Chapter 161 Extra 6 END

"Yo? What's this?"

A gift box with an exquisite bow tied with a pink ribbon was placed on the crystal table at the front desk. It was the size of a palm and extremely light in weight. There was no signature or card. Jiang Ting unwrapped the ribbon, and Yan Xie leaned on the sofa next to him drunkenly. While drinking ice water to sober up, he asked the Chinese staff at the front desk of the hotel: "Who sent it? He wasn't on the guest list?"

"Yes, Mr. Yan," the receptionist replied politely: "We didn't notice when that person came in. He gave us the gift box, saying that it was an item that you urgently needed for your wedding, and asked us to deliver it personally to your hands."

Yan Xie casually asked, "Who?"

Jiang Ting put the ribbon aside and opened the gift box, and a fragrance exuded from the smooth and thick wrapping paper.

"It was a gentleman, about this tall." The receptionist gestured: "He was gentle and polite and was wearing glasses, but he didn't leave a name…"

 Yan Xie suddenly caught a certain sensitive word: "Glasses?"

Before the words were finished, the wrapping paper was scattered, and an old silver mobile phone lay quietly in the gift box.

Jiang Ting frowned and was about to reach for it when he suddenly stopped. Then he took off his tie, wrapped it around his hand, and turned on the screen. There was no need for a fingerprint or password, and the screen was unlocked smoothly with just one touch, but what appeared was not the main interface—it was a video.

 "Yes," the receptionist said with a smile, "about thirty years old, very handsome, very polite, smiling before speaking…"

The eyes of the newlyweds fell on the friendly face on the front page of the video, and they paused at the same time.

"…the person you mentioned," Yan Xie raised the phone, his forehead twitching: "Is that him?"

 A slightly smiling man sat with his arms folded. He wore gold-rimmed glasses on his gentle and handsome face. His reserved and reliable demeanor made people feel good about him just by looking at him. The receptionist didn't hesitate: "Yes, that's him!"

Yan Xie: "…"

Jiang Ting: "…"

 The two jumped up at the same time. Jiang Ting yelled: "Notify your local police station and save the surveillance video. Where is the security? How long has this person been away?!"

Yan Xie's head was full of drunkenness, and he rushed toward the wedding scene with big strides, grabbing Chief Lu, who didn't know what happened: "Hurry up! Qin Chuan was here!!"


 At 3:00 pm local time, Qin Chuan, who was formally dressed and personable, walked into the door of the hotel and came to the front desk. After expressing his intention of coming with a smile, he politely declined the receptionist's suggestion, "Do you want to leave your name on the gift?" Then leave the gift box, and turn around to and go out.

Ten minutes later, Yan Xie came to the front desk, and the old mobile phone covered with Qin Chuan's fingerprints was exposed in broad daylight.

Half an hour later, the local police station sent a car to the hotel to assist in obtaining the surveillance video. However, Qin Chuan, a shark, had already blended into the vast crowd of foreigners. The unclear hotel surveillance could only show that he stopped for a while before turning to leave and looked into the distance—through the empty hall, wedding music could be heard resounding on the vast lawn in the backyard, and the lively human voice faintly vibrated the quiet air through the glass door.

 Qin Chuan's lips moved slightly, as if he was muttering something to himself, and the receptionist cast a curious look.

Immediately, he shook his head and smiled, turned around, and strode down the steps, facing the noisy street in the distance.

"I didn't hear clearly," the receptionist was sitting in the temporary investigation room, feeling a little flustered: "He said…he seemed to be saying…'I was supposed to be the best man for this wedding'…"

 Yan Xie buried his face in his palms and let out a barely audible breath.


The sky was getting dark, the wedding ceremony had already ended, and the drunken team members had been dragged back to their rooms to sober up. Yan Xie crossed the lawn and went up to the suite through the sightseeing elevator. Chief Lu, Deputy Chief Wei, and Captain Yu were already sitting in the small reception hall waiting for him. Jiang Ting was wearing gloves and was playing with the old silver cell phone.

"You're back?" Chief Lu greeted.

Jiang Ting waved his hand. Yan Xie adjusted the collar of his suit, stepped toward the sofa with his long legs, and sat down. Jiang Ting pressed the play button.

This video was obviously recorded today, and Qin Chuan's clothes in the video were exactly the same as those in the surveillance. The camera of the mobile phone should be fixed to a certain stand. He was sitting in the armchair in the middle of the camera, upright and relaxed, with his hands folded naturally, smiling and looking at the people in the room, and saying, "Hello, everyone."

