Chapter 151

Yan Xie raised his head and looked Wen Shao up and down, then lowered his head and asked Jiang Ting, "Can he fight?" 

Jiang Ting was rarely in a daze and instinctively looked at the front window of the car, but he couldn't help but shift his gaze back to Yan Xie. After wandering back and forth for a few times, he finally regained his senses and shook his head: "He's not bad, so-so!"

Yan Xie didn't even let out a sigh when he heard him say: "It's about the same as the Jack of Diamonds!"

Yan Xie: "..."

"You are the best at fighting!" Jiang Ting spoke loudly.

Wen Shao flicked his hands and twisted Yan Xie's wrists backward with the handcuff chain, and his skin and flesh immediately split open and bled. In severe pain, Yan Xie subconsciously let go of the roof rack, and half of his body was blown up by the wind. Fortunately, he grabbed it tightly with the other hand and swept his legs in mid-air!

 Bang! As Wen Shao raised his arm to block the extremely swift leg whip just in time, there was a dull crashing sound.

His lower body was actually very stable, but under such a fierce and heavy impact, he still staggered and almost fell off the car. Taking advantage of this gap, Yan Xie turned over with difficulty and got back into the car. Wen Shao swung his hands and cursed in a low voice, then leaned back into the car and went into the dark to pick up the knife that had fallen somewhere.

Jiang Ting shouted, "Yan Xie! Be careful!"

 As he spoke, he slammed the steering wheel, made a very dangerous driving action while the Jeep turned the corner, and pressed the side of the passenger seat against the sharp mountain wall. All of a sudden, there was a "scratch—" sound, which was the edge of the car door hitting a rock! Sparks jumped in the darkness, and the sound of metal friction tore the eardrums!

Most of Wen Shao's body had gotten into the car, but he was still holding the edge of the roof with one hand, so as long as he grabbed the knife, he could use his strength to lean out of the car again. But this also caused his back to be completely exposed, and he was about to be caught in the gap between the car's body and the rock wall!

His fingertips had already touched the edge of the blade, but feeling the danger at this moment, he gave up the knife suddenly and jumped onto the roof of the car with all his strength. His reaction speed and explosive power were quite astonishing. The moment he climbed onto the roof of the car, the bright fire behind him was accompanied by a loud noise. The door was knocked away from the car by the mountain wall, and the whole piece of steel flew tens of meters away in an instant!


The twisted car door fell to the ground, spun wildly, and was then knocked off the cliff by Han Xiaomei, who was following behind.

As long as it had been half a second later, Wen Shao would've been squeezed into a bloody pulp just now. As soon as he raised his head, he was facing Yan Xie—now both of them were leaning over the roof of the car, each holding onto one side of the roof rack, almost facing each other.

 "F*ck!" Yan Xie kicked fiercely: "Get out of the way!"

Wen Shao was kicked in the abdomen, and blood spurted out from the knife cut that Jiang Ting had previously sliced twice, causing him to groan in pain. While choking on the blood, he stretched out his arms and tightly strangled Yan Xie's neck with his elbows.

The two were like beasts, fighting desperately on the roof of the car, not even seeing where they hit each other. Yan Xie was strangled until he was dizzy. He pulled Wen Shao's elbow fiercely, only to feel as if he was holding on to a hot rock. He heard that devilish voice ringing in his ears, whose every word seemed to squeeze out between the teeth: "Didn't expect that the first time you would see a rival in love, it would be a life and death situation, huh?"

 Five drops of blood snaked down Wen Shao's arm in the darkness; it was Yan Xie's five fingers that dug deeply into his muscles.

"Fool," Yan Xie said with difficulty in the shackles: "You are a f*cking fart… rival in love…!"

Yan Xie suddenly let go of the roof rack, which was a desperate move. In an instant, he lost all his support, only leaning on Wen Shao's arm to stop himself from sliding out of the car in the blink of an eye. In the next second, there was a bang! He punched Wen Shao's ribs with his fist, and there was a soft sound of flesh being squeezed between the fists.

 Wen Shao suddenly choked on blood, and Yan Xie turned over and sat on top of him, punching him in the face!

Bang! Wen Shao tilted his head violently, and Yan Xie smashed his iron fist on the roof of the car, leaving four dents on the metal with his knuckles.

At this moment, the car body jumped suddenly, and the two glanced forward from the corners of their eyes at the same time—the Jeep had already passed the checkpoint, and there was no police car ahead to illuminate the front. By the headlights of the Jeep, they saw a large black shadow appear on the side of the mountain wall in front of them, whose height was just aligned with the roof of the car.

