Chapter 150

Gongzhou City Public Security Bureau.

"What, there is a bomb in the car?!" The deputy mayor suddenly stood up, the receiver in his hand suddenly pulled the telephone cable, and the telephone made a screeching sound on the smooth conference table.

There was an uproar all around, followed by a lot of discussion.

It was midnight outside the window of the conference room, and the darkness was as thick as ink, but the fluorescent lights shone brightly on all the leaders of different levels. At first glance, everyone's face had the same solemnity, but if one looked closely, one would find that everyone's eyes were shining with different lights.

"Okay." The deputy mayor's chest rose and fell quickly; he gritted his teeth and answered: "We will be waiting for the reply from the associate units of S Province and Jianning City at any time. If you need any information or assistance, please feel free to contact us!" 

The deputy mayor put down the receiver, slumped into the chair, and sighed deeply.

 The meeting room was buzzing constantly, and no one noticed that on the left of the deputy mayor, a middle-aged man wearing a dark blue uniform and a white shirt with a police number 003 on his chest had erratic eyes. After a while, he grabbed his mobile phone and said to the secretary in a low voice: "I'm going back to the office to get some things." Then he walked out of the door quickly.

After going downstairs and turning right, 003 pushed open the door of his office and then closed it behind his back. It wasn't until then that he finally showed unconcealable panic and fear. After taking a few breaths, he opened his mailbox again—

[If something happens to the organization one day, you should immediately notify all channels for me to ensure that all the upper and lower lines are hidden immediately.]

 [Otherwise, all evidence related to you will be automatically exposed within 24 hours.]

003 closed his eyes. Intense remorse surged into his mind, like ten thousand ants devouring his heart. If that King of Spades who always had a devilish smile appeared in front of him at this time, maybe he would lose his mind and rush forward, wishing to die with the other party—but it was too late to say anything now.

He could not die together.

He still had an official career, a family, and everything that should be bright and brilliant.

After smoking a cigarette, 003 finally plucked up the courage, opened the attachment with trembling hands, and began to send instructions to the designated personnel one by one according to the content of the email… 

In the conference room, a plain-looking secretary suddenly got up, walked through the crowd to the deputy mayor's behind, and whispered a few words in his ear.

 "…Sure enough." A sneer appeared in the eyes of the deputy mayor: "After monitoring him for so long, he really showed his foxtail tonight. The technical detectives are ready to intercept it, right?" 

The secretary nodded and asked in a low voice: "What should we do now?"

The deputy mayor coughed and stood up. The leaders of all levels, big and small, all over the conference room looked at him one after another, only to see him have a gloomy and solemn expression and say, "I have something to take care of, I'll be back soon." Then he walked out with the secretary without looking back.

 Those with sharp eyes could see that at the moment the door closed, several armed criminal police officers followed him closely in the corridor.

[Messages started to be sent, 1/13]

In the dark office, 003's pale face was reflected on the phone screen. It was unknown if it was because he couldn't face the confidential news he was about to send out, but he didn't even dare to look directly at the screen and hurriedly covered the phone screen with his backhand.

 The King of Spades set up a monitoring program for him through simple technical means. As long as he sent out the secrets according to the instructions, he would receive the verification code sent by the program, and through the verification code to log in to the secret server, he would be able to enter the database of King of Spades and completely delete all the evidence of his violation of discipline.

This is the last time, he thought.

——Although he would say this to himself every time he succumbed to the other party's coercion, each time he firmly believed that this was the last time.

 003 trembled and let out a mouthful of hot air. At this moment—


The door slammed open suddenly, and light burst in. 003 instinctively stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, then frantically raised his phone to press delete, but it was too late. The deputy mayor rushed in with a dozen people, and the criminal police pinned his hand, ignoring his madness and struggle and forcibly snatching the phone!

 "No! Give it back to me. Give it back to me. I'll explain—" 

"Give these thirteen numbers to the technical investigation for tracking and positioning, report to the Ministry of Public Security immediately, and notify the Public Security Department of Province S to prepare for arrest."

003, finally realizing that the situation was over, slumped onto the chair in dismay.

 "As early as the beginning of December last year, the undercover agent "Nail" who was inserted into Wu Tun and Wen Shao's super-large drug cartel by Province S, found out your identity and confirmed that you are the key hub used by drug dealer Wen Shao to connect the upper and lower channels." The deputy mayor said coldly, "In view of this, we never tried to scare the snake in order to seize this protective network that runs through all levels of departments in one fell swoop through you." 

