The malicious hunter part one

Everyone stands in shock after witnessing Kev get brutally murdered by Hunter. Wayne snaps out of his shock and quickly backs away from Hunter.

"Hahaha!!! Why did you back away so fast? Am I that scary?"

Hunter starts to lick the blood that splattered on his hands and arms after he crushed Kev's head. Wayne starts to sweat all over as he watches Hunter disrespect Kev's body by stepping all over it.

"What the fuck is going on? Why do I feel so scared? Wait, there's no way someone's bloodlust can be this strong. It feels like I'm getting torn apart by a beast just by this man's presence."

As Wayne watches hopelessly, Kirata looks on with even more shock.

"There's no way you can't be the same man from all those years ago."

"Oh, I see you remember me. Good, because I did a lot to get here."

As Hunter speaks, Kage asks Kirata a question.

"Aye, Wayne's Pops, who the hell is this guy?"

"Aye, little shit. If you're going to ask about me, you should at least have the decency to ask the person himself."

"Dude, you just came out of nowhere and murdered that Kev guy. I think I have all right to not talk to you."

"Hehe!! Hahaha!!"

"Umm, I honestly don't think what I said was that funny."


Hunter, all of a sudden, disappears and reappears next to Kage. Before Kage even reacts, Hunter gets into a punching motion.

"Hahaha, if you're wondering who I am, I'll tell you. My name is nothing for you to worry about, but if you need to call me something, just call me feared legend Hunter, the man who's going to devour the beast king!"

Kage attempts to lift his arm to block Hunter's attack, but it is too late. Hunter punches Kage and sends him flying off the mountain. Unknown quickly takes action and attacks Hunter, but Hunter blocks As Kage flies off the mountain, he starts to have conflicting thoughts.

"What the hell was that? Sure, he was fast, but I definitely had enough time to block that attack, so why the hell was I so slow?"

Kirata appears behind Kage and catches him in mid-air.

"Don't worry, Kage. It's not your fault that man is using a special OGI technique that not many OGI users know of. This technique is called malice, a technique where you infuse the evil inside you to create an atmosphere around you that's able to slow you down. The amount of speed you lose depends on how much evil the person has within."

"Wait, that's some bullshit; then how the hell am I supposed to defend myself if I'm moving slower?"

"That part is something I don't have an answer for."

Kirata surrounds himself with lighting and uses the lighting to teleport back onto the mountain with kage in hand. Unknown continues to throw punches at Hunter but is having no luck. Kirata teleports behind Unknown and pulls him away from Hunter.

"Wait, what the hell are you doing? I'm trying to fight here."

"I know, but before we do anything, I need to speak to all of you."

Kirata teleports to Wayne and grabs him. He then teleports back to Kage on the other side of the mountain with both Unknown and Wayne in hand.

"All of you listen up now! That man we are fighting is no joke, especially since he's a feared legend."

As Kirata speaks, Kage and Unknown look at each other in confusion. Kage looks back at Kirata.

"Wait a minute, what the hell is a feared legend?"

"Oh, you all don't know what that is, ok? Real quick, I'll tell you. To Simply put it feared legends are people who have made a devastating impact on the world. The only way to gain the title of feared legend is by doing something that shakes the world."

"Wait, shake the world?"

"I'm using that statement figuratively. Let me put it this way: Every feared legend has done something to impact the world. When I say that, I mean doing stuff like destroying entire countries, destroying cultures, or just being so powerful that you're known everywhere. Of course, not all feared legends have done evil things like the ones I named, but most of them have, which is why they are named feared legends because getting into a fight with one is almost guaranteed death. Luckily feared Legend is an exclusive club, and there are not many around."

Kage looks at Kirata with a serious expression.

"So you're saying that this guy standing over there is one of these feared legends?"

"Yes, the thing about feared legends is that when they become known as feared legends, they are given a name that the world will know them by till they die. The names they are given are determined by what they did. As you heard earlier, his name is Hunter, and he is mostly known in the Moro zone. He got his name for mercilessly hunting beasts threw out the Moro zone. He hunted so many that it got so bad that he almost made beasts go extinct. It got so bad that I had to step in to stop his killing spree. I remember it like it was yesterday."

As Kirata finishes his sentence, he starts to think back to ten years ago, when he was in his prime. It was a bright day in the Grava zone, but the news wasn't so bright.

"Hello, yes, this is zone news, where we cover all news that happens throughout the four zones, and the person speaking to you now is Linda. It's a dark day in the Moro zone because of the decrease in beasts, which is what the Moro zone is known for. Now you're probably wondering why a place that was roaming with beasts all over just a year ago has had such a drop. The reason for this drop in living beasts is thanks to a new, feared legend that was named by this very news station. His name is Hunter, a feared legend that has become known for exclusively hunting beasts. In such a short amount of time, he has decreased the number of beasts in the Moro zone by 60 percent. This could be the end for all beasts as we know it, but the real question is, What will beast King Kirata do about this whole dilemma?"

The news broadcast ended. In the Moro zone, it was a dark day, and in the sky, a younger, more muscular version of Kirata was using lighting to fly through the sky, but it seemed he was troubled.

"Damn it how could I have let this travesty go on for so long? As the beast king, I should have ended this before it even started."

Kirata starts to fly toward a small forest. In the small forest lay a bloody mess. Torn-apart beast flesh was scattered all across the ground and was even splattered on the trees. Kirata, from the sky, saw this horrific scene the second he landed on the ground.

"What the hell I just got the report that he arrived here not too long ago. There is no way he could have caused this much damage in such a short amount of time. Wait, what the hell is that noise? It almost sounds like crunching, but it sounds way too monstrous to be someone eating."

Kirata starts to follow the crunching noise he hears. The noise leads him into the corner of the small forest. With each step he took, he saw more blood on the ground. He Kept walking until he eventually stopped at the end of the forest. There he saw a tree with blood and beast guts all over it, and at the base of the tree he saw a younger Hunter with less muscle definition sitting. Hunter was covered in beast blood while chewing on what looked to be the tentacle of a Crayvax. Kirata looked in shock at the horrid sight and covered his mouth in disgust.

"Hahahaha, wow, I was having so much fun I didn't even notice you arrived."

"Wh...what have you done?"

"What have I done? Oh, nothing much; I just had my lunch."

"Lunch? The beast kingdom is in shambles because of you. We might go extinct, and I'm not talking about just one or two species of beast; I'm talking about the beast kingdom in its entirety!"

"Hahaha, and that's my problem. As you can see, I'm alive and well, so there's no issue in my book."

"I see, so you have no remorse whatsoever. Ok, then I'll make sure your death is as painful as possible."

"Hahaha, you're a funny-looking beast, aren't you? Those rigged teeth, those eyes that won't stop piercing into my soul, hehehe, I can't wait to rip you to shreds."

"Wait, what the hell is this? I'm moving slower. Wait, is this the malice technique? But this is such a rare level one technique, and why is it so strong?"

"I've been waiting for this battle beast, King Kirata! I've consumed almost every beast species in the Moro zone all for this moment!"

"Damn it, this might be harder than I thought."

Hunter's fingernails become longer, and he starts to itch his neck with them. He scratches so hard that his neck starts to bleed.

"I'm so excited!"

Chapter 28 end