 "I have already made a copy and sent it back to Jianning, but the technical investigation has not yet been able to analyze the valuable geographical clues from the video." Deputy Chief Wei frowned and said: "The local police also kindly took a copy, but counting on their criminal investigation…"

"It's better to watch American dramas," Captain Yu said helplessly.

Qin Chuan's timely reply came from the speaker of the mobile phone: "Yes, it's faster to watch American dramas."

 Csptsin Yu & Deputy Chief Wei: "…"

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Happy wedding, Yan Xie. I wish you and Captain Jiang a happy marriage for a hundred years."

Before Yan Xie could react, Jiang Ting said coldly, "I will remember how you ruined my wedding."

Obviously, Jiang Ting's level was relatively high, and this time Qin Chuan failed to accurately predict the reaction outside the camera.

"You must be wondering how I left the country. Maybe when you saw this video, my photo had been sent to various customs ports in the southwest. But that's not important to me anymore. As early as ten years ago, during my work in the Jianning City Bureau, I had woven a large enough relationship network in the dark world. If one day I can replace the King of Spades, this network will become the first cornerstone of my future road; if I fail, unfortunately, it will be enough to cover my escape—unscathed."

"When I was young, for several years, most of my emotions were dominated by the obsessive desire for revenge. Later, this feeling became quite complicated, and I couldn't tell whether my swearing loyalty to the police badge was just acting on the occasion, or was it the real soul after filtering out all impurities." Qin Chuan looked at the camera. He didn't speak for several seconds, and then he sighed: "I still don't know what I did in Yaoshan that day. Was it the stupidest decision of my life or the smartest? Maybe both? But there is no doubt that that should have been a moment that changed the fate of many people, including me."

 There was silence in the room, and everyone knew that what he said was that he gave up his escape before the second explosion that day and turned to desperately stop the behavior of the killer Jin Jie.

It took a while to hear Deputy Chief Wei snort angrily and awkwardly: "The answer is obvious! You'd better stop having such doubts!"

"After leaving Jianning, I went to Myanmar and then went to Thailand and Laos. Compared with Jianning, my life over the past half a year can be described as full of ups and downs. But fortunately, I was prepared for the most difficult times on the smoothest days, so although it was more troublesome to hide, it was still passable. As for where to go next? Let alone the police, I, as a wanted criminal, have no way of knowing. Although I also hope that one day I can dramatically appear in front of old friends, talk about the old days in a friendly way, and then drift away, you probably hope that I can come back obediently and be caught without a fight."

 Qin Chuan smiled slightly wryly in playfulness, and spread his hands, facing the camera.

"Unfortunately, I can't. I can only swear that before the end of my life, I will never set foot on the southwest land again. Today's celebration across the crowd is the last time we meet."

In the quiet room, there was a clanging sound after a long time.

 It was Yan Xie who gently placed the teacup on the table, and the soft sound of the collision covered up his slight sigh.

"However, your work will continue—" Qin Chuan suddenly changed his tone.

"The "King of Spades" was killed, and many of the organization's core internal affairs that even Jiang Ting did not know have since become secrets, including his contact points and trading methods with several major buyers. 'Blue Gold' is in North America, and Mexico is inseparable from an online virtual trading platform. Compared with the old-school Wu Tun, the King of Spades trusted the trading channels protected layer by layer by countless data transfer nodes around the world. In the second year after entering the North American market, he quickly accumulated electronic currency worth 100 million U.S. dollars through this transaction method."

 "I was once lucky enough to obtain—or steal the login key. However, when I logged in to check for the first time after I escaped from Jianning, I found that the trading channel of the King of Spades had been forced offline by the platform and then moved to another anonymous supplier. What makes me shudder even more is that the offline time displayed by the system is the second day of the Yaoshan operation, or more precisely, within five hours after the King of Spades was killed."

In an instant, Chief Lu understood what he meant, and the expression on his chubby face changed dramatically.

Yan Xie and Jiang Ting looked at each other at the same time.

 "There are huge, unimaginably complex criminal groups lurking in the deep sea, and the King of Spades was just one of them. The trench of evil is far deeper than we imagined," Qin Chuan paused and said: "This journey is still very long, and I am no longer a member of the public security team. Goodbye, my former brother. I will always miss everyone here from the bottom of my heart. I deeply apologize to Chief Lu, Chief Wei, Captain Yu, and especially Captain Fang. I'll miss the loyal years of life and death and will cherish their memory forever."

He smiled one last time, and there was an indecipherable sadness in his eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses.


 The screen gradually turned black, and silence enveloped every inch of space.

Fang Zhenghong turned his face away and forced himself to swallow all kinds of emotions: "This kid…"

As soon as the voice fell, the screen suddenly turned on: "PS."

