Chapter 69

In the Ward.

Han Xiaomei rubbed her hands in fear while listening to the nurse lecture meekly. Bu Wei kept sobbing while hooking Yan Xie's neck. Yan Xie bent over and placed her on the hospital bed.

At that moment, her crystal clear phoenix eyes raised, and they briefly collide with Jiang Ting at the door of the ward through the mist of tears.

——That eye contact was faster than a flash of lighting.

Yan Xie turned his back to the door, stood up straight to block her vision, and waved to Han Xiaomei: "I'll go talk to Shen Xiaoqi's parents, you stay here and take care of the victim."

"Oh, yes!"

Yan Xie turned around and went straight out of the ward. He didn't even look at the nurse Yu Wuwu who was very angry. Without delaying even half a second, he rushed across the corridor in three steps and grabbed Jiang Ting's hand: "Wait!"

"Hey, isn't this vice-captain Yan?" Before Jiang Ting could say anything, Yang Mei hoarsely opened her mouth first, "We usually came to the hospital 'once in a while', and today it's such a coincidence to see vice-captain Yan caring about the victim, which shows that you are really quite occupied with a myriad of state affairs every day. Since that's the case, 'outsiders' like us won't bother you to continue communicating with the victim." saying that, she smiled and grabbed Jiang Ting's other hand before walking forward.

Yan Xie stepped forward and held Jiang Ting's hand: "Hey, Boss Yang, is this the flu? You can't walk around with the flu like that, what if it spreads to others?"

Yang Mei, an iron girl, was not to be outdone. She stepped forward on her YSL high-heels—but because of the cold and fever, she couldn't walk stably and her newly bought hatred reached sky-high—on the spot, Jiang Ting's left and right hands were pulled back: "You don't have to worry about that, with what kind of relationship Brother Jiang and I have all the time, can he not know if I have the flu?"

Yan Xie: "I told you…"

Jiang Ting pulled out his hands abruptly, rubbed his wrists, and rushed Yang Mei: "What you got is the flu." Then he turned to Yan Xie while Yang Mei pouted and stared in disapproval: "The driver has already registered her, we should go first, you can do your own thing."

His face was always calm and composed, and his face which didn't even bother to make an expression looked so distracted that Yan Xie didn't even utter a word.

Yang Mei was like a big fox with its tail raised. She flew a kiss at Yan Xie in a lively manner, twitched her nose, and turned around to follow Jiang Ting.

"..." Yan Xie stood in the same place, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses, he said incredulously: "I only contacted the victim normally, but he accompanied the surnamed Yang to the hospital to see a doctor. How did it end up looking like I was the one who didn't keep his virtues?"

"Why did Consultant Lu come to this hospital to see a doctor?"

Yan Xie looked back, only to see a hairy head with braids behind him—Han Xiaomei came over at some point, with an expression of 'You straight man still didn't understand' on her face.

Yan Xie: "What did you say?"

"This hospital is close to the city bureau, but it's not close to Sister Meimei's Sleepless Place KTV. So why did Consultant Lu give up the near and come this far, and come to this hospital specifically?

"The two looked at each other in dismay, and after a few seconds, a row of "yooooo—" appeared neatly above Yan Xie's head, then the aftertaste came, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help turning upwards.

"Hey girl, you are so unreliable in handling cases, but you're quite clever in this regard." Yan Xie quickly controlled his facial expression and taught her seriously: "Next time, you should use your mind on the proper business, do you understand?"

The corner of Han Xiaomei's mouth twitched like that of an aunt, but Yan Xie didn't even pay any attention to her boldness this time, and after a few words of education he hurriedly ran away.

Half an hour later, Yang Mei walked out of the doctor's office with a large plastic bag of medicine, sniffling.

"Drink more water, sleep more, pay attention to opening windows for ventilation, and don't go to crowded public places." Yang Mei repeated the doctor's order with a bitter face, "He said that I don't have to come next week for a checkup, and then I was sent out."

Jiang Ting Said: "You also have to pay attention, you are a grown-up, not a child." Then he stood up from the bench in the waiting area in the corridor.

"Where have I grown up, this year I only ——"

Yang Mei suddenly stopped.

Jiang Ting's brain, which was well-known in the public security system in Gongzhou, didn't realize the danger that was approaching. He still maintained the posture of half-opening his mouth as if he was about to say something, staring at her inexplicably.

Two seconds later, Yang Mei let out an earth-shattering sneeze.

"I'm sorry Brother Jiang, I really couldn't react on time, I'm sorry I didn't mean it…"

Yang Mei almost cried on the spot, but Jiang Ting took a long breath and carefully wiped his chin and neck with a disinfectant wipe. And if you look closely, you would find that he is really detached, as if he will become a Buddha on the spot as soon as the Great Compassion Mantra is played in the background.

After wiping with a tissue, Yang Mei hurriedly took out another and offered it to him with both of her hands. However, just as Jiang Ting reached out his hand to pick it up, in an instant another Devil May Cry wolf howl sounded: "Ah—sneeze!!"

