Chapter 104

Yang Mei trembled like prey being targeted by a ferocious beast and took a half step back. Immediately afterward, the man in black held the corridor railing with one hand and jumped down. Like an eagle grabbing a chicken's neck, he pressed her against the wall with a "Bang!"

"..." Yang Mei didn't even have time to call for help or even make a sound. She clasped the man's arm with both hands, but it was in vain. She only felt her body being lifted up against the wall inch by inch, even her toes were almost off the ground, and her whole body weight was hanging on the fierce hand that was choking her throat. 

The terrifying suffocation made her face red in a few seconds, then from red to blue, and then from blue to purple.

Brother Jiang… she thought vaguely.

I'm sorry, I may…maybe…

 These last thoughts gradually became blurred, and just before she completely plunged into the abyss, suddenly——


The man turned back suddenly, but it was too late. A muscular elbow hit his neck from behind, and the terrifying force was enough to break his throat bone. The huge force even caused him and the person who came to fall heavily to the ground!

 "Cough cough cough cough cough!!…"

Yang Mei knelt on the ground and coughed frantically, fresh air poured into her trachea through her injured throat. She was coughing so hard that she almost spit out her lungs. She coughed for more than a minute before struggling to raise her head. She wiped away the tears from her face with both hands, looked up, and exclaimed with a hiss, "Yan Xie!"



Qi Sihao was pushed by the black-clothed man who had hit him just now. He stumbled through a corridor, and saw a bright light in front of him — it was the underground wine cellar of the nightclub. Rows of wooden barrels and wine racks were placed against the wall, with an open space in the middle, and at the edge of the open space was a chair.  

"You…" Qi Sihao seemed to recognize the young man sitting on the chair smoking, and he couldn't help trembling: "You are…"  

A-Jie put his right foot on his left knee, and said lightly amidst the curling smoke of the cigarette: "Do you know who I am?"

 Although I don't know, I have seen you and even arrested you.

Qi Sihao trembled even more, and the frequency of the tremors in his calf under the trousers could clearly be seen by the naked eye — that was when he was still running errands with a low salary in the anti-drug division under the dazzling, young, and promising Jiang Ting. During an anti-drug operation at the dock, the front-line special police unit surrounded a highly suspicious bulletproof luxury car with guns, and then in front of his eyes, they pulled out the young man from the back seat of the car.

 At that time, he was younger and more arrogant. Facing the muzzles of more than a dozen black submachine guns, he stood there with a smile and raised his hand in the wind, looking at every special police officer on the scene with malicious intent, as if he wanted to remember their faces in his mind. The commander of the Special Police Unit was stared at by his gloomy eyes, feeling very uncomfortable. He reported to the command car through the walkie-talkie about catching one of the suspects. At that time, Qi Sihao clearly heard Jiang Ting's cold voice from the other end of the walkie-talkie:

"Why didn't you kill him?"

"What?" The Special Police Unit leader thought he didn't hear clearly, and repeated in a serious tone: "Reporting to the command car, one of the suspects has surrendered, he has surrendered! Please give instructions."

 There was a long silence in the channel before he heard Jiang Ting say: "Then take him back in handcuffs."

After the operation, the young man was handcuffed and escorted into the police car. He suddenly turned his head, and the sharp eagle-like eyes were fixed on Jiang Ting. This kind of look made everyone who saw it feel uncomfortable. The Special Police Unit leader was about to scold him, only to hear him suddenly say, "I heard that you want to kill me?"

No one knew how he recognized the commander-in-chief among so many police officers at a glance, or maybe it was because Jiang Ting wore a dark blue uniform and had the highest police rank on his shoulders.  

 Jiang Ting, whose face had never shown a trace of expression, turned around and stared at him without any emotion, no different from looking at a thief, robber, or prostitute. Under this kind of condescending gaze, the young man suddenly laughed in a twisted manner, leaned his head down, and said something in Jiang Ting's ear.  

At that time, Qi Sihao stood far away and couldn't hear what he was saying. Judging from his mouth, it should have been a swear word, but the surrounding special police reacted greatly, and several people scolded him sharply at the same time, pulling him back.

Jiang Ting was quite calm. He moved his wrist and asked, "Do you want to say it again?" 

The young man was still smiling, repeating the words slowly, but before he could finish speaking, there was a "Slap!" sound; half of his body was deflected by Jiang Ting's slap in another direction!

Jiang Ting's hand strength was definitely no joke. When the young man gasped and stood up, blood was clearly flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Say it again," Jiang Ting said clearly.

 Qi Sihao was sure that the young man was sick, and he seemed to be suddenly aroused by some kind of great interest, even saying the swear word again.


The slap on the face was so loud that even people from far away were frightened.

 Jiang Ting said: "Say it again."

"..." The young man gasped and strengthened up again.