 Everyone was taken aback at the same time, only to see Qin Chuan expressionless: "It suddenly occurred to me that I still hate Captain Jiang very much, so I didn't include him in everyone I mentioned just now; I hope everyone knows."

"..." Jiang Ting stared at the phone screen that quickly turned black, and the corners of his mouth twitched for a while under the eyes of everyone. He finally couldn't help asking: "Is he a drama queen?!"


The festive night in the bridal chamber that Yan Xie had been looking forward to was finally turned into an emergency transnational meeting within the provincial department. In the middle of the night, the police cars of the local police station finally dispersed, Chief Lu and the others also ended the video conversation with Director Liu, and Yan Xie went back to the hotel suite with his head full of lawsuits. He heard a slight snoring sound coming from the direction of the sofa as soon as he opened the door.

He stopped his hand before he could turn on the light and walked forward gently.

The moonlight shone slightly through the curtains on the floor-to-ceiling window, reflecting on the armrest of the sofa and outlining the familiar profile of his lover. Jiang Ting fell asleep with his forehead propped up on one hand. The veil-like gleam fell from the corners of his black eyebrows, sliding down the graceful lines of his cheeks and even his slightly parted lips. Perhaps because of the sufficient heating in the room, those lips were bright red and soft, as if they were good to kiss.

 Yan Xie stretched out his hand to touch them in a daze. Just as his fingertips touched the gap in his lips, before he could go further, Jiang Ting suddenly moved and woke up.


Jiang Ting turned on the desk lamp beside the sofa, wrapped himself in a warm and soft beige cashmere blanket, and propped himself up, sleepily: "You're back?"

 Such a homely tone—not like a newlywed couple who just exchanged wedding rings today, but rather like a couple who lived together a lifetime. A smile welled up in Yan Xie's eyes, and he squeezed himself on the sofa beside Jiang Ting to sit down. Jiang Ting divided the blanket in half to cover Yan Xie and asked in a low voice, "How's it going?"

"Regarding the King of Spades' use of anonymous networks to establish trading channels and the emergence of more cybercriminal platforms, the provincial department has reported to the Ministry of Public Security. It is estimated that they will cooperate with the Internet police and intelligence agencies to file a case for investigation. As for Qin Chuan himself, we can only investigate the major customs crossings and take it slowly; Director Liu has no other way."

"Can we still find him?"

 "Who knows."

Jiang Ting snorted softly, but Yan Xie knew what he wanted to say but didn't say: "No problem. After I catch Qin Chuan, I will tie him up and send you to torture him for a week…"

Jiang Ting couldn't help laughing and said with a smile: "Yes, we can't let go of that bastard who ruined our wedding."

 Yan Xie also laughed, got up and went to the bar counter of the suite to search, and came back a moment later with a tray and put down two wine cups: "Come on, try this."


Yan Xie smiled without answering and poured the sparkling, transparent liquid into the two cups, handing one to Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting put his hands behind his back: "What the hell are you—"

"We didn't exchange the wine, so it can't be regarded as a marriage ceremony. Come and try our family's treasure of more than 30 years…" Yan Xie sighed: "…Nverhong1…"


 Madam Zeng Cuicui loved spicy food when she was pregnant, and the whole family thought she was pregnant with a daughter. On the day of Yan Xie's birth, the family heard that the deeper the Nverhong's burial, the more the granddaughter's blessings would be after she got married, so Yan Xie's grandfather — a really honest man — mobilized the whole family to carry a shovel and dig a three-meter-deep pit, preparing to take it out for the grand banquet when his granddaughter would get married twenty years later. Who would have thought that just as he buried the wine in the soil with sweat all over his face, a call came from the hospital: "Congratulations! Your precious daughter has given birth to a boy! "

Grandpa almost lost his breath when he heard the words, and no one had the strength to dig out the wine jar from the three-meter-deep pit. Therefore, the Nverhong of Yan Xie, the captain of the criminal investigation division, was buried in the Yan family's old house for more than 30 years. It wasn't until today, when he finally married, that it finally got out of the soil by the people hired by Zeng Cuicui and brought all the way here.

"Don't be shy; come here…" Yan Xie forced Jiang Ting, who had softened his smile, to hold up the wine glass, made a pose of drinking with him, and said solemnly: "For the first glass, let's congratulate Mr. Jiang for marrying into a wealthy family, blessed to have a noble husband; may he embrace two children in three years and give birth to a precious son…a precious daughter is also fine. A wealthy family doesn't care; as long as it is born by Mr. Jiang, I like it very much."