Yang Mei's snot almost rushed out, and she hurriedly covered her nose with a tissue.

"You sit down and rest for a while," Jiang Ting said helplessly while holding the hand of the first-level pollution alarm in the air, "I'll go to the bathroom to wash."

Yang Mie's eyes were full of tears. She sat pitifully on the bench and blew her nose, because of the blowing her whole neck went red. She also had to be careful not to wipe off the foundation around the nostrils, which was really miserable.

In the men's bathroom of the hospital, Jiang Ting carefully rubbed the soap bubbles and then turned on the tap.

Whoa, whoa——

Suddenly a person flashed into the bathroom, stood beside him, and started to wash his hands as well.

Jiang Ting glanced at him, and it turned out to be Yan Xie.

Yan Xie's shirt sleeves were rolled to his elbow, and the exquisitely-tailored fabric wrapped around his tall and sturdy figure. In the sound of the rushing water, he was humming a little tune like no one else was around. Seeing him like that, Jiang Ting's eyes began to twitch slightly, but the handsome and unassuming Unit Vice-Captain Yan didn't seem to notice at all and washed his hands without looking sideways.

The other people around didn't notice the undercurrents surging here at all, the last outsider swayed his arm and left after a while, and when only the two of them were left in the bathroom, a smile appeared on Yan Xie's handsome ruffian face, which made people want to beat him. He asked,

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Tuo turned off the faucet, took out a tissue, and wiped his hands: "What are you doing?"

"Don't take Yang Mei back, we'll go out and get you something to eat later."

"The case is over?"

"If I haven't solved it I can't treat our Captain Jiang to a meal?"

Jiang Ting snorted softly in his nose and threw away the tissue after wiping his hands. Yan Xie suddenly leaned closer: "Come and give me a kiss…"

"No kiss, you…"

"Just one kiss!"

Yan Xie put Jiang Ting against the tiled wall, the latter tilted his head back and pulled the distance of a few centimeters, but the former kept pushing forward unreasonably. Just as he was struggling, he suddenly heard the sound of the bathroom door being pushed open behind half a wall from the sink, and someone came to the toilet again.

When it was too late, Yan Xie grabbed Jiang Ting, dragged him into a cubicle to dodge, and closed the door with a bang.

Faint noises can be heard from the urinal in the outer room, and then there was a sound of water being released.


Jiang Ting was pressed firmly on the partition, and his mouth was covered by Yan Xie's palm. Only a slight movement would make a noise, so he couldn't help but keep making eye gestures, which meant that we are not in the women's toilet, why are you hiding in?!

Yan Xie raised her eyebrows and smiled, that smile was filled with evil intentions. He let go of his palm and kissed him.

The kissing level of Unit Deputy Yan had improved by leaps and bounds in just a few days. If the kiss in the hospital in Jiangyang County was like a predatory beast, then this time it has become sweet, warm, affectionate, and eager, like sucking a piece of maltose that had been roasted on a small fire. Jiang Ting had to open his lips and teeth, one of his hands was pressed on the partition to support his balance, while the other hand was lifted and was pressed in front of Yan Xie's shoulder, trying to push him away and afraid of making a sound.

This posture was very delicate. It was difficult to say whether it was to resist or to cater. In the small and secret space, only two people were short of breath, tightly entangled with their body temperature.

The movement outside became exceptionally clear, only to hear the man put on his trousers slowly and start to wash his hands with water.

"Hello, wife?"

The breath that Jiang Ting had not yet released was hung back alive.

"I'm in the hospital, I'm not on night shift today, wait for me to come home for dinner… What, I don't accompany you because of work? Hey, it's not like you don't know about the grading test conducted in our hospital… Don't be angry, my dear. Tonight, your husband will accompany you well, and will feed you delicious food…"

Yan Xie snorted for a moment, and almost laughed out loud.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat. Well, don't be angry, wife…"

Jiang Ting: "..."

The doctor outside didn't notice the movement in the cubicle at all. After hanging up the phone, he went out happily.

"Hahaha——" Yan Xie pinned Jiang Ting on the partition, and couldn't restrain his laughter. His shoulders shrugged and he almost couldn't catch his breath: "Husband will feed you delicious food, hahaha, the little doctor is still quite interested in life…"

Jiang Ting gritted his teeth and asked word by word: "Have you finished laughing?"

Yan Xie smiled: "Why are you angry, Captain Jiang. This is not me teasing you, it's normal for a couple to play like this——oh, or do you want to eat too? Just tell me if you want to eat."

Jiang Ting: "..."

"Pfft, hahaha——"

If one's mood can be embodied, at this moment, countless tangled black lines would have emerged above Jiang Ting's head. But he was helpless and couldn't break free from the toilet partition and the fierce arms of Unit Deputy Yan. He could only stand there with a straight face, while Yan Xie rubbed his temples and ears, laughing softly and coaxing: "Don't be angry, don't be angry. I won't be on duty tonight, I will take you to eat delicious food when we say to take you to eat delicious food, hahahahaha–—"

Jiang Ting couldn't dodge it, so he turned his face and was kissed by Yan Xie on the side of the neck behind the earlobe.