003's face was pale and distorted. Staring at the handcuffs, he finally squeezed out a few words:

"That 'Nail' back then… is Jiang…Jiang…"

 "Yes. It was the day Yue Guangping was murdered three years ago. You secretly sent people to the scene to try to silence him, but he escaped and crashed into a truck during the chase," the deputy mayor said coldly: "The former leader of the Gongzhou anti-drug detachment, Jiang Ting." 

With a flash, lightning-fast memories floating in 003's mind—

"Chief Zhao, there are indeed movements at the door of Surname Yue's house!" His subordinates pointed to the residential building on the surveillance screen. He followed his horrified eyes and saw that at the entrance of the corridor, a familiar figure's back was looming: "Do you see who this person is? Why is he here?! Isn't he already, already…"

003's mind buzzed, and that figure turned out to be Jiang Ting.

Wasn't he "dead"? How can he come back alive?

Could it be that he had already been recruited by the King of Spades?!

 If he could escape unscathed after trying to murder the King of Spades, then he might have established some kind of relationship or even cooperation within the drug cartel, which made Jiang Ting's existence extremely dangerous. How many secrets did he know now? Had he found out that the person who once provided protection for Ace of Clubs in Gongzhou was himself? Why did he go to find Yue Guangping? What was his plan—

003's palms were sweating, and he heard his own hoarse voice: "…Kill him." 

"Chief Zhao?"

 "The surname Jiang "came back from the dead" and resisted arrest with weapons, and because he might pose a great threat to Deputy Mayor Yue, he was shot dead on the spot." 003 gritted his teeth and said, "Clean it up; don't put it in records, so as not to make too much noise. Do you understand what I mean?"

The underling showed a ruthless expression: "Yes, I understand!"


 "…It turns out I didn't have to do it at all back then," 003 said in a daze, "So I wasn't exposed at that time at all…" 

"This is what you regret? I thought what you regretted was that you shouldn't have crossed the line from the very beginning! Wait until you are in the detention center to slowly explain how you concealed, monitored, and stalked Yue Guangping, provided cover for Wu Tun in private, and all the things you did after the 1009 case!"

The deputy mayor didn't look at him any more and said sharply: "Take him away!"

 Two criminal policemen picked up the ashen-faced 003, the handcuffs rattled with his trembling, and he disappeared through the door outside.


"Yes, yes, I understand," Chief Lu said solemnly, "I see."

 Chief Lu hung up the phone, and Deputy Chief Wei asked, "What's the matter?" Only to see Chief Lu grab his mobile phone, his face solemn: "Captain Jiang! Captain Jiang, can you still hear me? Listen to me!"

"Deputy Chief Zhao of Gongzhou tried to pass on internal secrets to the outside, but he was caught just now, and the mobile phone secret was intercepted by the technical investigation. We can also touch the lair of the drug cartel by following these clues. No matter how difficult it is, we will do our best!"

"Wen Shao's life is not worth more than yours, you have to come back alive! Our own lives are more important!" 

 "—Our own lives are more important!"

Inside the Jeep, cold sweat rolled down Jiang Ting's pale face and pooled on his chin. Then it dripped into the collar, leaving small wet spots.

A strong light suddenly flashed in the sideview mirror. It was the police car that not only did not slow down and drive away but also drove up, almost close to the Jeep.

 "..." Jiang Ting picked up the phone while gasping and stuck it to his mouth. His lips were trembling slightly, but it didn't affect his calm and firm tone. Wen Shao stared deeply at him from the passenger seat, only to see a straight gleam reflected from the bridge of his nose: 

"Tell Yan Xie…to stop the police car and stay away from me."


 Captain Yu's roar had not been so sharp in many years: "Clear the roadblocks! Quick! Hurry up!!"

These checkpoints were originally set up to stop the car and arrest the King of Spades, but now it has become a race against time. As long as the Jeep hits any roadblock, it might trigger the bomb under the action of inertia, wrapping all the police cars into fireballs and blowing them into the sky.

The car lights came on in the blink of an eye, and the last roadblock just set up was also pushed to the side of the road by the criminal police. In the next second, the Jeep roared, crossed the checkpoint in a thrilling manner, and rushed into the night under the watchful eyes of more than a dozen police cars!

 Huh——The police car following the Jeep stopped abruptly. Before it could stop completely, Yan Xie jumped out of the car door and pounced on the back seat. Without looking back, he shouted: "Someone help me drive! Quick!" 