 Was it a rock?!

If the car hit a roadblock at this speed, it wouldn't just be a small head injury; the whole head could fly out on the spot. Yan Xie yelled and rushed forward, trying to press his whole body against the roof of the car to avoid the impact, but Wen Shao grabbed him by the throat in an instant, pushing his upper body up forcefully!

"..." Yan Xie was strangled so hard that he couldn't even speak. His throat was crackling, and he could only watch the black shadow rushing toward his face, his mind turning blank—

 "Go to hell," Wen Shao mocked.

In the next second, woosh!

Countless small dead leaves covered their faces; it was a bush!

 Most of the car body was submerged in the brittle and sharp bushes, like thousands of torrential raindrops hitting the two of them. Wen Shao was so whipped that he couldn't open his eyes, and Yan Xie was caught off guard, eating leaves full of dust in his mouth. He finally broke away from the hand that was stuck on his throat. These few seconds were as long as the end of the world, and finally, with a "woosh," the jeep finally drove out of the bushes.

"Cough cough cough bah bah bah…" Yan Xie was still in a daze, but there was only one thought in his mind: Laozi is so f*cking lucky!

Wen Shao gasped and said, "You're really damn lucky."

 Yan Xie punched him in the face: "Laozi's body with the police badge protection is invincible, you know a fart!"

Wen Shao spat out a mouthful of blood. A cold light flickered in his eyes, and he suddenly grabbed the fist that came toward him again, snapping the joints and twisting back. Yan Xie only felt a stabbing pain like electricity creeping into his nerve center along the muscles, and he took a deep breath on the spot, hearing Wen Shao coldly say: "Invincible? Keep dreaming!" 

Then he pulled Yan Xie's arm hard and stood up vigorously, punching his sternum hard. Yan Xie didn't even have time to make a sound; he lost his balance and slid toward the back of the car!

 If he continued to slide down, his fate would have been like the twisted car door just now. Fortunately, in the nick of time, Yan Xie managed to grab the rear end of the roof rack with one hand and stabilize his body. Before he could recover, another heavy punch hit his stomach.


Yan Xie spat out a mouthful of spit, almost spitting his stomach out of his throat. In the severe pain, his arms tensed, and he was pulled and dragged by Wen Shao. Before he could fight back, he was thrown over the shoulder, soaring into the air and spinning around. Bang!!

 Yan Xie fell on the roof of the car with his back to the sky, and his weight of more than 80 kilograms smashed a dent in the steel plate!

"Idiot," Wen Shao said coldly, "You don't even have the right to die with him." Immediately afterward, the hard elbow came from above, hitting Yan Xie's head directly!


 "——Report to the command vehicle! We have driven out of the corner, and Captain Yan and the main target are fighting on the Jeep!" Han Xiaomei's sharp voice echoed in the walkie-talkie: "What should we do now? Please instruct!! "

On the display screen of the command vehicle, the real-time location of each police car were denoted by small blue dots, which were moving forward along the mountain road on the map. Several sheets of paper were scattered on the table and were full of scribbled drawings. It was a rescue plan that was urgently proposed and rejected immediately in the past 20 minutes. Several leaders, from the provincial department to the city bureau, were livid and at a loss.

"What to do, Old Lu?" Only Director Liu spoke solemnly through the headset.

 Chief Lu hesitantly opened his mouth and was about to say something when suddenly Technical Detective Huang Xing's shouting sounded: "Chief Lu! Chief Lu! It's not good!"

It's not good, these words were like steel needles piercing the nerves of all the leaders, who were already overwhelmed, and everyone stood up in an instant: "What's wrong?" "What's going on?!" 

Huang Xing held a fax in his hand, and in the fluorescent screen light, one could vaguely see his face turning blue: "The…the local forestry department just sent the real-time satellite image…"

 Chief Lu realized something, rushed forward, and snatched the piece of paper. He only swept his eyes over it, and his breath got stuck.


Bang—the dust on the roof of the car was knocked down, and Jiang Ting looked up.

 Yan Xie was lying on his back with his arms crossed, resisting the opponent's elbow just at the critical moment. The cruel and long wrestling distorted their expressions slightly, and drops of sweat snaked down their faces.

"…Who…the f*ck is going to die together…" Yan Xie gritted his teeth; his gaze was extraordinarily tough and sharp because of the pain: "You die by yourself; I want to live with Jiang Ting…!"

