Chapter 38

Processing mold factory.

A sound of crash

Yan Xie shook off the water droplets after having poured half a bottle of water on his head. He was holding his knees as he let out a long, hot breath.

The second floor of the factory had exploded. Black smoke was rolling out of each window. The red and blue alarm lights were flashing around. The masked firefighters were moving in and out of the barrier. The noise and footsteps seemed endless.

Emergency vehicles came and went, and the air was filled with the indescribable smell of moisture, coke and chemicals.

Yan Xie, exhausted, stood up straight and wiped his face, his wet shirt was clinging to his upper body.

"...Deputy Chief Yan ."

Yan Xie looked back, only to see Chief Chen from the Provincial Department, who had come to the City Bureau for a meeting, standing with his hands down, with a complex expression of reserve, arrogance and embarrassment on his face.

"You did a good job."

Yan Xie: "?"

Chief Chen threw him a bottle of water, and Yan Xie caught it, still bewildered.

"You did a good job", Chen Chu said the words of encouragement before turning away with hands behind his back as if nothing had happened.

Yan Xie, still at loss for words, unscrewed the cap and took a sip. He was like a three-meter high monk, whose head could not be rubbed, as he watched Chief Chen walk away, looking at him as if he was seeing a mental case.

Usually under the normal circumstances, Director Lu would have already gotten out of the command car, but today, for some reason, probably because he was on the phone with the provincial department, he was still inside. There was not a single soul in sight. Yan Xie leaned on the window of the command car and tried to have a look inside, but before he could see anything,

Ma Xiang with a wet head came running wildly behind him:" Brother Yan! You got a call from the city bureau-"

"Oh," Yan Xie asked in passing, "How's Lao Kang?"

"Resuscitation it is. Luckily he was wearing a bulletproof vest. Fuck, now that I think about it, earlier Director Lu was going to have you go to the roof and parachute through the window, you're really lucky tsk tsk..."

"No," Yan Xie interrupted him, raising his chin, "Why did Lao Kang go to the hospital but the SWAT team stayed behind, do we have any clues about that remote sniper grandson?"

"I don't know ah," Ma Xiang was puzzled, "Oh right Yan-Ge, director Huang from the city bureau just called, he was looking for you."

Yan Xie was only preparing to drink water, so luckily he didn't choke when he heard the news. Then he immediately found his phone in the pocket, turned it on and saw that he really had ten missed calls.

"Hello, Lao Huang..."

"Don't you call me that!" Huang Xing roared, "I've been shouting at you for a whole half hour on the communication channel! I'm not calling back! Turn off your phone again! You were evacuated from the scene 10 minutes ago. Don't think I didn't know that! Where have you been fooling around?!"

Director Huang had overtime work almost every day and as a result he was yelled at by his wife, that's why he himself was able to master the art of nagging.

Yan Xie: "Ouch don't be so angry, my beloved big chip? Did it move further than 500 meters?"

"Even if it went 500 fucking meters back it'd be still a few dozen kilometers away, at this rate it's going to be in Gongzhou soon! You're haven't put the chip on a bird's neck, haven't you?"


Yan Xie's pupils suddenly widened.

Huang Xing was still babbling about something, but there was an explosion in Yan Xie's ears the moment he heard the word Gongzhou.

What should I do? He immediately thought subconsciously.

Should I report everything to Director Lu and give him a full and complete account of Jiang Ting's identity in detail? Or would it be better to contact the Gongzhou Public Security Bureau and tell them to immediately send out police cars to take back the captain of the anti-drug department, who has returned back from the dead, and reveal all his secrets to the world?

He knew what he had to do, but before his senses could give the right instructions to his body, he had rushed towards the Jeep Grand Cherokee and started the car.

"Hey Yan-Ge! Where are you going!" Ma Xiang was dumbfounded, "Hey!"

"Lao Huang, send me the real-time location of that chip." Yan Xie turned on the ignition, started the car and said in a solemn tone: "Do it now."

Director Lu came out of the command car, and was about to open his mouth to shout to Yan Xie, only to see Yan Xie's car turn around, its tires rubbing against the ground and making a sharp screeching sound.

