Chapter 105

At the same time, the fire escape.


The metal blades collided with each other, making a deafening sound. A-Jie held on to the dagger and pressed Yan Xie back step by step. The blade slid past Yan Xie's face, who tilted his head to avoid it at lightning speed, stepping back in the process. In an instant, his back was pressed against the wall of the corridor. 

Slash — The blade split the air horizontally, aiming not too far from the carotid artery. Yan Xie felt the stinging, cold wind sweep across his skin, and he instinctively raised his hand to block it.

In fact, as soon as he took this action, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and he immediately retracted his hand. But in the ever-changing battle situation, it was impossible for a killer like A-Jie to miss any flaw in his opponent, and the blade immediately slashed into Yan Xie's wrist!

Yang Mei screamed, "Yan Xie!"


Yan Xie was shocked, but the expected pain did not come, and a stainless steel watch that was cut by the dagger fell to the ground.

"…F*ck," A-Jie flexed his shoulder muscles, looked at the watch, and smiled: "I really hate those who have similar hobbies as me."

 Yan Xie pressed his backhand against the wall, stepped forward like an arrow, and said angrily: "Laozi is the world's top VIP in his family, and you are just a dick!"

The short knife he picked up from the black-clothed man's body before cut A-Jie's wrist from bottom to top. It was probably because the angle was too tricky, A-Jie couldn't dodge this time, and the extremely sharp blade cut through his forearm on the spot, splashing blood on the spot.

A-Jie took a deep breath and was kicked in the chest by Yan Xie, causing him to flee and slam into the opposite wall!

 A-Jie weighed 70 to 80 kilograms, he knocked the dust and gravel down the wall on the spot, and a large amount of dust flew everywhere, making them unable to open their eyes. In this kind of life-and-death struggle, the most fatal thing was the slightest hesitation. Yan Xie didn't even pause at all. He threw himself down and knocked A-Jie down. At the same time, he raised the short knife in his hand and stabbed it toward A-Jie's pupils.

——In just 0.01 seconds, this knife could have penetrated A-Jie's eyes along with his skull, nailing his entire head to the concrete floor.

But at this moment, A-Jie grabbed Yan Xie's arm while lying on his back and pushed his hands in the opposite direction at the same time. The severe pain that almost twisted and dislocated his elbow made Yan Xie lose his grip. The short knife flew out and fell two meters away with a swirl—


As if a referee had shot a starting gun, Yan Xie and A-Jie pounced on the short knife. A-Jie smashed the knife out with one hand, and it fell onto the floor below through the gap between the railings!

"That's better," A-Jie said coldly, "A fight is a fight, and the use of knives and guns hurts feelings."

 The sound of the short knife rolling down the stairs was heard. Yan Xie cursed inwardly and then held A-Jie down on the spot and punched him.

They were both experts in fighting, and they both knew that at times like this, whoever got up from the ground first would win. They were like two ferocious beasts, doing everything possible to smash each other's eyes, choke each other's throats, and roll down the corridor. The combined weight and inertia of more than 300 pounds smashed against the fire hose glass, causing it to break into pieces.

The cracked glass was like flowers scattered all over the sky, spreading all over the ground, and the two people who were scrambling and rolling on the ground were instantly cut with bloody wounds. With one hand propped up on the sharp glass shards on the ground, Yan Xie threw his fists until A-Jie's eyes turned black. Then he got up on his knees, grabbed the firefighter's axe, and aimed at his head.

 "XX!" A-Jie burst out with a Burmese curse and rolled on the spot in a hurry. The sharp fire axe brushed past the top of his head, chopped off a few hairs, and slammed into the brick wall!  

The gravel and dust splashed down, and Yan Xie said coldly, "Who cares about the feelings of a death row prisoner?"

A-Jie kneeled down on one knee, his face covered in blood and mud, and his already hostile facial features looked even more fierce. He raised his hand and wiped off the blood that was caused by Yan Xie's punch on his ears without hesitation and hissed slowly, word by word: "You're finished…" 

 The air froze in an instant. A-Jie reached out and grabbed the fire extinguisher, pulling it out of the wall. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Yan Xie stepped forward, but in the blink of an eye, A-Jie hurriedly swing the fire extinguisher — 

The heavy iron fire extinguisher weighing eight kilograms smashed down on the head hard, immediately beating Yan Xie to the point where blood spurted out of his mouth and nose!


Yang Mei couldn't help but let out a suppressed exclamation before quickly sealing her mouth with her fist and catching a glimpse of a sneaky figure not far away. It was Madam Sang!

When no one noticed her, she secretly walked out of the warehouse gate in the basement and gently crawled along the corridor to the first floor, as if she was going to run out to call someone.