He suddenly bent his knees and kicked forward. It was an upside-down golden hook that was as sharp and vicious as lightning. Wen Shao's eyelids twitched, and he felt a fierce wind hit his face. He was caught off guard, lost his balance, and fell off the car immediately!

Yan Xie straightened up, grabbed the aluminum alloy frame with his hands, and turned his head, only to see that there was no one behind him.

Fell on the road? Or was he crushed under the car into a bloody pulp?

Yan Xie was in such a state of distress that he couldn't help panting heavily, and streaks of sweat mixed with blood and dust dripped from his strong neck into the collar of his shirt. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of something, lowered his head, and saw that on the back of the car, Wen Shao was panting and stepping on the bumper, clutching the spare tire tightly. The blue veins in his steel-like fingers were bulging, and his strength was indeed quite astonishing. He was able to barely hold his body in the midst of the violent bumps of the vehicle and the whistling wind, still unable to fall.


Yan Xie blurted out curses but had no choice but to bend over and grab the edge of the car door, wrapping himself in the cold and rolling into the passenger seat. As soon as he sat down, he hissed and gasped, pressed his abdomen, and unexpectedly felt warm and sticky blood.

The Jeep sped forward, and Jiang Ting turned the steering wheel, miraculously bypassing the collapsed rubble under the mountain wall: "What's wrong?"

Yan Xie's eyes flickered, and he calmly rubbed his palm against the edge of his trousers: "It's nothing."

"Are you injured? Show me!"

"It's okay, nothing to worry about. Be careful!"

 Twenty meters ahead, another pile of rocks flashed under the lights on the right, almost blocking the original mountain road. As long as the car hit it, it would be destroyed, and people would die. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ting stepped on the accelerator, pulled the handbrake, and the rubber tires screamed harshly. He passed through the rocks, and the hellish darkness of the night greeted him.

The passenger door was gone, and Yan Xie was holding on to the roof handle, shouting amidst the surging wind, "Why didn't you turn on the high beams—!"


 Yan Xie tilted his head, and the rearview mirror reflected Jiang Ting's face, which was as deep and clear as ice.

 "It's almost out of gas," he whispered back.

Yan Xie's pupils suddenly constricted.

 "Yan Xie, listen to me." Jiang Ting said calmly, looking straight at the front window of the car; to his left was the black bottomless cliff abyss: "There is a knife under your feet, and there is a gun on the ground in the back, try to see if you can find it first. The road is too narrow now, and your side is close to the mountain wall; the danger of jumping off the car is too high…" 

"Shut up!"

"I will count to three and drive the car to the left. You jump immediately when I call to jump. There may be dozens of meters below the cliff, in case you don't jump out, then…"

 "I told you to shut up!" Yan Xie finally jumped from the back seat with the gun that was on the ground. He stuffed it roughly into the holster on Jiang Ting's back waist, then picked up the knife, opened the glove box, and stared at the bomb with red eyes.

The metal ball was wrapped in dense wires, seemingly separated by a palm distance, but he knew that the collision was only a matter of an instant.

Even if Jiang Ting could drive until the last moment on this terrifying and deadly mountain road, when the gasoline ran out, the tires would naturally stop.

Their lives were already counting down to minutes.

"Damn it," Yan Xie said hoarsely as he stroked the wire with a knife, "How do you do this? Can you just cut the wire? Which wire should I cut, or should I just tear down the dashboard ?"

Suddenly, Jiang Ting stretched out his hand and held his chapped and bleeding fingers with the palm of his hand.

 "Listen to me, Yan Xie." Although the headlights could only illuminate a square inch, Jiang Ting's pupils seemed to have a calm and soft gleam: "There is something I have never told you…" 

"Actually, it's not just Wen Shao who has problems with emotional perception, but also me."

Yan Xie stared at him blankly.

 Jiang Ting's hands were extremely cold, but his palms were dry and sweatless, as if no matter what happened, it could not shake the firm and stable power deep in his soul.

"I suspected that I had some kind of emotional disorder throughout my teenage years and even my youth. I had no family, I didn't want to make friends, and I had no touch of love. After work, I didn't have any personal concerns about my subordinates. The brotherhood of life and death is nothing more than an obligation to me. I have isolated myself from all social relationships, and of all known human emotions, the only one I can personally experience is hatred." 

Jiang Ting paused and said: "I hate Wu Tun, I hate being controlled, and I want to destroy their spider-like web of interests everywhere. Other than that, I have almost no other feelings in my heart." 