 Jiang Ting smiled and tried to pinch Yan Xie's stomach, but how could Yan Xie's flesh be squeezed out by him? He immediately held his breath, stretched his abdominal muscles hard, and held Jiang Ting as they drank a cup of wine together.

The next second: "Pfft——"

Jiang Ting almost sprayed out all the drink, but was held back by Yan Xie, who grinned his teeth and said: "Look at you; I can see that you are an amateur. The wine buried in the soil for more than 30 years tastes like this… Come here, don't try to hide! One cup, one wish!"

 Jiang Ting said in his heart, then you wasted your first wish on such a senseless thing. Then Yan Xie squeezed his hand and poured the second cup of Nverhong.

"Second wish," Yan Xie held Jiang Ting's arm and said solemnly: "Mr. Jiang must not slack off after marrying into a wealthy family. He must work hard to stabilize his status and improve himself. The concrete manifestation is to eat well on time every day and drink the soup obediently. Even if we don't want to stay young forever, we must at least maintain our weight. Mr. Jiang once boasted that he would live to ninety-nine, which is two years longer than me. I don't know if he's still planning to do it now…"

Jiang Ting couldn't take it anymore. He drank the second glass of wine in one gulp and forced Yan's chin up to pour the wine in, interrupting his act of settling old scores.

 "No wonder the girls were married at the age of fifteen." The two were busy looking for water at the same time, and Yan Xie said: "If you only get married in your thirties, wouldn't the wine at the wedding banquet poison your parents and relatives to death?"

Jiang Ting said that he would die early and be reborn early, so he bravely poured the third cup with a sense of sacrifice: "The so-called burying of wine in the soil is an act without scientific reason. I will explain it to you in detail later. Don't be verbose now. Well, anyway, the tourist visa has medical insurance… What is the third wish?"

Yan Xie looked at the wine glass, took a deep breath after a long time, and swallowed: "The third wish is for myself."

 Captain Yan was able to express the most beautiful and warm vision in the most embarrassing way. Based on his nature, Jiang Ting had no doubt that his third wish would be that his golden gun wouldn't fall2until the age of eighty, or that before the age of forty, all the criminals in Jianning City would collectively knelt down and call him Big Brother.

However, he guessed wrong.

Yan Xie stared at the glistening wine cup under the light, smiled slightly for a while, and said, "I hope…"

 He lowered his eyes, and Jiang Ting only saw the corners of his eyes slowly curling up, revealing an unstoppable smile:

"I hope Jiang Ting will love me forever."

Jiang Ting was slightly taken aback. Yan Xie raised his head and drank the third glass of wine, and he was immediately choked so hard that he beat his pillow.

"You…" Jiang Ting couldn't help laughing. He closed his eyes and drank his own wine. Completely defeated by the alcohol bomb planted by Yan Xie's maternal grandfather more than 30 years ago, both of them were coughing hard on the sofa. They held each other's hands as they laughed while coughing.

Bank bang bang! It happened that Han Xiaomei woke up drunk, went out to look for food, and knocked on the door curiously: "Brother Yan? Brother Yan, do you have a cold? What are you doing?"

Jiang Ting continued to smile and shouted hoarsely toward the door, "Go back to sleep!"

 Han Xiaomei immediately made up a 10,000-word mosaic in her brain from Brother Jiang's hoarse voice. She was reluctant for a while and then squirmed away step by step.

"My grandfather must have been deceived by someone who sold fake wine back then, or he buried Lee Kum Kee soy sauce…" Yan Xie was about to stand up and take the remaining half of the pot of wine out to frame his parents when Jiang Ting pulled him by his arm: "Hey."

Yan Xie turned around casually: "What?"

 "I'll love you forever."

Jiang Ting had never said such straightforward love words in his life, and for a moment Yan Xie thought he had heard it wrong: "What?"

"I'll love you forever." Jiang Ting's cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were bright. He stared at the pair of beautiful and familiar eyes and said seriously after a pause: "I have never loved anyone so much, as much as I love you."

The full moon reflected the sea tides and the wedding music flew over the clouds, drifting toward the familiar Jianning night scene and thousands of lights thousands of miles away, casting a gentle veil on thousands of stars.

Behind layers of floor-to-ceiling curtains, two red wedding invitations painted with crayons spread out on the tea table, vividly displayed in the flickering candle shadows, and the matchstick figurine made a V sign of victory.

The young couple were entangled on the sofa. Their foreheads were pressed against each other, their hands and feet were entwined, and half of the blanket was on the ground. The sofa creaked with their movements.

"Happy wedding," Yan Xie lowered his head and kissed Jiang Ting's temple, then pressed it close to his ear and said with a smile, "Me too, my forever lover."