Yang Mei knew that this nightclub had an inexplicable relationship with A-Jie. If she was allowed to run out, who knows how many henchmen would be called by the news? She immediately screamed, "Stop!"

 Madam Sang was stunned. Seeing Yang Mei, she immediately yelled, "Shut up, little bitch!" Then she ran up with all her might.

"Who do you call, bitch?!" Yang Mei was furious, stepping on the gravel all over the ground and rushing up. She had already taken off her high heels and thrown them away. At this time, she ran barefoot so fast that the manager of the nightclub couldn't dodge in time. Yang Mei's sharp fingernails caught her hair, and she immediately screamed, "You slut, let me go!" 

The two women tumbled down the stairs, tearing each other's skirts and pulling each other's hair. Their eyeliner and lipstick were all over their faces, and necklaces and bracelets tinkled all over the floor. The intensity of the fight between the two may not have been as fierce as that of a man, but the cruelty was not inferior at all. Yang Mei took out all the skills of being a sister who had not studied hard since she was a child. She grabbed Madam Sang's short skirt and ripped it open in twos, then grabbed the enemy's high-heeled shoes, beating Madam Sang hard in the face with them. It only took her a few blows to beat her to the point of wailing. 

 "It's the other way around!" Yang Mei was young and strong. She lifted her skirt, which was ruffled by the nightclub manager, then straddled the enemy's waist, sitting down ruthlessly. Her hair was disheveled, and she raised her hand to slap her fiercely: "Want to run to call the rescue? Huh? Who the hell is a bitch?"

"Help me! Help me!" Madam Sang screamed: "Please, someone help me, someone!"

"Shut up, you old lady!" Yang Mei raised her eyebrows and slapped her seven or eight times in a row from left to right, roaring: "You pinch my chest! You tore my clothes!! Can you afford to tear them up?!"  


The sound of the gunshot echoed in the corridor several times, and Yang Mei jumped in shock and turned back suddenly.

A silhouette that she was very familiar with was standing at the entrance of the corridor, holding a gun in his right hand and facing A-Jie condescendingly — it was Jiang Ting!

 "Don't move," he said clearly, "hands up."

As if the fast-forwarding movie was suddenly paused, the fire extinguisher that A-Jie had raised in mid-air stopped, and he stared at Yan Xie.

Countless bloodstains were cut on their faces, arms, chests, and backs by sharp glass fragments. The blood on Yan Xie's forehead flowed down the bridge of his nose to his mouth. The blood stains on A-Jie's two sideburns also flowed down to his neck and into his collar, like two wild beasts facing each other, staring at each other without any hesitation.

 After a long time, A-Jie sneered, "Bang!" After throwing the fire extinguisher, he slowly straightened up and raised his hands.

Jiang Ting said, "Come here."

Yang Mei watched this scene nervously and even forgot to continue beating Madam Sang. Yan Xie clenched his hand holding the fire axe and spit out two words in a low voice: "Be careful!"

 Jiang Ting said, "I know."

A-Jie seemed to turn a deaf ear; from the moment Jiang Ting appeared, he didn't blink, staring at him with a faint smile on his face. He just raised his hands like this, and slowly climbed the stairs step by step, as if he was quite leisurely, and asked, "You came here with that coward surnamed Qi, right?"

Jiang Ting pointed the gun at his head, not answering.

 "You discovered the existence of that bag of blue gold as early as the beginning of May. Why did you start chasing Qi Sihao's line now?" A-Jie glanced up and down, licked his lips, and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully: "Let me guess — because your health can't support it?"


"With your body's recovery, you can't even catch up to Gongzhou alone, right? So even if you know that there is a breakthrough on Qi Sihao's side, you can only be patient and recharge your energy until—"

 A-Jie suddenly stopped, staring at Jiang Ting with gloomy eyes and showing a malicious smile.

What he said was actually correct. Jiang Ting fell into a dangerous deep coma again in the drug case of Hu Weisheng. After waking up, he did not recover for the whole summer. He was easy to wake and was often sleepy during the day; even at the hottest time of the day, his body temperature was obviously low, and he couldn't even take a long walk.

This kind of morbid weakness should be extremely unbearable for a character like Jiang Ting, who was used to being in control, but he was not provoked by this provocation, and he didn't even have the slightest intention of answering:


A-Jie stopped speaking and stood three steps away from Jiang Ting.

"There's something I didn't have the chance to ask you last time." Jiang Ting raised his gun slightly and pointed at A-Jie's eyebrow, his index finger on the trigger was as steady as his voice: "In the case of Hu Weisheng, the police found that the victim, Feng Yuguang, took fake blue gold, that is, a mixture of a large amount of hyoscine and MDMA, which has never been found in the existing drug market. Later, you killed Fan Zhengyuan, who was hired by Bu Wei to kill me. In order to attract the attention of the police, you made a drug tablet composed of hyoscine and MDMA and put it in Fan Zhengyuan's pocket to mislead the police that his death is related to Hu Weisheng's drug gang."

