An Era of Change

The day finally came for my honeymoon, and once we hit the road, the first American Rocket left for the moon, far outpacing the NWNO who hadn't even gotten into space at that point.

We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and relaxed on the beach. It was our dream, and things only got better when we went to the bar to enjoy some drinks, when the news broke that the New American Empire Spacecraft "Eisenhower One" had touched down on the lunar surface. We cheered as our astronauts made it safely down the rocket touched their boots onto the lunar soil.

Once we returned, the election was upon us, and though the NWNO tried to interfere and boost their candidate, the election wasn't even close, it was as if everyone not only remembered not only his actions during the war, but his actions pre-war, before the New American Empire.

"Citizens of the New American Empire, we are proud announce the next President of the New American Empire, for the first time in color picture! Please welcome, President Ghost to the stage!"

The crowds were cheering, but if they could see just how much he'd won by, it was scary. The other candidate only received one vote, from himself. Every other state, voted for the Ghost.

"Freedom comes at a price, and The New American Empire isn't perfect, but we've never had to resort to fear to keep our people happy and for them to remain our citizens! I promise to lead our nation into the future, pushing the very limits of what we as a nation previously thought possible. WE STAND UNITED!"

The crowd and most of the world cheered as he finished his speech then pointed with his right index finger on his right hand out at the crowd. Things were shaping up for a golden age for the New American Empire.

Meanwhile, I was busy send spy planes across the world to capture images of what exactly what they were doing.

"Director Light, the prisoner is awake."

"Good, stand guard."

In the maximum-security prison, the Assassin was still being probed for weaknesses in the NWNO.

"The hell happened man?"

"How do you mean?"

"You used to me my friend, how the fuck could you betray our country?"

"It was easy, fun even, killing all of those people."

"Good, then this next part leaves me with a clear conscience."

The Director took the Assassin up to the surface where a crowd had gathered and President Ghost had been waiting.

"Today, we the people of the New American Empire, put to death a criminal of the New World Order. The New World Order's Assassin Elite. Assassin, any last words?"

"Fuck you."

With a nod, Captain Maddock took the spotlight with his HA-58 on, and split the Assassin from skull to groin.

"May my daughter be avenged, and my wife rest in peace knowing he who hurt them, is dead."

The Nation cheered at the death of the NWO Assassin, ridding the world of one more plague, a scourge that hurt and killed many citizens, but that era was now over.