Dragon Bible Part IV

“Try opening the book to the items pages, the keyword is ‘items to create’.”

Hearing Lex say that, the cheeky one pouted his mouth a little, before saying the keyword. After that, the book’s pages started turning fast again until they stopped at the page that had many pictures of items and a lot of raw materials and compounds showing on there.

“As you can see, there’re around 20 items you can make yourself. Each of them is copyrighted by me. So, these items can be made by the player from our class only, and some of them can only be used by us as well.”

After speaking, Lex pressed a picture on the page, making a slow voice of a woman, which sounded like a crappy virtual assistant, speak up.

“Dragon flare.”

Hearing that, Wisana paused.

“I think you might want to change the book's audio urgently. It sounds so depressing, like a cheap GPS!”

Wisana said harshly. Maybe he got used to the sweet voice of Jinnie too much. That was why this awful, slowed voice was unbearable for him.