 A-Jie looked at his face playfully: "I thought you wanted to ask who wanted to kill that Yan…"

"How do you know that the drug in Feng Yuguang's body was hyoscine? "

A-Jie was stunned.

Yang Mei didn't know why, but Yan Xie, who was not far away, suddenly realized something!

"Someone in the Jianning City Bureau disclosed the autopsy report to the King of Spades," Jiang Ting stared straight at A-Jie's pupils and asked, "Who is that mole?" 

The air was tenser than the moment of life and death struggle just now. The invisible bowstring was getting tighter and tighter, making a screeching sound in the depths of everyone's eardrums as if on the verge of breaking.


A-Jie suddenly grinned, "Want to know?"

The smile on his blood-stained face seemed a bit grim, but he spoke softly: "How about you come closer, and I'll tell you?"

 Jiang Ting raised his gun, and before he could speak, all of them turned their heads, looking up — plop!

Yang Mei lost her voice: "Who is it?"

Jiang Ting glanced out of the corner of his eyes and saw a flash of a figure in the corridor above them. It was a man in black clothes, and he turned and rushed toward the fire escape door leading to the hall.

 Not good!

It was too late to say it, and in that thousandth of a second before even blinking an eye, A-Jie and Yan Xie moved at the same time—

A-Jie rushed forward with a lightning bolt, grabbing Jiang Ting's right wrist with a palm. Jiang Ting's reaction was also quick; he drew the trigger while restrained, and bang! A gunshot sounded, and the lamp burst!

 Yan Xie stepped forward: "Be careful!"

In the end, A-Jie was a professional elite killer; he didn't hesitate at all, and the bullet that flew past his ears had no effect on him. He grabbed Jiang Ting's wrist bone and twisted it back, grabbed the gun, and immediately pulled Jiang Ting in front of him. The whole set of actions took less than half a second. The muzzle of the gun was put on Jiang Ting's temple, and he shouted sharply: "Stop! Otherwise, I'll shoot!"

—Yan Xie's footsteps instantly froze in the middle of the stairs.

Yang Mei screamed: "No! Brother Jiang!"

A-Jie let out a bloody laugh, put the muzzle next to Jiang Ting's ear, and said, "You guess whether I would shoot your leg first or your hand?"

Jiang Ting said: "Oh, then you guess whether I would shoot your head first?"

 A-Jie didn't have time to react and saw Jiang Ting's two knuckles slam into his elbow; half of his arm suddenly became sore, and he almost pulled the trigger!

"X your mother—"

A-Jie's mind was blank, his chest was numb, and there was only one thought in his mind. Immediately after the gun came out of his hand, he reflexively went to fish, but Jiang Ting moved faster. He inserted his index finger into the trigger hole accurately in midair, grabbed the handle of the gun with a snap, and turned around without hesitation—


It took less than a second for the chain of events from the moment of breaking free to the trigger shot, and A-Jie fell to the ground clutching his chest.  

Yang Mei opened her mouth sluggishly, but Madam Sang, who was held on the ground by her waist, burst into a terrifying scream at the right time: "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh Murder!!"

Jiang Ting's face was like ice; he seemed to want to shoot another shot, but at the critical moment, the fire door on the first floor above was knocked open again, and countless footsteps approached one after another, headed by the henchman who had just gone out: "Stop!"

"Stop and don't move!"

Yan Xie raised his head, only to see at least seven or eight people rushing down!

 They didn't even have time to refill the gun. Yan Xie rushed up and hugged Jiang Ting, then rolled on the spot. The steel bullet shot out sharp arrow-like dust and smoke on the concrete floor, and they had already rolled into the fire exit of the basement. 

"Yang Mei!" Jiang Ting shouted.

"Let go, you slut!!" Yang Mei used her hands and feet to get away from Madam Sang and hurriedly rushed over, clutching her chest. She seemed to have lost something just after running a few steps and bent over to pick it up, before rolling and crawling toward the fire exit. Jiang Ting grabbed her arm and forcibly dragged her in.

 Inside the fire exit was the winding corridor, which was the underground wine cellar. Jiang Ting ran ahead, Yang Mei was panting in the middle, holding the corner of her skirt, and Yan Xie grabbed her neck and roared, "Surname Yang, what were you picking up just now?!"

Yang Mei held the diamond necklace picked up from the ground in her hand, its platinum chain swayed back and forth with the running, and she hesitantly said: "No… nothing!"

