The malicious hunter part two

Ten years ago, the Moro zone was going through a dark time thanks to a new fear legend named Hunter. As the beast king, Kirata made it his responsibility to end Hunter's killing spree. Hunter stops itching his neck and stands up slowly.

"Hahaha, it seems my malice technique is doing a number on you. I think it's time for the oh-so-great beast king to meet his end."

"Tch, you might be able to slow me down, but it's impossible to slow down a lightning bolt."


Hunter, using the sense technique, senses something coming from the sky. Hunter gets in a position to move out of the way but is too late. From the sky, a lightning bolt hit Hunter. The lightning bolt was so strong that it burned half of his body. Hunter's left arm and leg were both completely disintegrated. With his right eye burned shut, Hunter started to laugh hysterically.


Kirata, now able to move normally, looked at Hunter in confusion.

"Why the hell are you laughing? Do you not see your body? There's no way for you to survive this."

"Hahaha, this is why I love fighting. Opponents always fall into a false sense of security the second they do a lot of damage."

Hunter's bones and flesh start to regenerate.

"What the hell?"

"You see, I'm kind of surprised you would underestimate a feared legend. You really thought one lighting strike would kill me."

Hunter stands up with all his injuries fully regenerated.

"So you're a level two OGI user, and I'm guessing your power is regeneration."

"Hahaha, you could go ahead and think that if you want to."


Hunter jumps above Kirata and spits different colored substances at him. Kitata surrounds himself with lighting and quickly steps out of the attack's range. The substances land on the ground and start melting the ground under them.

"What the hell is that Murkman acid?"

All of a sudden, the acid ignited and blew up the entire area. Kirata quickly flew up into the sky to avoid the explosion. Kirata forms a lightning bolt in his hand and starts to look around.

"What the hell? Murkman's acid shouldn't explode like that, but what if it isn't even Murkman's acid?"

Hunter grows sharp wings out of his back and flies up above Kirata.

"Oh, it's Murkman's acid, alright. I just improved the effectiveness of it, that's all."

"Improved the effectiveness of it."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's exactly what it sounds like."

Hunter's right arm splits into six long tentacles.

"Wait, I think I'm starting to understand the wings of a Screecher and the tentacles of a Crayvax. This guy is a problem. I need to end him now!"

Hunter tries to grab Kirata using his tentacles. Kirata grips the lightning bolt and uses it to smack away the tentacles. Kirata cocks his arm back and throws the lightning bolt straight into Hunter's chest.

"Hahaha, I guess you're not the beast king for no reason."

Hunter quickly regenerates and starts hitting Kirata across his body with his tentacles. As the Tips of the tentacles make contact with Kirata's skin, a small explosion occurs on Kirata's skin.

"Damn, that hurts, but I can handle it."

Kirata catches all six tentacles with his left hand.

"Yeah, your power is pretty straightforward. You have the power to use the abilities of any beast you eat. It's the only thing that makes sense; why else would you go around eating all these beasts if it wasn't?"

"Hahaha, bingo, you figured it out. Any beast I eat becomes my power. I can even combine their powers, as you saw from the acid and tentacles."

"Do you really have no type of remorse for all the beasts you've devoured?"

"And why the hell would I feel bad?"

"Those beasts had lives just like yours." What makes you think killing them is the right thing to do?"

"What? Now you're confusing me. I never said anything about it being right. This is the power I was given, so I'm going to use it."

"I see you're so insane that any life other than your own is worth nothing. I'll go ahead and rid the world of you."

Kirata sends electricity from his arm through his tentacles and shocks Hunter. Kirata releases Hunter's tentacles and opens his mouth wide. A small spark of lightning appeared in the middle of Kirata's mouth. Hunter starts falling from the sky, unable to move.

"What the hell is this? I can't move. Is this some type of paralysis?"

As Hunter starts falling toward the ground, Kirata shoots a small spark of lightning from his mouth toward Hunter. Hunter gets hit by the spark. The spark starts to fly Hunter into the sky.