This time, blood was splattered between his teeth, which made his white teeth even more terrifying. The paradoxical scene made the surrounding special police feel a little chilly. Someone was about to step forward to stop him, only to see him leaning toward Jiang Ting's ear. His blood-stained teeth were gently opened and closed, and his tone could be described as gentle: "Why are you so ruthless? You know that I will be released, and the days ahead are still long, right?" 

Jiang Ting said, "Yes."

Afterward, he just stood there motionless, and with another slap, the young man smashed against the police car door!

"Next time you see him at the scene, don't give any warnings, and don't wait for him to resist; just shoot him on the spot." Jiang Ting took out a disinfectant tissue from the car, wiped his hands slowly, and said, "The responsibility will be mine."

 He turned around and walked into the distance, while the young man was escorted by the special police and rudely pushed into the police car.

——You knew that I would be released.

At that time, Qi Sihao, like everyone else at the scene, thought this was just ridiculous arrogance. However, when he was sorting out the case file, he found out that this person was really bailed out due to insufficient evidence and was soon released without being convicted.

 When he learned this, Qi Sihao was stunned in the office for a long time. After the emotions such as confusion, surprise, and disbelief subsided, an impressive picture accompanied by fear slowly emerged from the bottom of his heart—  

That day, when the police car that escorted the suspect was driving away, the young man stared at Division Captain Jiang, who had his back to him through the rear window of the car. The police car drove farther and farther away, but his serpent-like gaze seemed to remain in place, as if it foreshadowed some kind of misfortune in the future, making everyone who noticed it shudder.  

——You knew that I would be released. 

 Then he was really released and was smoking a cigarette leisurely at this moment, appearing in front of Qi Sihao.  


A-Jie flicked the cigarette ash; his tone was calm and hoarse, but it made Qi Sihao tremble again as if electrified: "Do you know why you are here?"  

 "No, no…no…"  

"Calm down, and stand up straight. After all, you are also a division leader."  

"I don't know; it's them, it's really them." Qi Sihao was regretting so much that his face turned blue, and he kept repeating: "I just signed the documents, nothing more. I was confused for a while, I can get all the money back and give it to you—"  

 "Money," A-Jie laughed, "Money is the most worthless thing in the world."  

Qi Sihao was at a loss. If he wasn't being held up by the killer, he probably would've fallen to the ground at the next moment.  

"You could've had as much money as you wanted — only if you hadn't sold this thing." 

A-Jie raised his hand and took out a photo from his pants pocket and threw it forward. The photo swirled to the ground. Qi Sihao looked down reflexively, only to see a packet of blue powder in the picture, wrapped in a transparent, sealed bag. On the yellowed label in the lower right corner, there was something written in fading handwriting: Group C, 9th box, 7704.  

What is this?

Indeed, as Qi Sihao said, he was only responsible for signing. The actual operation was to take things out of the box, pass them out, develop the distribution routes, and sell them to various channels… Those steps had nothing to do with him, and it was normal to not recognize them.

 "Do you know what this is?" A-Jie slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and ridicule appeared in his eyes: "This may be the glory and wealth of the second half of your life, or it may be your death's envoy."

At this moment, there was the sound of the secret door opening and closing from the depths of the warehouse, and then the manager, Madam Sang, hurried over: "Brother Jie!" 

As soon as A-Jie looked up, the manager whispered a few words in his ear.

Qi Sihao was in extreme panic, and he didn't understand what she was talking about, but he saw A-Jie's face change slightly: "What?" 

The manager nodded in horror.

"…Life is really tough." A-Jie said softly, not knowing what he was talking about, then got up and strode toward the exit. Passing by Qi Sihao, he instructed: "Look after him, don't let him run away." 

The killer understood and nodded.


Fire escape.


The black-clothed man lay flat on the ground, desperately grabbing Yan Xie's arm and digging his fingers into his muscles. A few bloodstains slowly flowed down Yan Xie's elbow and converged along his forearm on his muscular wrist.

But this pain didn't change Yan Xie's expression. He knelt on one knee, staring at the man in black. The fish flicked violently a few times and then suddenly softened, then there was no movement.

 In the narrow corridor, the air was stiff as if freezing, and Yang Mei tightly blocked her mouth.

"Hu… Hu…" It wasn't until he confirmed that the killer was out of breath that Yan Xie slowly released the hand from the black-clothed man's neck and stood up, gasping for breath.

"Yan, Yan Yan Yan Xie, you you you…"

 Yan Xie made a stern gesture of silence to stop Yang Mei's trembling shouting and immediately pointed upstairs: "Hurry up."

"What…, what are you doing here? Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, he…"

"Hurry up! Yan Xie scolded her in a low voice, rudely pulled her up by the arm, and pushed her to walk up the stairs involuntarily for several steps: "Don't be fussy, go out to the car and wait at the back door. If we don't come out within ten minutes, don't worry about us, just go by yourself!"