Yan Xie tried his best to suppress it, but he couldn't help the sourness and heat in his nasal cavity, so he held Jiang Ting's hand instead.

This tight handgrip seemed to be able to convey more strength to Jiang Ting, so he smiled: "Until I met you." 

On the right side of the Jeep near the mountain wall, the number of collapsed rocks was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they were heralding the unusual road conditions ahead.

 Gasoline was getting closer and closer to the bottom line, and the warning red light was constantly on.

"If I met you when I was young, maybe many fateful details would be different, and I might even start a good relationship early. But fortunately, we met not too late; at least I have time to face the self I didn't dare face before and the feelings I never dared to admit—I want revenge, not out of any responsibility or obligation, but because I really miss those comrades who get along day and night to the point that I dare not admit it."

Jiang Ting took a slight breath. He didn't look at Yan Xie, and there was a strange tremor in his voice:

 "Similarly, I want you to jump out of the car, not because of the goodness of human nature or the spirit of sacrifice, but because you are my lover." 

The wind suddenly disappeared, the hustle and bustle returned to silence, and the long night paved a long way before them.

At the end of the journey, there was a tiny point of light, like a star.

 Yan Xie leaned over, kissed Jiang Ting's temple, and said hoarsely, "Open the car door, I'll count to three, then we'll jump together."

Jiang Ting smiled, seeming a little sad: "But my side is a cliff…"

The mountain road ran clockwise, and it seemed that today's ending was doomed as early as the beginning of the story.

But Yan Xie still insisted: "You open the car door."

Jiang Ting turned his eyes, and the two stared at each other briefly in the darkness. Yan Xie's hot, rusty breath brushed between his lips.

"..." Just like the countless gentle compromises between them, Jiang Ting turned the steering wheel with one hand and opened the door next to the driver's seat with the other.

 In the next moment, he only felt that Yan Xie raised his hand and squeezed his wrist tightly. Then he leaned out the passenger door and climbed onto the shaking roof.

——What was this for?

Before Jiang Ting could react, he suddenly saw red and blue lights flashing rapidly in the rearview mirror, and several police cars sped up to catch up at the same time. A loudspeaker shouted faintly in the north wind, but the content was indistinct and hard to hear.


Jiang Ting turned his head, and his face suddenly changed.

Yan Xie grasped the roof of the car with both hands and stepped on the door of the driver's side of the car. He was hanging outside the car with his back facing the cliff. If he missed a little bit, he would fall into the abyss!

"Don't be afraid! I'll protect you!" Yan Xie shouted in the bitter cold wind: "I'm here!" 

"…What are you doing?!" Jiang Ting cried out in shock, "Go up!"

"Jump! I'll hold you!"

"Go up!!"

"Ahead… 900 meters…"

The speeding police cars were getting closer and closer, and a few words finally came with the wind, which was the voice of Captain Yu that had turned hoarse:

"…There is a landslide; the road is blocked 800 meters ahead. Jump off the car immediately! Repeat again, the road is blocked 800 meters ahead, please jump off the car immediately!!"

At the back side of the car, Wen Shao's eyes shrank violently.

Yan Xie and Jiang Ting coincidentally turned around and looked forward. The headlights of the car dimly passed through the black fog, and in the distance, there was a looming black wall that towered from the sky, and it was approaching quickly from far away!

"Did you hear that?! Jiang Ting!" Yan Xie's violent roar almost broke the tune: "Come out for me! Immediately!" 

"You get the damn out! I beg you!!"

"Jump!! Otherwise, I'll die with you, dammit!!"

The gigantic mountain after the landslide was close in front, as if the god of death had spread its bonny wings, hanging in the air, drowning Jiang Ting's pupils—

"Jiang Ting, listen to me, I love you, we are both victors this time." Yan Xie's voice suddenly turned pleading. He trembled and said, "Come on, don't be afraid; I will catch you…Jiang Ting!! Get the f*ck out! You f*cking jump for me——! "

The huge rock arrived in an instant.

The uncontrolled roar echoed in the mountain stream, and the next second, Jiang Ting rushed out of the car.

Looking down from a height, the whole world becomes silent. Yan Xie was thrown into the air by the momentum, and the strong wind howled at high speed. He opened his arms and wrapped Jiang Ting tightly.

The Jeep slammed into the mountain wall—


A bright ball of fire burst out between the sky and the earth, and in that strong light, two inseparable figures were thrown out in an arc and fell towards an unknown cliff.