Han Xiaomei, who was closest to the car door, was very anxious and reflexively: "Hey!" Then she bowed down and got into the car nimbly.

Bang, bang. The impact of the two car doors closing sounded at the same time. No one had time to stop it, and the police car had already rushed into the distance.

 "Brat!" Captain Yu cursed, then lowered her head and sat in the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt, and said in a low voice to the walkie-talkie: "Everyone, get ready for reinforcements; pay attention to keep a safe distance. Chase!"

Looking down from a high place, the Jeep rushed into the night at high speed, followed by a police off-road vehicle behind it. Another two to three hundred meters away, eight or nine dark blue police cars were honking their horns and lighting their lights, chasing after them!


 "Why is it you?" Yan Xie grabbed the back of the driver's seat and yelled into Han Xiaomei's ear: "Can you f*cking do it? Come on! Keep up! Don't be in a daze!" 

Han Xiaomei wanted to cry without tears: "Who said that women are inferior to men? Don't pick and choose at this time… isn't it just following?" 

With two turns, the Jeep and the police car drove into the entrance of the narrow turn almost at the same time. Jiang Ting glanced at the side view mirror countless times; his face seemed to be frozen, but the knuckles of his hands gripping the steering wheel were turning white.

 "Want to jump out of the car?" Wen Shao seemed to see through what he was thinking: "It's useless, all the way down the mountain from now on there will be the cliff on the left side of the car. If you jump out of the car at this speed, you will just fall directly to the bottom of the cliff."

Jiang Ting didn't answer.

Wen Shao looked at his cold side face and changed his tone of persuasion: "I thought you really wanted to die with me."



"I used to think that if I could take you to hell with me, then death was my wish, but that is already the past. I found out later that I would rather watch you go to hell. I hope to see you like those who were killed by you, full of regret and unwilling to die."

 Wen Shao's expression moved slightly.

"When I die, I lose everything, but when I am alive, we can arrest those drug dealers who did business with you, support the families of the victims, and do things that those who died in the explosion three years ago could not finish in time…" 

Jiang Ting said hoarsely, "It takes more courage to live than to die."

 Wen Shao was silent for a long time and said coldly, "But it's useless to think about living now." 

"Yes, it's really useless. But at least I can let you know… "

The Jeep flicked its tail into the curve, and there was only a red and blue warning light in the distance ahead, which was the roadblock set by the police earlier. The three bulletproof vehicles that were rushing had been blown up one after another, and the flames were still burning. Chief Lu and others beside the command vehicle were anxiously waiting.

Jiang Ting looked at Wen Shao with undisguised sarcasm shining in his eyes:

 "If time went back to twenty years ago, I would grab that rope without hesitation and kick you down!" 


 "Ahead is the last checkpoint of the police! Then is the gorge!" Han Xiaomei screamed: "What to do, Captain Yan! Quickly tell me what to do!" 

"To the right!" 


"Insert the car into the right lane and squeeze him inside!" Yan Xie leaned forward and pulled out Han Xiaomei's gun: "Yes, yes, lead him by half a car, keep the same speed, and don't overtake!"

Han Xiaomei thought that he was going to put a gun to her head, and she was full of fear: "I-I'll listen to you! Don't be impulsive!"

The police car accelerated suddenly, squeezed into the gap between the right side of the Jeep and the mountain wall, and with a bang, the right side view mirror of the police car was hit by a rock and disappeared in an instant in the dark.

 At this moment, the two cars were moving side by side. Yan Xie tilted his head, and through the car window, he met Wen Shao's cold gaze on the jeep.

"Remember to keep the same speed and drive as steadily as possible. It's time for you female drivers to prove your strength." Yan Xie put the gun into his holster, tightened the shoelaces of the hiking boots tightly, and said in a deep voice: "If you let me fall later, Han Xiaomei, just wait for Laozi to find you in the middle of the night!"


Han Xiaomei looked at the rearview mirror and was so frightened that her soul almost left her body—Yan Xie opened the back door of the rushing car, and the biting cold wind suddenly poured into the car!

"..." Jiang Ting looked at the passenger window and cursed silently, only to see that half of Yan Xie's body was sticking out of the police car, almost suspended in mid-air, as if he was about to climb onto the jeep.

Does he want to die?!

 Jiang Ting stepped on the accelerator, and the Jeep leaped half way out. Yan Xie grabbed the air with one hand and said angrily: "Han Xiaomei!!"

