The Star Spangled Armorer

As the Ghost's presidential limo arrived on the tarmac, H and Daws greeted him.

"Welcome to the D.C Air Command Base Mr. President."

"Thanks, you two, how has the SR-71 been treating you?"

"It's been good, and thanks to Juno and her team, we are beginning training on the SR-72. It's a dozy trying to get everything down." said Daws 

"Knowing Juno, I don't doubt that."

"Well, enough about us, we'll get out of your hair. The Armorer is awaiting your arrival."

On runway two, the Armorer was awaiting the Ghost to arrive. 


"In the flesh, we'll skip pleasantries for the moment and get right into your new armor, shall we?"

The armorer removed the tarp covering the armor.

"President Ghost, Juno and I have created a demon of an armor for you. Twin XT40-A-1 turboprops now capable of creating 1800 sonic booms a second. You'll be the fastest man ever to scare the shit out of the enemy. The armor as a range of two-thousand and is packing dual EPS cannons. The XFA-84 is well equipped to handle anything you or the New World Order can throw at it."

"Mind if I take it for a test flight?"

"Yes, we've already cleared the area, once I'm clear, start the props whenever you'd like."

Once the Ghost was suited up, and the Armorer was clear, the Ghost started the twin turboprops. The words  I am not your enemy, I am THE ENEMY, were inscribed on the small wings of the armor. 

Immediately the Ghost took the armor to maximum throttle. Deafening sonic waves followed him as he rose higher and higher. 675, 680, 690, the speed kept climbing as the HUD altimeter rose as well.

"Let's see what you can do."  said the Ghost as he leveled out and gunned it, speeding pasted the clouds, creating holes in sky as he flew. The experimental drug coursing through his veins keeping him alert and preventing him from blacking out with the high-speed maneuvers. 

Once he landed and shut off the turboprops, the Armorer rejoined him. 

"How was it?"

"Liberating. The feeling of such speed, such power. This will change the battlefield."

"Especially if you're the pilot. I have no doubt we'll kick so serious ass."

"Indeed, we will. Have this armor brought to the Archive. I have a feeling I will need it sooner than we think."

"Right away sir."