One word had never sounded so sweet to Noah. It was the last word of his day and he could go home and fix the mess that might be waiting for him. Hailey’s reaction to seeing him with Cassandra was too real. He couldn’t imagine that she was that good an actress.
If there was something there he wanted to explore it.
“Heading home to the girlfriend?” Cassandra asked.
Noah wanted to rail at her, but he’d said his piece earlier. They had three months of filming they had to get through together and he wasn’t going to make it worse. Even if Cassandra was going her best. He wasn’t that person and he wouldn’t be dragged down to her level. “Yes.”
He headed off the set to wash off the makeup that had been applied that morning. He should take a whole shower, but he didn’t want Hailey to have any more time to fume at him. Assuming that was what she was doing.
She hadn’t answered any of his texts or phone calls. He was getting worried that she was actually jealous.