"You're probably combining the regeneration abilities of multiple beasts, so killing you is impossible by any regular means. So I'll have to completely destroy you to the point of no return."

The spark suddenly started expanding. Hunter puts on a wide grin.

"Hahaha, damn to think you're the only beast in the Moro zone that I haven't taken a bite out of yet."

"I see my suspicions were correct; you've been causing so much trouble just so you could get me to come to you. Well, good job you got my attention, and now you'll die right here with this last attack."

The expanding spark starts to surround Hunter.

"Damn, it seems I'm going to die. hahaha!"

The spark starts to electrify and burn Hunter's skin.


The spark explodes, with Hunter in the middle of it. The explosion is so huge that the entire Moro zone can see it in the sky. The explosion dissipates, leaving a clear sky and no sight of Hunter.

"Even when he's about to die, he's still laughing like a fucking maniac, but at least he's gone now."

After Kirata successfully got rid of Hunter, the Moro zone was able to bounce back and bring the beast percentage back up by 30 percent, and this event even helped improve the connection between beasts and humans. Even with all the improvements the zone has made since that dark era, it will never recover from Hunter's killing spree.

Back in the present time, Kirata gives Kage, Wayne, Unknown, and Arcta a warning based on his experience with Hunter.

"Hey, you three, that man Hunter has a dangerous ability. He's able to use the abilities of almost every beast that ever existed in the Moro zone. To make it even worse, he's basically unkillable. So considering all of that, you all need to step back so I can handle him."

Wayne looks over at Kirata with a worried look on his face.

Wait, wait, Pops, you can't just go off and fight him on your own. You might look hella strong, but your age is still affecting you. He is specifically here to kill you and devour you so he can gain your abilities. If we let him do that, the Moro zone as we know it will fall apart, and on top of all that, he'll become even more unstoppable. Let us go fight him. I'm sure if we fight together, we can take him down."

"Wayne, please stop worrying. I'm the beast king, and it's my responsibility to protect the Moro zone from any danger that might come to it."

As Kirata and Wayne argued over who should fight Hunter, a strange substance came from the ground and surrounded Kirata. Kirata looked around in confusion.

"What the hell is this dirty brown bubble?"

Kirata surrounds his arm in lighting.

"Hey, now I wouldn't do that if I were you."


Everyone looks over at Hunter in anger.

"Yeah, that's right. I made that bubble by using the ability of a Vexlich."

"Hmm, in that case."

Kirata shoots a lightning bolt from his mouth, but when it comes in contact with the bubble, it bounces back at him.

"What the hell, a Vexlich bubble isn't usually this powerful. Lucky for me, lighting has no type of effect on me."

"Yeah, you're right, but you still won't be able to get out of that bubble because, by combining different substances from multiple different beasts, I was able to make a bubble that only sends any attack back at its opponent, and that goes for inside and outside. I'm sure you realize why I put you in this bubble, oh great beast king."

"Unfortunately, yes, a Vexlich bubble has an ability that drains the energy of anyone who's inside it."

"Hehehe bingo Vexlich usually uses these bubbles to take down small prey, but with my expertise, they can be used to help take down the most powerful prey."

"I see, so you're just using this bubble to weaken me."

"Hahahaha bingo again; I learned from our last encounter. So this time, I'll do it right and efficiently. Now, it's time to wait for you to be weak enough."

Hunter laughs confidently, thinking he won, as an energy beam grazes his head. He looks over to the right and sees Wayne, Kage, and Unknown ready for battle.

"Damn, he moved his head a little to avoid my energy beam."

"Aye, don't worry, Kage, that was just a warning shot. Let's just follow Wayne's lead and take this bitch down."

"He's right Kage Arcta is trying to figure out a way to get Pops out of that bubble, so let's just beat this hunter guy's ass before he does. So with that said, Let's go!!!"

Chapter 29 end