Han Xiaomei's aggrieved roar echoed in the gust of wind: "Is it my fault that Captain Jiang speeded up?!" 

"Tell Yan Xie to stop and go back!" Inside the Jeep, Jiang Ting held the phone, and said sternly: "It's too dangerous, I'll figure it out myself!"

 Chief Lu's heavy voice came from the speaker: "What can you think of?"

Jiang Ting's eyes trembled slightly, and the few seconds of speechlessness stretched extremely long. There was silence at both ends of the call, and finally Jiang Ting took a long breath and replied calmly: "I did it voluntarily, and I don't regret it." 

After a pause, he said softly, "…Tell Yan Xie that I love him."

Wen Shao was in the passenger seat, and if you look carefully, the lines of his cheeks were tense, as if his teeth were clenched very tightly.

Jiang Ting threw the phone in the back seat.

"The command vehicle is in front; can you do it, Captain Yan?!" Han Xiaomei was about to cry when suddenly the vehicle body ran over the gravel and shook violently: "Oh shit! Hurry up!" 

"Closer! Get closer!" Yan Xie firmly grasped the opened door of the police car with one hand and reached for the roof rack of the Jeep with the other, but he was still just a short distance away: "Come on! Don't be afraid!" 

"No, Captain Yan! There is a bomb in Captain Jiang's car. What if something happened if you jumped on it? Don't you want to think about it?! Ah?!"

The police car drove against the wind, and the severe cold wind made it difficult to speak, so Yan Xie leaned back into the car: "I f*cking know!"


Han Xiaomei frightenedly looked at the rearview mirror. Yan Xie's face was reflected in the mirror. His hair was blown into a mess, and his bushy brows seemed to be knotted, but there was an indescribable tension in this fierceness: 

"But Jiang Ting only has me, nothing but me! If I don't save him, who else will? How can I let him die alone?!"

 Han Xiaomei wanted to say something but couldn't say anything.

"Follow Jiang Ting!" Yan Xie shouted, "I'm going to jump!"

The Jeep drove side by side with the police car, and rushed into the police cars at the same time, breaking the cordon with a bang.

Neither car showed any signs of slowing down and passed the checkpoint in full view. Everyone and all the cars evaded in all directions. Only Deputy Chief Wei looked at the half-hanging figure outside the police car and rushed forward two steps, out of control: "Yan Xie!"

Chief Lu grabbed him, and at the same time, the Jeep rushed over, galloping past Deputy Chief Wei's shoulder.

"Do you want to die, you old bastard?!" Chief Lu scolded.

Chief Wei's face was gray and pale, and he was quite different from the usual serious, irritable, and unsmiling him: "But, but…" 

Surprised exclamations suddenly sounded from all around, interrupting his muttering. Chief Lu and Deputy Chief Wei turned their heads to look at the same time and saw that countless people saw Yan Xie jumping up in the air and pouncing on the roof of the jeep—

I was faster than the blink of an eye, but time seemed to stand still at this moment. Yan Xie's hair, collar, and coat hem were blown up in the wind, showing extremely tight muscle lines from the back, waist, and even legs, and the police lights coated his silhouette with a red and blue halo.

Immediately afterward, he threw himself on the roof of the Jeep. Boom!!

Deputy Chief Wei lost his voice: "Be careful!"

The body of the Jeep shook violently. Jiang Ting's pupils tightened, and he looked up at the roof of the car.

At that critical moment, Yan Xie grasped the roof rack of the Jeep tightly, and his arm muscles tensed up. Then he pulled up with one hand, stepped on the roof with one long leg first, and rolled over with his whole body.

He leaned tightly between the two aluminum alloy frames, knocked on the car window twice with one hand, "Bang! Bang!" and then poked his head out from above.

The car window lowered, revealing Jiang Ting's pale face.

They stared at each other at the speed of life and death, and the gust of wind was like countless sharp knives, tearing each other's gaze into pieces.

"…Slow down," Yan Xie finally twitched the corner of his chapped mouth and said softly, "Your partner is here to pick you up."


There was a metal knock from the passenger, and Wen Shao's left thumb was twisted to the point that it was difficult for ordinary people to do it. At the point of almost breaking the bones, he pulled his hand out of the handcuffs!

With a clang, the flesh on the back of his hand turned up, dripping with blood, but he didn't seem to feel it at all. He opened the door and leaned out of the car, narrowing his eyes and staring at Yan Xie indifferently.

"Okay." In the tense air, every word he said was filled with chills: "I'll send you down first."