Director's Lu's eyes that had been narrowed into slits suddenly went round: "- Yan Xie!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Yan Xie's car speeded away amidst the screams of the crowd, leaving behind only a billowing cloud of smoke.

Meanwhile, the highway split.

Ajie glanced into the rearview mirror and saw that the car that had been pursuing him suddenly changed lanes and left his visual range.

"Ahhhh-" Han Xiaomei wanted to be as cool and stylish as the heroine in the police film, but in fact she couldn't restrain herself from screaming at all, especially when Jiang Ting changed lanes for a moment, the sound of her voice soared to the sky, followed by - boom!

Jiang Ting stepped on the accelerator, and CLS400 immediately turned into a silver-gray lightning. Leaping fast from behind the Land Rover to its side!

Han Xiaomei got slammed into the front seat, screaming as if the wire had snapped, she was nearly strangled alive by her seatbelt.

"Hold on tight." Jiang Ting said smoothly over the roar of the engine.

"Ah, ah?!"

Before Han Xiaomei realized what he was talking about, the car suddenly shook!



"Oh, my mother, my mother--"

Mercedes-Benz forced the Land Rover to the side of the highway guardrail, powering and squeezing it so hard that the metal of the two doors rubbed against each other, causing dazzling sparks to appear in the darkness.

The Land Rover was being pressed left and right, causing the car to jolt violently. Ajie glanced to the left with a hard grip on the steering wheel and smirked slightly: "Courting death."

The fork road sign ahead was approaching fast, the left road was leading straight to Gongzhou, and the right road showed a dead end--.

Ajie swerved to the right!

The two cars roared and turned at the same time. The tail lights threw out parallel arcs in the night sky, and the next second both cars were flying through the air at high speed.


The two cars smashed heavily on the abandoned road at the same time, splattering debris everywhere, then lost control in their crazy acceleration and hit the guardrail head-on.

Dozens of minutes, maybe few minutes or even seconds later, Han Xiaomei regained consciousness after fainting for a brief time.

I can't believe I didn't die.

That was the first thought Han Xiaomei had.

The earth-shattering 360-degree spin had come to a standstill, the car was a mess, and the glass was covered in dense, horrible cracks. Han Xiaomei remained in a daze for a moment, then she tried to get up, struggling to peer into the front seat to check how advisor Lu was doing, but as soon as she moved, she felt her whole body ache so badly as if her internal organs had been viciously twisted into a ball and stuffed haphazardly into her abdominal cavity.

"...Lu..." it took all of Han Xiaomei's strength to continue in a trembling voice, "Mr. Lu..."

There was no reply from the driver's seat.

Han Xiaomei's heartbeat missed half a beat, and taking a look out the window made her blood run cold with fright.

Not far away on the dark highway, a young man dressed in black got out of the deformed Land Rover and was heading straight towards them.

"Mr. Lu ! Mr. Lu! Wake up!"

The man outside the car window was getting closer and closer, and even his seemingly smiling expression could be seen clearly. Han Xiaomei's heart sank directly into the bottom of the valley, clenching teeth as she was unbuckling her seatbelt, she was about to get out of the car to fight for her life.

"Stay still."

Han Xiaomei moved a bit.

In the front driver's seat, Jiang Ting covered the bleeding corner of his forehead and slowly opened his eyes.

"... "Han Xiaomei's lips moved, "Mr. Lu..."

She was weak and her throat was congested, so her voice sounded as if it belonged to a mosquito, even she herself could barely hear it.

Jiang Ting took something from his shirt pocket, handed it to her: "It's dangerous outside, stay in the car and don't go out. Wait for Yan Xie to come."

Han Xiaomei's eyes narrowed.

That is a positioning chip issued by the city bureau!

Jiang Ting stepped out of the Mercedes facing the direction Ajie was approaching from, and before Han Xiaomei could open the door he immediately locked the car and threw the keys into the night. An immediate banging on the window from inside the car followed, but Jiang Ting didn't look back.