Yang Mei almost rushed to say no, but then, her gaze passed Yan Xie and settled on a scene not far away, and she couldn't help gritting her teeth.

"—where are you going?"

A sinister voice sounded, like a hungry beast laughing after smelling the scent of an unarmed human:

 "You don't need to go, just stay."

Yan Xie suddenly turned around.

At the end of the corridor, a thin and fierce figure appeared, revealing A-Jie's cold and rebellious face. At that moment, Yan Xie's shoulder and neck muscles were obviously tense. Their eyes collided in the air, and A-Jie smiled slowly, emphasizing each word: "Didn't I say that when we meet again, it'll be your death."

 Yang Mei's lips trembled violently with fear, and she clung to the dusty wall like it was a life-saving straw, so as not to fall to her knees.

At this moment, she heard Yan Xie smile slowly: "Yeah."

Then she saw Yan Xie suddenly rush forward hurriedly, seizing the short knife dropped by the man in black clothes before—

 At the same time, A-Jie also moved. He hunched his waist, pulled out the dagger from his calf, and rushed toward Yan Xie like lightning!


The wine cellar in the basement.

 The door blocked all sounds outside. The wine cellar was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be clearly heard. Qi Sihao stood unsteadily, and the sweat on his back was coming out layer by layer as if he had just been fished out of the water. The killer took out a cigarette from his pants pocket and smoked it. He let go of him when the fire was lit, and he stumbled and almost fell immediately. 

"Now you know how to be afraid? Why did you do it at that time?" The killer let out a half-sneer through his nose, "If you were honest, this wouldn't have happened to you, you were asking for it."

Qi Sihao responded.

"Who did you work under before, the Second Anti-drug Division?"

Jiang Ting's style was very tough when he was the captain of the division. It was impossible for a character like Qi Sihao to get an important position under him. Qi Sihao was ashamed and never mentioned it much.

He hummed twice, only to hear the killer say casually, "Is the surname Jiang the captain of your division? This person is quite troublesome."

 Qi Sihao subconsciously hummed, but suddenly felt something wrong, troublesome?

What's troublesome?

Isn't Jiang Ting already dead?

"But then it's said that he died," the killer snorted, "that's how he ended up, after going against our boss."

Qi Sihao was in shock, wondering if it was a pure threat or if he was hinting at something. Could Jing Ting be against this gang of drug dealers? Is he going to end up like him now?

Are they going to kill him here?!

 The killer didn't notice Qi Sihao's pale face. No one knew what the killer recalled, but he raised the corners of his mouth maliciously: "He won't leave if there is a way to heaven, but he will come here even if there is no door to hell. That's how your Captain Jiang was, but you are unlucky that you used to be one of his…"

"I'm not! I'm not!" Qi Sihao shouted sharply: "I'm not the same as that person with the surname Jiang at all. You can't kill me! It's not easy to clean up if you kill me."

The killer mocked: "You? Who do you think you are? If we really wanted to kill you, you'd be just like an ant. Even the surnamed Jiang back then, you know how he ended up—"


It was only a tiny sound, but the killer's movements suddenly stopped, his body swayed forward, and the cigarette fell from his fingers to the ground.

Qi Sihao's eyes widened in fear, and the last scene of the killer's life was clearly reflected in his pupils — he seemed to want to look back to see who killed him, but he was no longer strong enough to support this last action. Blood gurgled from the position of his left chest and heart, and then, keeping this half-turned posture, bang! He fell to the ground, splattering dust.

"Who… who is it," Qi Sihao nervously took a half step back: "Come out… aaahhh, ghost!!"

After the body fell to the ground, the scene behind him was revealed. Among the rows of wine racks, Jiang Ting was standing with a gun in his hand. He tossed the mineral water bottle attached to the silencer's muzzle and bent over to pick up the metal bullet casing that had fallen to the ground.

"You, Jiang, Captain Jiang…" Qi Sihao almost suspected that he was dreaming. He fell on the ground and crawled backward: "Are you, you, are you a ghost or-or — ahahahah don't come here! Don't come here!"

"It's true that you and I are not the same kind of person," Jiang Ting said flatly.

His tone was still as unmistakably cold and tough as before. He stepped forward, knelt down on one knee beside the bloody corpse, and instructed: "Shut up if you don't want to die."

Qi Sihao gasped sharply as if he was really caught in a terrifying nightmare. He saw Jiang Ting pull out the folding knife from under his coat, swipe the blade out, and stab it at the bullet hole in the left chest of the corpse. Then he dug a few times, and with a clang, a bullet stained with flesh and blood was pried out from between the ribs.

 Jiang Ting picked up the bullet from the ground and motioned to the dazed Qi Sihao: "Follow me."