Chapter 68

Yan Xie grabbed his phone and strode out of the forensic room. After a while, Ma Xiang, who received his call, hurried up from the criminal investigation division downstairs: "What's the matter, Brother Yan. What moles did you say?"

"The kidnappers didn't randomly choose girls as executioners, there is a screening mechanism." Yan Xie tapped under his right shoulder near his arm, his face unusually gloomy: "Li Yuxin and Bu Wei have a red mole on their right shoulder, this is what they had in common. Whether wearing a suspender or a collar, this position is difficult to show, and 15- or 16-year-old girls may not necessarily wear bare-shoulder dresses, which means the only way they can know that they have red moles in this position, excluding accidental situations such as changing rooms and public bathrooms, there are only parents, sisters, girls who sleep together, boyfriends with intimate relationships, and no one else."

Ma Xiang was stunned after hearing it, but he was already a very experienced criminal policeman. He quickly calmed down and asked: "Bu Wei and Li Yuxin don't live on campus, and their hymens are intact. And according to Bu Wei's confession, other borderline sexual behaviours can basically be ruled out. Is it most likely the parents?"

Yan Xie suddenly stopped: "How did Bu Wei's parents die?"

Ma Xiang immediately said, "We have to investigate this!"

"Bu Wei and Li Yuxin's parents, sisters, female relatives, close friends, classmates and neighbours… Don't let any of them go, start screening immediately. Red moles are not that common, there must be some connection between these two girls that we don't know yet!"

Yan Xie stepped forward again, no one could see through his calm face that his brain seemed to be split into two halves at the moment. One half methodically gave Ma Xiang various instructions, while the other half repeatedly flashed the warm and thin shoulder inside Jiang Ting's soft bathrobe.

All sorts of disorganised suspicions, doubts, fears and unrealities were running rampant through that half of the brain.

That was not an illusion. The moment when Bu Wei looked up from the bottom, that was not an illusion at all. It was the result of deliberate screening.

And the real executioner in King of Spades' heart was Jiang Ting from the very beginning!

"Han Xiaomei is still watching Bu Wei in the hospital?" Yan Xie asked suddenly.

Ma Xiang was quickly writing down the orders that Yan Xie had just ordered, and he didn't even look up when he heard the words: "Yeah, who dares to leave her alone, what's the matter?"

"Inform Han Xiaomei and ask the doctor to check whether there are any traces of plastic surgery on her face?" Yan Xie paused, and then said solemnly: "I want to go there in person."

Bu Wei's situation is actually much better than yesterday.

In the garden downstairs of the inpatient department, Han Xiaomei was pushing her wheelchair, and Bu Wei, who was wearing a cotton white nightdress, sat quietly on it. Her thin white hands were folded on her thighs, and her shiny long hair was braided, hanging down softly and gracefully on the side.

The hair was obviously braided by Han Xiaomei when she had nothing to do. The love between these girls may have calmed Bu Wei's fragile and sensitive nerves, because when she saw Yan Xie again, she only shrank to Han Xiaomei's side, and didn't immediately lose her mind and scream as she did in the ward yesterday.

"Do you still remember me?" Yan Xie asked as he stood in front of the wheelchair and looked down at her.


Bu Wei lowered her head, revealing only the top of her jet-black hair. After a while, she raised her face a little bit and said in a very subtle way, "…Police."

Yan Xie squeezed the palm of his hand which was in his pants pocket —But Yan Xie's calm face didn't change in the slightest: "Yes. Do you remember Shen Xiaoqi?"

Bu Wei held Han Xiaomei's arm tightly as if she was ready to escape with this life-saving straw at any time. This kind of trembling look is not very cute on ordinary people, but on the girl's natural face, there is a charm that makes people dare not face it.

Yan Xie didn't stagger his eyes, he stared at her closely, and it took a long time before he heard her squeeze out three words:

"Shen Xiaoqi…"

Immediately after that, her long eyelashes fluttered, the pink colour spread like paint on her face, and the tears rolled down her cheeks without warning.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Han Xiaomei was shocked and quickly took out a tissue to wipe her tears: "It's okay, Shen Xiaoqi, he will be fine. It's all over!…"

Yan Xie grabbed Han Xiaomei's hand, and the tissue froze in the mid-air.

