Kirata's past part three

At the same time that Seto makes the decision to fight for his family, Kirata is fighting for his life. The humans came in without any warning. The first thing they did when they caught sight of Kirata and his family was shoot flaming arrows at them. Jack shot down all the arrows with lightning bolts but didn't realize that, in turn, he had caused the forest to set fire.

"Damn it, Lege, you led the humans to us, you damn useless child."

"Shut the hell up. I don't need any of your bullshit right now."

Lege surrounds himself with lighting and takes off for the sky. When he gets high enough, he sees a long line of humans marching. There look to be almost five thousand humans rushing into battle with the three Draibnus.

"There are so many, and to make it even worse, there look to be some OGI users in the mix. This battle could get really ugly real quick."

As Lege finishes his sentence, a rope is wrapped around his leg. Lege looks to where the rope came from and sees a six-foot-tall woman with green hair wearing green religious robes and a green mask.

"Tch, you really think this stupid rope can do anything to me?"


"Fine, I'll just pull you up here!"

Lege attempts to pull the woman, but she won't budge even with someone from the Draibnus's race's strength. The strange woman then tugs on the rope, causing Lege to fall to the ground. When Lege hits the ground, the woman pulls out two daggers and rushes towards him. As she gets closer, Lege notices the glow on her body.

"Oh, I see you're an OGI user. Fine by me. I've been needing to take out some anger!"

As Lege fights his own battle, Kirata and Jack tirelessly fight against the humans. Both of them dispatch each human opponent easily, even if some of them are OGI users.

"Hey Papa, these guys don't seem that strong, do they?"

"No, they're pretty weak, but don't let your guard down, and also don't use up too much power too quickly because this battle looks like it will take a while to finish."


As both of them fought for several minutes, eventually the attacks started to slow down, proving that even with the human manpower they had, they stood no chance against so much power. Everything was going well until Kirata and Jack saw a surprising sight. Out of nowhere, Lege was thrown over both of their heads. Jack continued his battles, but Kirata went and looked at Leges state. When he did, he saw Lege with many gaping cuts.

"Lege, are you ok? what happened?"

Left opened his eyes and saw the mysterious woman in mid-air coming in for a punch on the back of Kirata's head.

"Don't let your guard down, dumbass!"

Lege got up and pushed Kirata out of the way. He then surrounded his hand with lightning and had his punch clash with the woman's punch. The lightning tore through the woman's sleeve. The woman landed back on the ground. Lege quickly attempted to punch the woman, but was easily evaded.

"Rah! You can't dodge forever!"

Lege started throwing multiple punches at the woman, which she dodged by doing multiple backflips. On her last backflip, the glow from her body intensified. She then made sure to tap the ground lightly on her last backflip.

"God damn it, why can't I hit you!?"

Lege moves in and steps to the same place on the ground where the woman tapped. When he does, he is instantly impaled by multiple rocky spears that unexpectedly came from the ground. The spears mainly stabbed him through his stomach and chest, which looked fatal.

As Lege spits out gallons of blood from his mouth, the mysterious woman finally says something.

"It seemed that trap was extremely effective. It seems I got lucky this time. Especially with my power trap, which gives me a random trap every time I use it."

After getting shocked by Lege, the woman took a seat to rest. Seeing his older brother bleed out, Kirata freezes.

"What was that? It happened so fast!"

Kirata snaps out of it and runs over to Lege.


"Oh my God, why are you so loud?"

"Lege your hurt!"

"No, duh, dumbass, I have like 30 spears running through my body."

"Please, you have to hang on, please!"

"Hang on? Face it; I'm going to die right here and now."

"But...why did you save me?"

"Tch, save you. I didn't save you; I just fought like I always fight."

"But that ca—"

"You know, I'm kind of glad I'm dying."

When those words left Lege's mouth, it went silent for a few seconds.

"What the hell do you mean you're glad!?"

"Tch, you wouldn't understand since you're the favorite, but I'm just realizing it wasn't even your fault, hehe."

As Lege speaks, Kirata's face starts to fill with tears.

"You know it would be nice once to not be constantly compared to you. Because of you, I would always try harder so I could get the love Father gave you, but you would always evolve so fast. I couldn't keep up, and to make it even worse, I'm pretty sure Father just didn't care for me. Hahaha, imagine all that mental pressure to be better than you when, in reality, there was no way to gain his love."

"No, you're wrong. I'm sure he loves you. He might have been tough on you, but I'm sure he does!"

As Kirata screamed at the top of his lungs, he didn't realize Lege had already lost his hearing.

"Hahaha, you know, even now, when I'm about to die, I still hate you."

With Lege's last words, he closes his eyes for the last time, causing Kirata to cry tears of pure pain.

While this was going on, Jack continued his battle, but for the first time ever, he acknowledged his first son.

"Tch, pathetic; it's no one's fault you were weak."

As Jack curses his son's sacrifice, he notices the mysterious woman walking slowly toward Kirata, who is dazed after his brother's death.

"Kirata, look out behind!"

"This is my opportunity to end this for good!"


Kirata releases a huge roar so powerful that it hurts the ears of everyone in the area. All of a sudden, dark clouds formed in the sky, but these dark clouds weren't normal at all. The clouds covered the entire Moro zone. Jack looked at the sky and smiled.

"Hehe, maybe that child was useful for something."

Kirata's heart was filled with pain and sorrow, which caused his emotions to be reflected in the weather. All of a sudden, the entire Moro zone was engulfed in a thunderstorm of great proportion.


With his roar being a signal, lighting came from the sky to strike the earth randomly and continuously. The humans quickly ran in an attempt to get out of the thunderstorm but had nowhere to run and, in turn, were all killed by the thunderstorm. The mysterious woman quickly left the battlefield as fast as she could, but she barely made it out with her life.

"I have to get out of here. This power is not normal; it's almost Godley!"

As his son cried in rage, Jack watched from afar with a smile on his face until he realized he was in danger as well. Kirata was not controlling his power, so allies and enemies meant nothing to him at the moment.

"Damn it, this is bad! Kirata, wake up! The battle is over. All the humans are dead; now you can stop!"

No matter what Jack said, Kirata could not hear him. Jack gave up hope and used his ability to fly so he could ride the wind current till Kirata calmed down. Kirata eventually calmed down two days and a half later. When he calmed down, the thunderstorm calmed down, but it still left most of the Moro zone in bad shape. It's safe to say that if Feared Legends were around at this time, Kirata would have been named one.

When Kirata stopped his rampage, he passed out for three days until he eventually woke up. When he did, his father was there to fill him in on what had happened.

"Kirata, are you awake?"

Kirata woke up to find his father standing next to him.

"Ow, my head hurts. What happened to me?"

"What happens to you? What happened was that you ascended to a whole new level!"

Kirata starts to look around at the area and sees it completely flattened with destroyed trees everywhere.

"I did this?"

"Yes!! This is what all our training was for! Now the beast will see you as King after this much display of power! Well, you did go unconscious for almost three days, but with more training, I'm sure we could fix that."

Kirata looked over to Lege's dead body, which was still in the same spot as before.

"You left him up there on those spears?"

"Hey Kirata, don't worry about him; we've got to get to training right away!"

"No, his body comes first, and if you try to stop me, I won't train."

Tch, fine, we can get his body."

While taking care of his dead brother's body, all Kirata could think about was Seto. He considers Seto his best friend, but now blood has been shed on both sides. Kirata now knows that when he sees Seto again, they will be enemies.

Chapter 37 end