"Who are you waiting for?" Ajie turned his wrist and asked with a smile, "Jianning Public Security Bureau, Gongzhou Public Security Bureau, or the deputy chief surnamed Yan?"

Jian Ting didn't answer, slightly unnoticeably stumbling he dodged a head-on punch from Ajie, then he stood firm on one side and in a flash, strong wind rubbed against his body.

Ajie seemed to find it amusing, he stood up straight and asked, "You're not going to just stall for time, are you?"

On the viaduct in the distance, headlights sped past, light and shadow flickered across the icy side of Jiang Ting's face. He finally asked, "...Why did you create so much noise?"

Ajie teased, "You know my boss sometimes does things for no reason."

Jiang Ting replied, "No, everything happens for a reason, it's just that some of it isn't known."

Ajie lowered his head, it was hard to see what expression he had in the darkness, only his shoulders were shaking slightly.

"Hahahaha..." finally the uncontrollable voice came out. Ajie looked up and smiled, "Well, actually there are two reasons, but are you sure you want to hear them?"


"Number one - because that Hu guy took something he shouldn't have had, and the mold factory probably had the samples they split up for the research. As you know we have to protect our business. --as for the second one."

Jiang Ting pressed his eyebrows tighter, the ends of his eyelashes almost compressed into a dense mass, only to hear Ajie laugh, "You know my boss has a soft spot for nostalgia and he's been particularly fond of this storyline of a police operation with a sudden explosion since three years ago. Especially since the location is still the factory, it's a perfect chance to reenact the past, so how could he miss it?"

Jiang Ting deeply dug his nails into the palm and a trace of warm, sticky liquid oozed from it.

"So I followed the instructions and recorded a special video for him." Ajie touched his phone, tossing it around and catching it again casually, "What, do you want to stop by and say hello?"


Jiang Ting grabbed his hand to get it, and in turn Ajie grabbed his wrist and twisted it back, the loud sound was particularly clear in the night. In the next second, Jiang Ting twisted his body and did a front leg sweep which was a very standard and fierce fighting move, but Ajie was more resistant than him. After receiving the kick, he did not utter a word and pushed back Jiang Ting for a few steps.

Jiang Ting staggered backwards, unable to stand still as Ajie had struck near.

Han Xiaomei nearly lost her voice: "Mr. Lu!"

Ajie locked him in a chokelock, pushed him back, and slammed Jiang Ting on the SUV hood with a loud thud, followed by a hit with his fist!

The punch would have been enough to smash a deep hole in the front cover of the Land Rover or cause Jiang Ting's brains to burst out of his temple if he hadn't retained his strength.

But then, a scene that Han Xiaomei never even dreamed of happened.

Jiang Ting's tilted his head barely dodging the fist, and Ajie's steel-cast knuckles landed against the side of his ear on the hood; in the next second, Jiang Ting reached down and pulled out a folding dagger from his back pocket, the blade flicked open, and with the cold horizontal slash blood splashed from Ajie's chest!


Ajie immediately stepped back, only to see a three to four inch long bloody gash on his chest. But he didn't have time to examine it closely as Jiang Ting already put the dagger in the other hand, and the blade wrapped with a cold wind was aiming for the throat!

Ajie retreated rapidly while Jiang Ting pressed on. The knife attacks were intense, without the slightest gap. With the speed of life and death situation when one was advancing and the other person kept retreating, he almost cut Ajie's throat several times!

In the car not far away, Han Xiaomei's eyes widened in horror.

According to her impression, consultant Lu was a refined, gentle, well-bred person with a somewhat frail body. She never thought that consultant Lu would hide a dagger on his body. Although he was affected by his poor physique, the coldness and ferocity of his attack made him seem like a completely different person.

--His real self, hidden beneath his gentle, refined façade.

Jiang Ting was not stalling for time for help, he was going to kill that man immediately.


Ajie only felt something cold touch his cheek, and then hot, blood spattered out against the blade, only a few centimeters short of the eye!

"Tsk," he briefly expressed the feeling of surprise, then finally stopped dodging and when Jiang Ting tried to come for his throat again, he grabbed his wrist, mercilessly and ruthlessly twisted it, and the dagger fell to the ground!