"Shen Xiaoqi won't get better, and everything will not be over." Yan Xie leaned over and stared at Bu Wei's tearful eyes and said word by word.

Bu Wei's pupils suddenly tightened.

"Shen Xiaoqi has been in a coma for almost two weeks. The doctor said that the possibility of brain death or becoming vegetative is very high. Which means that the boy who bought you flowers will be a breathing corpse from now on, and he will never wake up again."

"Of course, this is still better than your predecessors." Yan Xie's gaze was so sharp that it almost pierced through the mist of tears and stabbed into her eye and even her brain: "After all, that young man named He Liang, that is, the corpse you saw on Tianzong Mountain has rotten so badly that even his own mother could not recognize him. And Li Yuxin, the 'executioner' who killed He Liang under the coercion of the kidnappers was just like you. Do you think she escaped the disaster after she came back? No, her body is now lying on the city bureau's forensic autopsy table half an hour's drive away. She used to be as naive as you and thought that as long as she didn't say anything, killing would be the secret known only to the dead and herself."

"In comparison, it's better to be in a vegetative state, right?"

Yan Xie stared at the girl who was desperately shaking her head and struggling, trying to cover her ears. His low voice was very penetrating which sounded a little cold: "But you may not have the good luck of Shen Xiaoqi, who can lie on the bed as a vegetative person for the rest of his life. You are more likely to end up like Li Yuxin, dying like an ant in the future, and then adding a trivial page to the thick pile of old cases of our police — look at me, Bu Wei! Don't you want to avenge Shen Xiaoqi? Ah?! What's the use of crying?!"

Han Xiaomei's teeth were almost trembling: "Yan, Vice-captain Yan!…"

"I don't know, I really don't know, I beg you…" Bu Wei cried so hard that her whole body was shaking. She bent her knees and curled into a ball. She is so amazingly pitiful that even a hard-hearted person can't bear it: "Please, please, I'm really scared, woo woo…"

The sound of crying echoed in Yan Xie's ears, and Bu Wei's and Jiang Ting's faces gradually overlapped so that in a trance it seemed like it was Jiang Ting who was crying in despair in front of him.

——At that moment, she finally stabbed the only weakness in Yan Xie's heart.

Yan Xie took a breath and slowly stood up.

"Give her a few more days, the doctor said that she is recovering." Han Xiaomei pleaded in a low voice: "After all, no one knows what happened to her on Tianzong Mountain. If she is forced to be interrogated in this state, maybe her description of the kidnapper would not be very accurate…"

Yan Xie raised his hand to stop her, walked a few steps away, and signalled her to follow.

"What did the doctor say?"

Han Xiaomei: "Ah?"

Yan Xie was impatient: "I asked Ma Xiang to inform you to ask the doctor to check whether the little girl had plastic surgery on her face! What did the doctor say?"

Han Xiaomei shrank her neck: "Doctor… The doctor said that prosthetic filling can be ruled out initially. But if you want to examine the bones, they have to do an X-ray first."

Yan Xie seemed to be thinking about something, and Han Xiaomei said eagerly: "The recovery period of bone-cutting could be very long. It means she would have to undergo plastic surgery at the age of 13 or 14. The possibility is too small…"

Yan Xie didn't comment. The originally sharp eyebrows were pressed into a line, and after a while, he sneered softly: "As expected, it is a pure natural. That's why it's valuable."

Han Xiaomei: "???"

Yan Xie didn't explain what this sentence meant, and asked, "How is Shen Xiaoqi?"

"Shen Xiaoqi—" Han Xiaomei didn't say it clearly but shook her head: "Yesterday, Brother Gao personally talked with the dean, he said that the possibility of waking up is getting smaller and smaller, and even if he wakes up, he will have all kinds of unpredictable brain injuries, such as amnesia, dementia or hemiplegia, etc. As for providing clues about the kidnappers, it is estimated that it will be enough to just remember something, and even if he remembered, it will be difficult for the procuratorate to accept it, after all, his condition is already like this. "

Yan Xie took out the cigarette case, lit a soft Chinese cigarette, and exhaled a white mist.

