S. Extra 1: The Debut of Jianning Boy Group

The story takes place after everything has settled.

It was a seemingly calm night. After Han Xiaomei finished her escort mission, arrested drug dealers, interrogated serial perverted murderers, and sorted out the transcripts, she finally dragged her tired body back home. She hurriedly filled in a few mouthfuls of food, took a shower, blew her hair, put on a facial mask, and laid down under the covers. But before she even had time to turn on her tablet, which was placed next to the bed, and begin to comfortably chase her favorite, "The Domineering Police Officer Loves Me" Season 18, the mobile phone that was on charge suddenly rang.

The caller's name was faintly displayed on the screen—May the Empress live a thousand years.

Han Xiaomei answered the phone with a jolt: "Hello, Brother Jiang?"

Jiang Ting's voice came from the other end of the phone. At first, it sounded very calm, but if one listened carefully, one could find a hint of a storm coming from the end of the voice: "What is the 'No. 1 boy group competition of the Jianning City Public Security System'?"

Han Xiaomei was shocked instantly: "Where did you see that?"

"Yang Mei's Wechat moments."

 I knew Sister Meimei forgot to block you from her WeChat moments again!

"This… This is the voting we fiddled with in private." Han Xiaomei clearly heard the voice of her teeth chattering, "Sister Wang of the technical team said that at the end of every year, Chief Lu came to the stage to sing "Unforgettable Tonight" ", which is really too spicy for ears. This year we female comrades came to hold a public security boy group competition to send the top five to debut at the end of the year party, so…"

There was a terrifying silence on the other side of the phone.

 "The scope of the competition is very wide. As long as you are a male working in the public security system, regardless of age or rank, as long as you are attractive, you can be selected for voting, but there is only… there is only a small limit," Han Xiaomei swallowed weakly, "To avoid scattering too many votes, only male policemen from within Jianning are eligible to be selected. So if you don't see yourself on the voting list, Brother Jiang, it's definitely not because your glorious image has been questioned. You must know that in our hearts, you're wise and mighty, outstanding and confident, as high as mountains, a pearl of wisdom in our hand…"

"I know." Jiang Ting on the other end of the phone coldly interrupted Han Xiaomei's 3,000 words of rainbow farts, "I only have one question." 

An ominous chill ran down Han Xiaomei's spine.

 Jiang Ting asked slowly and word by word: "Why is our Yan Xie ranked eighth from the bottom?"

"..." Han Xiaomei was tongue-tied, and her facial mask fell off her face with a click.

A total of 50 contestants were shortlisted for the Jianning Public Security boy group competition, and the well-deserved first place in the vote was Qin Chuan—Vice-Captain Qin was in his early thirties, suave and talented, and was recognized as a friend of women in Jianning City. 

 In the photo of the candidate, he was standing beside the police car. He had a handsome face and a tall figure. Behind the gold-rimmed glasses was a pair of peach-blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling. Pressing a walkie-talkie on his shoulder with one hand and holding the gun at his waist with the other, carrying a bit of gentleness and elegance in his tough appearance, he won as many as 816 votes with just one photo, and the message below was even more enthusiastic: "Vice-Captain Qin, let me rush!"

"Two-faced yummy, my god, what a dish!"

"My son, look at your mother! Look at your mother!!"


The second place was Kang Shuqiang, the captain of the SWAT team. This elder brother fully represented the diversification and inclusiveness of women's aesthetics in modern society—the face was normal, but the body was too fine. In the photo, Captain Kang was sweating profusely in the training room of the SWAT team. He had Kirin arms, mermaid lines, and eight-pack abs, and even his back muscles were full of explosive power. The reason he could get such high-definition photos should be thanks to the efforts of the female consultant on the SWAT team. Everyone expressed their praise in the comments: "I can eat three more bowls of rice with these abs!"

"Are there more sisters?"

 "Sisters, you're good people; have a safe life!"