Yan Xie: "Is the surname Jin dead?!"

 Jiang Ting: "I don't know! "

"Where's the surname Qi?!"

Jiang Ting was about to tell him to stop asking so many questions when he was running because he wouldn't be able to answer immediately. 

When they turned around, the secret door where Madam Sang had entered and exited the wine cellar just now appeared in front of them. Qi Sihao was handcuffed to the iron wine rack beside the secret door, his face pale and blue.

At this time, a bang sounded at the end of the corridor outside the wine cellar! Bang! Twice, the fire door was slammed open, and the people under A-Jie rushed in. Yan Xie and Jiang Ting looked at each other, and they didn't need to communicate at all. They took action at the same time—

Jiang Ting threw the folding knife to Yang Mei, pushed her into the secret door, took out the handcuff key from his trousers pocket, united Qi Sihao's handcuffs, and kicked heavily into the passage behind the secret door.  

 Yan Xie grabbed the wine rack and pushed it. Forty or fifty bottles of wine fell on the ground, and the mixture of high-purity whiskey, vodka, and other alcohol flowed all over the floor. At this time, the chasing henchmen arrived, and the man in the lead only looked up and glanced; his face changed horribly, and he ran back without looking back: "Go back! Go back—"  

Yan Xie took out a lighter, lit it with a click, and threw it on the ground.

The light blue dim light crept up smoothly, Boom—  

 The flames were burning, and they shot up half a person's height in the blink of an eye! 

"Let's go!" Yan Xie took off his coat, covered Jiang Ting's face, pushed him into the secret door, and then got in himself. 

Behind the secret door was another staircase leading to the back kitchen. They don't know if it was for the convenience of the bar to get wine or for people like Madam Sang to connect with the underworld. At this time, the kitchen helpers had already run away, and Yang Mei ran out of the back door with ease. Jiang Ting and Yan Xie held Qi Sihao, who was stumbling left and right, and rushed into the back alley. They got on the Phaeton that was parked in the back alley.  

Jiang Ting started the engine, and Yang Mei sat on the passenger seat, out of breath: "What, what should we do? Will it burn down?"  

"That fire cannot spread so far." He pressed Qi Sihao into the back seat and said, "Look, everyone has withdrawn from the front door."  

Jiang Ting did not say a word, turned on the ignition, and reversed the car, exiting the narrow back alley with great skill. A half-arc was drawn in the middle, and it rushed onto the bustling road at night.

 "What's going on, what do you want to do?" Qi Sihao has been tortured by a series of shocking events tonight, and his whole body was weak after walking on the edge of life and death. He sounded very desperate: "You let me go. It's okay if I turn myself in. I'm really not in the same league with them… oh!"

Yan Xie raised the gun, and Qi Sihao immediately fell silent.

"Don't be like this, Captain Qi." Yan Xie said lazily, "We just saved your life, can't you relax?"

Qi Sihao stared at Jiang Ting's back in the driver's seat, his eyes seeming to see a ghost alive.

"Ah!!" Suddenly Yang Mei let out a heart-piercing scream.

Yan Xie: "What the hell happened to you?!"

"The diamond has fallen!" Yang Mei held the necklace that she had rescued with her life on the line, and her face was full of tears. As expected, the platinum diamond holder was empty, and the diamond had long since disappeared: "That bitch must have ripped it off for me. I'm going back to slaughter the eighteenth generation of her ancestors! My five carats—"

They had just experienced a life-and-death situation, and seeing her like this, Yan Xie just wanted to comfort her with a few words, but when he heard the last words, he couldn't help but ask, "Your rock was only up to one carat at most, five carats? Are you blind like a man who's never been married?"

Yang Mei's face sank, "Why do you say that, you saw it?!"

"Of course, I saw it, didn't you wear it all the way—"

"Oh, so you peeked at my breasts?!"

Yan Xie: "..."

Yan Xie's forehead was bruised, and Yang Mei, who was feeling very proud, grinned and said, "I'll show you the textbook version." Then she turned to Jiang Ting in the driver's seat, holding the necklace pitifully: "My five carats—"

"Do you have a ring?" Jiang Ting didn't turn his head, holding the steering wheel steadily.

"..." Yan Xie had a WTF expression on his face.

 Jiang Ting hurriedly said to calm things down: "Yan Xie will go buy you a ring tomorrow to make up for it."

Poor Yan Xie had not even put on his own wedding ring and was inexplicably tasked with buying a diamond ring for another woman. He sat on the back seat, feeling stunned, and was sent a flying kiss by Yang Mei. 

Fire trucks approached, roaring toward the empty back door of the nightclub. The Phaeton passed by the fire truck, gathered in the traffic flow, and sped away into the distance.