Life is painful and short

Xie Bian was surprised that Fan Wujiu was smiling at him when he turned around.

"What gave you that impression?" he asked.

"It feels personal," Xie Bian replied, being honest because he thought that was what Fan Wujiu deserved. "Your hatred of Tao Yuanming, your feelings regarding Jade Dragon Manor. You're not disapproving from a distance..."

Reading about what Fu Shulin had gone through made him realize that it was a different thing entirely to hear second-hand accounts of what something, or someone was like, compared to experiencing it first-hand. He still didn't know how things would turn out for Fu Shulin now that he was a Jade Dragon Manor disciple, but he didn't think Tao Yuanming was going to let the embarrassment slide.

"What do you hope to achieve with my answer?" he asked. His tone was neutral, but his gaze was probing.