"Yan Xie, can you please…"

Jiang Ting gritted his teeth and grabbed Yan Xie's wrist, but how could Deputy Yan be restrained by him. He flexibly unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt and even took a small bite on the shoulder bone.

"Yan Xie!"

"Shh, shh, be good, don't get angry, don't get angry…" Yan Xie took advantage of his height and weight to hold Jiang Ting in the corner of the cubicle, and his rough thumb couldn't stop stroking his shoulder, then he made a "huh" sound as if he had found something.

"What's wrong with you?"

Yan Xie smiled and whispered against Jiang Ting's earlobe: "You have a red mole here on your shoulder, did you know that?"

Jiang Ting said hoarsely, "I don't know, thanks for telling me!"

Jiang Ting forcefully pushed Yan Xie away and barely pulled on the collar. If you look closely, you can see that Captain Jiang's face, which has been frozen for thousands of years, was a little red. But it was not clear under the dim visual conditions of the toilet cubicle, and it was covered up when he tilted his head.

With his slightly sideways posture, and looking from such a close distance, Yan Xie could clearly see the dense eyelashes and the curvature of the tip of the eyes, which looks like they were made with the best brush made of weasel's hair dipped in Huizhou ink[1] and drawn on the snow-white Xuan paper[2].

Yan Xie was a little confused and closed his eyes forcefully.

He felt as if two pots of water were being poured into the deepest part of his heart at the same time, one was cold and biting suspicion, and the other was thick and scalding affection, which stimulated the whole heart and even the chest to curl up tightly.

"Go out," Jiang Ting reprimanded in a low voice.

Yan Xie didn't move.

"Get out!" Jiang Ting's voice became a little more anxious, "Don't you have a case to handle?"

"…I don't want to leave," Yan Xie said vaguely, "I want to stay with you for a while."

Jiang Ting was startled, and Yan Xie leaned forward and hugged him tightly in his arms.

Yan Xie carried a good smell of men's perfume, like a mature forest and sea, and with the solid and fiery arms around him, it almost caused people to drown.

Jiang Ting didn't say a word and seemed to have forgotten what to say. His chin rested on the man's muscular neck, and his nasal cavity was filled with the fragrance mixed with male hormones. It was like If he opened his mouth again, the breath would penetrate his internal organs along the throat, permeating every inch of bone marrow, and would completely immerse his already a little dizzy brain.

But there was always a faint voice in the back of his mind reminding him, no.

Just like a steaming hot lake in a world of ice and snow, you can dip your freezing hands into the water to warm up for a while, but if you jump into it desperately, you will only drown in it alive.

Jiang Ting tentatively raised his hand and hung it in the air for a long time before placing it lightly on Yan Xie's back.

This subtle gesture seems to have greatly pleased Yan Xie, at least Jiang Ting felt him pressing his head into his arms harder, and laughed silently at the same time: "If only I could stay with you like this forever."

"…You didn't think about it clearly," Jiang Ting said in a low voice.

"I already thought about it clearly, the person who doesn't want to trust or be honest is you."

Jiang Ting didn't speak.

Yan Xie seemed to imply something, and every word was lingering between his lips and teeth: "The person who always wants to hide… is you."

Jiang Ting's eyes moved, but he could only see the other party's solid and powerful back, unable to get the slightest clue from the micro-expression.

"Don't trust what?" Jiang Ting's mind turned around, and he spoke in a purely sarcastic tone: "I don't trust you to discuss the case with the victim girl alone, eh?"

"Hahaha——" Yan Xie burst out laughing, and playfully patted Jiang Ting's lower back: "Come on, are you jealous."

"Jealous your sister." Jiang Ting uttered a rare foul language, and finally forcibly got rid of the obsessed atmosphere just now. He pushed Yan Xie away with all his strength: "Handle your case, I still have to…"

Ding Dong!

Yan Xie's phone received a new text message.

"F*ck, why is it that Old Gao spoils the atmosphere every time? Can't stand our intimacy or something." Yan Xie opened the screen lock and immediately said, "My dear, look at it."

Jiang Ting was looking down to quickly tidy up the cuffs of his clothes. Hearing the words, he leaned over. The two of them were facing each other in the cubicle, and the fluorescent light was faintly reflected in their eyes. The content of the text message was a photo of a traffic accident appraisal certificate from a few years ago.

Then came the second text message:

[Bu Wei's father, Bu Zizhen, and mother, Li Ping, died in a long-distance car accident. The autopsy results showed that the two were driving under the influence of drugs and were positive for diacetylmorphine.]

Jiang Ting suddenly raised his head and looked at Yan Xie, but before he could say anything, the text message beep sounded for the third time:

[Li Yuxin's biological mother was divorced because of drug addiction, and when He Liang's case happened, the Li family already had a remarried couple.]

"——Go and investigate Buwei's parents and Li Yuxin's biological mother's drug supplier," Jiang Ting responded immediately: "We have hope to find the first pair of victims!"