Third place went to a new graduate from the traffic police brigade with a youthful, sunny, sporty, and pure appearance. Most of the more than 200 votes were cast by loving mother and sister fans. In fourth place was the director of forensics from the Provincial Department, who, although nearly 50 years old but well-maintained and intellectually refined, won the full support of a large number of middle-aged and elderly female police officers led by Captain Yu. In fifth place was the city bureau's forensic doctor Li. Everyone, one after another, expressed their regret and condemnation of "time is a pig-killing knife" in the message. In sixth… seventh… eighth…

 Jiang Ting closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and the mouse stopped. 

Yan Xie of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Municipal Bureau.

In the photo, Yan Xie was striding toward the crime scene. Judging from his expression, he should be yelling at someone. The red and blue police lights reflected his side face. His eyebrows were sharp, his nose was straight, and every inch of his face was handsome to the point of arrogance. From this angle, his long legs were simply unreasonable.

The ranking was displayed below the photo – eighth from the bottom.

"Some people appear to be dignified on the surface, but in fact, they are forcing the newcomer Han Xiaomei to pick up the dismembered body with chopsticks." 

"Some people seem to be very handsome on the surface, but in fact, they still have instant noodle soup from three days ago on their 20 yuan T-shirt." 

 "Captain Yan, although you are destined not to be the boy group idol, you can be the boy group's sponsor!"

Jiang Ting, who had never been lower than the top three in any exam, contest, or vote in his life, slammed his computer shut.

Where's your vision? Where's your vision? 

 Yan Xie is the most handsome; there is no other one.

Yan Xie is worth a boy group alone!

Jiang Ting glanced back; his eyes were as cold as a knife—only to see that Yan Xie was holding the remote control to play games in the living room outside, and the handsome man who was completely immersed in the game had a fascinated expression on his face. He was wearing a new T-shirt from a luxury brand with a price tag of 8,000 yuan on his upper body, which was well-tailored to outline the body muscles comparable to a male model. On the lower body, he wore a pair of fluorescent pink shorts, which cost 15.5 yuan from a sale on Taobao. On the wrinkled underpants, there was still the braised beef noodle soup from last year that couldn't be washed off.

There were eight or nine pairs of exactly the same shorts hanging in the closet, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. They were all spoils of war brought back by Yan Xie during the "Double Eleven" the year before last. 

Jiang Ting's face sank like water, and he opened Yan Xie's long-sealed blind date wardrobe.

"Go go go go go… Aiya! Jump jump jump jump—!"

 The character on the screen just jumped up, but suddenly there was darkness in front of Yan Xie's eyes, and he was hit by a suit that fell from the sky. Then he immediately heard the "game over" sound from the stereo as the character failed to jump into the air.

"Dead, dead—what are you doing, Teacher Jiang?" Yan Xie hurriedly pulled his suit off his face, and before he had time to get annoyed, Jiang Ting threw a pair of shiny new Berluti leather shoes into his arms.

"Take off your pants and get a haircut." Jiang Ting's indifferent face was unquestionable, "Put this suit to work for me tomorrow."

 Yan Xie: "..."

The next day, whispers spread throughout the Jianning City Bureau: "Have you seen Brother Yan?"

 "Did Brother Yan take the wrong medicine today and dress so normally?!"

 "It turns out that Captain Yan is so handsome when he is normal, I feel like I can do it again!"

Yan Xie was dressed in a well-tailored suit, outlining his tall and lean figure. Before going out in the morning, Jiang Ting even forced him to wax and shave, but he didn't understand what Jiang Ting's intention was in doing this. He was even more oblivious to the countless exclamations and praises behind him. He resolutely moved from the forensic department to the mortuary, and from the mortuary to the interrogation room, and the enthusiastic discussion of the crowd followed his footsteps and flew all over the entire Public Security Bureau.

 Only Consultant Jiang, the mastermind behind the scenes, was sitting in the consultant's office like a golden Buddha, drinking a sip of tea.

