bottom of his heart, and Chu Ci barely stopped his cough as he held onto the ground.

--The smell of rotten eggs.

Hydrogen sulfide!

Chu Ci struggled to get up, but before he could stand, he was pushed back to the ground. He didn't know when but Ding Dang somehow grabbed the gun that Wang Le had thrown to the ground, and holding it tightly in both hands she put the muzzle of the gun dead against his eyebrows, there was no trace of her pure and innocent look anymore: "How did you know that?!"

Chu Ci didn't answer, trying his best to hold his breath, but there was still a burst of blackness in front of his eyes.

"Why did it have to be you who found out, why... " A hint of madness emerged inside Ding Dang's bloodshot eyes, then she finally clenched her teeth and screamed: "Go to hell!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was almost a series of gunshots, and as soon as Chu Ci opened his eyes, he saw Yan Xie swooping forward, and the moment before Ding Dang pulled the trigger, he desperately grabbed the muzzle of the gun and raised it--.

In a split second, the bullets went off, punching a series of bullet holes in the ceiling!

Ding Dang was screaming and struggling angrily, her voice didn't sound like that of a human, then she was pinned down by Yan Xie who grabbed the gun, and threw it far away.

The special police rushed forward, and the front policeman took off his gas mask and put it on Chu Ci's face. Two SWATs on both sides quickly escorted Chu Ci out of the door. The criminal police immediately took over and sent him downstairs.

The power in the factory had been cut off, and the corridor was very dark. Chu Ci was dizzy and he felt his feet were not touching the ground, as if he was soaring through the clouds. It took him several attempts before he finally managed to raise his shaky hand, take off the gas mask and hurriedly say, "...hydrogen sulfide..."

Ma Xiang actually heard his voice in such a chaotic situation, ran up and asked loudly "What? What did you say?"

"The concentration of hydrogen sulfide above 0.01% will paralyze the sense of smell, people can't smell it, thinking that the poisonous gas has dissipated, but actually... " Chu Ci burst into a coughing fit and his mouth was full of rust. He struggled to swallow it back:

"In fact, it's thick enough to explode twice. Hurry up, tell, "Cough, cough, cough!"

Ma Xiang with a wink signaled the SWAT to continue protecting and leading Chu Ci to the ambulance downstairs, as he turned around and ran towards the explosion scene without turning back!

-- The same second he stepped onto the hallway on the second floor, he heard a rapidly approaching siren in the distance.

The fire truck arrived.


The roof of the residential building.

Ajie took apart the sniper rifle, put its parts away, and finally took something out of the briefcase.

It was a round necked T-shirt. Although it was old and yellow, it was carefully folded, and it could be seen it had been carefully taken care of. On the back there was a faded reddish pattern print, half a circle was covered on the horizontal line, and several rays stretched out of the circle-it should be a sketch of the rising sun; the size of the T-shirt suggested that it belonged to a seven-or eight-year-old child.

Ajie bent down to put the T-shirt on the ground, picked up a brick to keep it from being blown away, then took the "briefcase", put one hand in his pocket, turned around and leisurely walked down from the roof.

The wind was whistling, and the small T-shirt under the brick could not stop swinging, revealing the old bloodstains from years ago.

At that time there was no one at the vacant lot downstairs, street lamps were broken and most of the few remaining lamps emitted a dim light. Ajie was trying to take off the leather gloves as he stood in front of the door of his Land Rover, then he suddenly and acutely heard the sound of an engine not far away.

A car was approaching.

·The lights at the end of the road flashed, seeing the model of the car made him raise his eyebrow unexpectedly- so soon?

"There's a man over there!" Han Xiaomei's scream was deafening: "Mr. Lu! In front!"

She didn't need to say anything else, as Jiang Ting had already hit the gas pedal with his foot!

"..." Ajie cursed silently, opening the door and rushing into the driver's seat, he started the ignition in one fluid motion. The professionally modified Land Rover finally demonstrated its true performance, climbing to peak speed within seconds of starting, stabbing off into the distance like an arrow released from its string.

But Jiang Ting didn't hesitate, he didn't even slow down a bit. The silver grey CLS400 bit the tail of the pure black Land Rover and followed it onto the road!


Wuhai Industrial Zone was located in the remote area, so after dark there were few passing vehicles, the road was almost completely empty. One after the other, the two cars were like meteors chasing each other, splitting the thick fog of the night. In the blink of the eye they left the small number of cars on the road far away behind them.

"Heh," Ajie glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that the headlights of CLS400 that were constantly only 20 or 30 meters away from him, and he could not help but laugh softly.

Anti-drug operation, factory explosion, high-speed rear-end collision; a series of accidents developed precisely in chronological order, a nightmare repeating itself, this can be nothing but a devastating mental stress for an almost certain PTSD patient.

How much longer can you chase? He thought mockingly.

You can't hold the steering wheel with those hands, can you?

"The suspect has been found south of Dongyuan Road, suspected sniper, requesting assistance! I repeat, calling for assistance! -- Ah!" Han Xiaomei's head hit the window during a sharp turn, and the walkie-talkie slid under the bottom of the front passenger seat.

In the front seat Jiang Ting's face remained calm, as he brushed past a couple of large trucks while changing lanes and turning onto the highway right next to the Land Rover amidst the rising sounds of car horns.

"Mr. Lu, be careful!" Han Xiaomei screamed at the top of her lungs.

Han Xiaomei could not detect any of his mood swings. Only Jiang Ting himself knew that the scene flying backwards in front of the window could topple the mountains and overturn the seas, forming an overwhelming whirlpool, engulfing every inch of his senses.

Similar car chases, speeding, colliding with a truck that suddenly rushed out....

Jiang Ting's hand was slightly trembling at the edge of the steering wheel. Out of sight of Han Xiaomei, the canine teeth cut deeply into the corners of his lips, and blood spilled over the seams of his lips.