Eyes From Afar

With the war over, troops returned home, President Overlord gave them a hero's welcome for defending the nation. In the few weeks after the war, weed was legalized and the nation partied harder than anyone at lots every had. I spent my fair share smoking and drink alone with the military folks who'd come home. Every day after those weeks I went to work, busting my balls to make sure the treaty was upheld, and the peace would last.

"Director Light, we've found some remaining NWO soldiers in the hills of Argentina, orders?"

"Bring them here, interrogate them, find out just how much they know."

"Yes Director."

Then after I'd leave, I'd hit the gym, for a few hours, and that's where I met her, my wife, but at that time, she was smoking hot, drop-dead gorgeous. Former party girl who was trying to make the best of her life now that the party days were over. She had a full-time job and she'd seen her fair workplace bullshit, but for a while I ignored her. Until one day in the pouring rain, I took her on a date, and got a second date."

"So Serenity, how was work?"

"The boss was an asshole, but then again, what am I going to do? I've got an apartment that I'm renting, and I kicked out my bum roommates a few days ago, thanks for that advice by the way."

"Don't mention it, if anything, I can speak to your boss."

"No, no that's fine..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll just deal with him for a while longer."

We ate our dinner in silence at this fancy steakhouse I frequented. Then she spoke up.

"So what do you do for work?"

"It's classified."

"Like how classified?"

"Top of the chain."

"Very, very interesting." she nodded.

I could see something was wrong trough her eyes, my academy days were over, but still, I could tell.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing..."

"Please, I'd like to help."

"I... need a place to stay."

"Come stay at my place, it's a plane ride away, but hey, nothing we can't handle."

She looked up at me and kissed me, and that's how I met my wife. Nowadays, she worries I work too much trying to keep the country safe. We're in the middle of a cold war, an intelligence rush and a space race to get Americans back to the moon and building up our nuclear stockpiles against the NWNO.

However, she is right, I have been working late these last few days and I can't seem to catch a break. our honeymoon is fast approaching and so is the Election. President Overlord isn't running, but The Ghost is, and so is some NWNO sympathizer. I doubt he'll win but, we've had weirder in our past.