Chapter 30: They Take Another Step

“I hope I didn’t overplay things,” she said, putting a smile on her face.

It didn’t reflect how she felt. She had been jealous, and every fiber of her being didn’t want her to be. Her heart was betraying her far more than Noah had. She didn’t need the drama. If Noah was back with Cassandra that was his problem, not hers.

They’d signed that contract.

Noah didn’t move from his spot, but she could see the energy vibrate through his body. He wanted to take action, but she assumed he didn’t know what was right. “I don’t think so. Everyone believed you.”

She let out a sardonic laugh. “And I’m not the actor.”

“You have everyone fooled. It was a great scene. As if from a movie.”

She set down the weight she’d been using. Without it, she didn’t know what to do with her hands. Something had shifted between them. Something was different in the energy between them. As if they’d crossed some barrier, but she didn’t know what it was.