"You're just a-" Ajie coldly said.

Who expected that just then, Jiang Ting would not dodge and land a vicious side kick on Ajie's chest instead.

Ajie was forced to let go of the hand that was holding him down, and blocked the side kick effortlessly. In the next moment, Jiang Ting leaped into the air and kicked him in the head, pushing Ajie backwards!

Jiang Ting stumbled as he landed on the ground, nearly losing his footing as everything in his eyes went black.

If it had been Ajie, the opponent's skull would have been shattered on the spot. But Jiang Ting was a patient who had been awake for a month or so and was barely able to walk the long distances, and just now, his hands relied entirely on the muscle memory of three years ago so he could barely hold up without losing ground, and his actual physical exertion was much greater than that of Ajie.

He exhaled a blood laced breath and leaned over to pick up the slightly blood stained dagger on the ground.

But just then, he felt a strong wind whistle past his ears. Jiang Ting didn't have time to get up, the dagger at his fingertips was kicked away, followed by Ajie grabbing him by the throat.

Bang! He slammed his spine into the door of the Land Rover!

"... " Jiang Ting frowned, his face quickly turned from red to bluish-white, and his throat made a terrible bone-crunching sound.

Ajie unconcernedly wiped the bleeding on his face with one hand and snickered: "I knew I didn't even have to take out a gun to deal with you, save to worry about it going off - the boss hadn't believed me when I said you were a tiger with its teeth pulled out and its wings twisted off."

Ajie got up close to his face for a moment and said, "One thing I've never understood is how you could have had a good life so why did you prefer to go down the road of death?"

Not being able to say a word, Jiang Ting spasmodically raised his hand and punched Ajie's arm.

But professional killers who had been trained harshly for years could not be shaken by such trivial resistance, Ajie leaned close to Jiang Ting's ear and whispered: "What would the boss say if I brought you back?"

Jiang Ting opened his mouth and spat out two words between his teeth, "Keep dreaming..."

Ajie seemed to find this a little funny and was about to say something when suddenly he heard an explosive voice behind him, "-Let go off him! Hands up!"

Ajie turned back just to feel a gun against the front of his head.

Han Xiaomei's whole body was shaking, but her eyes were filled with desperate courage, and she shouted at the top of her lungs, "Or I'll shoot!"

From the very beginning, Ajie didn't take this yellow-haired girl seriously, so he didn't expect this change. He weighed the situation a little unexpectedly, then slowly let go of Jiang Ting, and really turned around and raised his hands.

"Cough, cough.. "

Jiang Ting coughed painfully while clutching his neck, and every sound seemed to shake out of his chest. He endured it several times before finally choking out a mouthful of blood and stopping with a gasp

Han Xiaomei couldn't help but glance at him and turn back to Ajie in panic-the one with a gun in both hands was even more nervous than the person who had a gun to his head, with a trembling voice she said: "You, you come over here and stand back."

Ajie obediently followed her instructions, while his eyes narrowed, looking at the Mercedes-Benz CLS400 not far away.

There was a big hole in the back window of the car, from which she must have climbed out just now.

The fleeting headlights of a car on a distant viaduct, approaching from afar and then driving off into the distance, reflected the countless shards of shiny glass on the outside of Han Xiaomei's palm and forearm.

Broken glass?

Ajie finally realized what was happening and flashed a mocking smile in the blink of an eye.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu," Han Xiaomei tried to control the tremor of fear in her voice. "I have handcuffs on me. Help me...Help me cuff him. "

A few steps away Jiang Ting reluctantly got up, but as soon as he took a step closer, he caught sight of the shattered rear window of the Mercedes and froze.

"Mr. Lu?"

The time remained still for a moment, then Jiang Ting and Ajie moved at the same time!

Jiang Ting was desperate to move quickly, but it was too late. Ajie grabbed Han Xiaomei's arm and with a crisp click dislocated her right elbow, immediately grabbed the gun, put it to the center of her eyebrows, and without hesitation pulled the trigger!