 Very good. Since Yan Xie is handsome, be sure to let everyone know that he is handsome.

Jiang Ting picked up his mobile phone to look at the leaderboard and was preparing to meet Yan Xie's unstoppable rush to the top. But as soon as the results were refreshed, Yan Xie, who was eighth from the bottom, was completely unmoved, and the number of votes had only increased by a pitiful three or four votes. 

"?" Jiang Ting sat up immediately, "The voting system is broken?"

 "Jiang… Brother Jiang." Han Xiaomei, who was standing behind and listening to Teacher Jiang's remedial lessons, finally couldn't help it anymore. She poked her eyes out from behind the case file tremblingly, rubbed her hands, and said, "You may not know the actual situation of our female comrades in the city bureau too well. In fact, no one doubts the appearance of Captain Yan. The reason for his low votes is because…"

"Because of what?" 

Han Xiaomei gritted her teeth: "Brother Y-Y-Yan's t-t-temper…"

 The air was suddenly quiet.

Han Xiaomei felt like every second was a year, and after eighteen years, Jiang Ting's voice full of confusion finally sounded: "—What are you talking about? Yan Xie is so easy-going, kind, and gentle like water, isn't his temper good enough?" 

"Bang" a huge thunder in the sky, instantly struck Han Xiaomei.

 Gentle like water...

Gentle…like water…

Han Xiaomei's mouth opened and closed, opened and closed again, and after repeating several times, she finally heard her trembling voice ask: "Brother Jiang, tell me the truth; in your eyes, does Brother Yan have any shortcomings?" 

Jiang Ting pondered for a moment and said firmly, "Shortcomings? How could Yan Xie have shortcomings? Yan Xie's whole person is completely—"

"What's going on in your head all day long? You, you, and you! Does all your knowledge get eaten by dogs?!!" 

Suddenly there was a roar in the corridor outside the office, followed by a loud bang, only to see that Yan Xie threw the hard-shell report folder heavily on the ground, and the pages were scattered all over the place. The three female interns who were named were nestled together like newborn quails, shivering.

"Does the handling of cases in the Public Security Bureau feel like going to school? Is the identification of audio recordings homework? What I want is analysis! Conclusion! It's not the two large volumes of tapes that you handed in! You expect me to spend three days and three nights listening to them myself before rewarding you with a little red flower? Huh?!"

Yan Xie's roar resounded through most of the corridor, and everyone in the offices on both sides shivered. Amidst the dead silence, Yan Xie suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye and happened to see Jiang Ting, who was leaning out, and pointed at him as if he had gotten a most precious treasure: "Look at Brother Jiang! Ah, look at Teacher Jiang! If it is Teacher Jiang, this case will be closed in three days! You guys still claim to be excellent interns picked out by me; all of you are so useless! Useless!! Shame on you!!!"

Jiang Ting, who was pointed at by Yan Xie's finger: "..."

 Three terrified quail cubs huddled together: "..."

Yan Xie's anger didn't subside, and he raised his hand: "Go back and do it again! Don't leave work until you finish it! Go!"

"Easy-going and kind." Han Xiaomei spoke quietly behind him. 

 Jiang Ting: "..."

"Gentle like water." Han Xiaomei whispered into his ear. 

Jiang Ting: "..."

 Yan Xie dismissed those trampled and devastated quail cubs, and snorted coldly under the trembling gazes from all directions. He straightened his cuffs, walked toward Jiang Ting with his head held high, and instantly changed his expression as if by magic: "Teacher Jiang——"

Jiang Ting pushed Han Xiaomei away with one palm, grabbed Yan's tie with the other hand, dragged him into the office in a few steps, slammed the door, and said through his teeth: "Vice-Captain Yan."

Vice-Captain Yan leaned his back against the door panel and blinked at Jiang Ting with an expression of "The domineering police officer loves me". Jiang Ting raised his mobile phone, showing the voting list, tapped his index finger on the eighth from the bottom, and said solemnly: "Let's talk about sending you to debut."