Babysitter Part I


The heavy knocking noises were coming up rapidly, making someone jump out of her sleep on the soft mattress instantly. Her light grey eyes were trying to look around before she drowsily realized that she was sleeping in her private room at the Nemesis camp. Then, she held her hands up to rub her eyes confusedly.

When she looked outside the window, she saw the bright sunlight going through the light blue, smooth-textured curtains. The woman knitted her eyebrows together.

“It’s morning already?”

The one in the position of the Nemesis’s chief of staff spoke sleepily to herself. She turned to check the time on the Nemesis’s limited-edition clock with the goddess spreading her wing model on the wall, before letting out a long sigh.

“It’s 6 o’clock in the morning. What urgent could it possibly be now.”