Han Xiaomei twitched her mouth covertly, and while he wasn't paying attention, she moved back twenty centimetres in small steps.

Yan Xie said: "I was in Jiangyang last week, and I didn't know about this. After I came back, I went to the hospital where your Consultant Lu stayed last time and asked them to postpone the return of the set of equipment borrowed from Germany, and send them back in two days. Then I found a way to import another course of supporting drugs. Now you go to Shen Xiaoqi's parents and ask them if they would like to let their child try it."

Han Xiaomei's eyes lit up!

"Treat a dead horse as if it was still alive." Yan Xie said hoarsely, "As for the cost, don't talk about the equipment costs with them, they can't afford it. But the cost of hospitalisation in a private hospital and the cost of the set of medicines will be borne by them. Tell the Shen family's parents to think about it."

"Yes! Yes!" Han Xiaomei nodded happily.

Yan Xie glanced at her with a cigarette: "Why are you so happy? It may not be effective for Shen Xiaoqi. The symptoms are different."

"It's hope after all! Maybe Shen Xiaoqi can be saved. After all, Jiang… Consultant Lu was saved like that."

Han Xiaomei almost bit her own tongue, but unexpectedly, Yan Xie didn't scold her this time. He didn't even say anything, he just pointed at her with the cigarette butt: "Don't say anything in front of outsiders."

Han Xiaomei didn't dare to ask any more questions and just nodded her head.

"Last time I told you about Consultant Lu…"

Yan Xie didn't finish his words, and suddenly heard a noise behind him — Crash!

"Hey, Bu Wei!"

Only to seBu Wei tried to stand up, but her body was trembling so much that she somehow overturned the wheelchair, tripped and fell to the ground. Han Xiaomei immediately stepped forward to help, but she was not a girl with great strength and good skills. Bu Wei was in a trance and kept sobbing and trembling. When she grabbed Han Xiaomei's hand, it was difficult to help her to stand up for a while.

Yan Xie frowned, strode forward with a cigarette in his mouth, bent over and held Bu Wei to help her to stand up.

Yan Xie is fierce, likes to smoke, and is too tall. Under normal circumstances, he is neither liked by girls nor children. None of his little nephews and nieces is close to him. But Bu Wei may have regarded him as a new life-saving straw amid the chaos. While crying, she clung to Yan Xie's neck tightly, sobbing and choking. She buried her face in the crevice of his neck and said vaguely: "Yes, I'm sorry. I was wrong… I'm sorry…"

The girl's soft body was like a small snake, and she pressed her whole body into Yan Xie's arms desperately.

But this action is really too inappropriate — she is so good-looking after all. Even if measured by the most demanding eyes, there is a huge attraction that is extremely disproportionate to her age.

At this moment, any other man, even a policeman, would inevitably feel a little instinctive.

Yan Xie had to avoid suspicion, so he signalled Han Xiaomei with his eyes to quickly get the wheelchair up, and tried to put her back on the wheelchair. But as soon as he made a move, Bu Wei seemed to have a premonition that she was about to be abandoned, so she sobbed and hugged his neck even tighter, crying like a child: "I was wrong, I was wrong, okay? Please, please!…"

Yan Xie frowned slightly, and looked at Han Xiaomei, both of them were a little surprised: Could it be that she is going to say something?

"Would you like to send her back to the ward first?" Han Xiaomei asked in a low voice.

Yan Xie hesitated for a moment, nodded, and turned around with Bu Wei in his arms, then his whole body froze in an instant!

——Not far from the end of the garden, on the side entrance steps of the hospital building, Jiang Ting and Yang Mei were standing there.

Jiang Ting was wearing a baseball cap, and the small half of his face exposed under the aviator sunglasses was stern and emotionless. He and Yan Xie briefly looked at each other, and then he turned to Bu Wei who was in Yan Xie's arms with her back toward him, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although he couldn't see it at all, Yan Xie instantly felt that Jiang Ting's eyebrows were slightly tightened.