Kiratas past part five

After Kirata's eyes were opened to the wrongs of the human vs. beast war, he decided to make it right not only for the many lost in the war but for the future of everyone in the Moro zone, beast and human alike. At first, Kirata had no idea how to get people and beasts to become friends, so he went back home. While at home, Kirata did some thinking.

"I want to end this war for good, but how am I supposed to do that when both sides hate each other so much? They only hate each other because the humans don't like sharing the Moro zone with the beast, so in turn, they try to get rid of them with relentless attacks. The beasts are only trying to defend themselves. So what do I do, make the beast leave the Moro zone or make the humans accept the beast?"

With many thoughts going through Kirata's mind, he lies on his back and looks up at the sky.

"Damn it, I decided to make peace but have zero ways of doing so!"

Kirata looks over to where he used to train with his father before he died. When he does, he remembers a few select words from his father.

"With your power, we could finally get the beast to rally under one leader. If we do so, we could finally have a strong army to fight the humans."

Remembering that specific phrase from his father, Kirata gains some inspiration.

"Wait, my father wanted to use my power to force the beast kingdom to fall under one ruler so then we could build a strong government. His way might have been selfish, but maybe if I put a twist on it, I can use it for the betterment of the Moro zone."

The more Kirata started to think, the more his vision started to form. After a few more minutes of thinking and planning, Kirata was ready to put in all the work needed to achieve his new goal.

"I've decided. I know this is ambitious and almost goes right along with what my father wanted me to become, but I will become the beast king!"

That day, after realizing the war needed to end, Kirata went off on a long journey to become the beast king. He first went all around the Moro zone, making contact with as many beasts as he could. His goal in doing this was to get as many beasts as possible to recognize him as the Beast King. His strategy in this was to ask the beast nicely to recognize him as beast king, which at first never worked. When plan A didn't work, he would transition into plan B, which was to beat them into respecting him as the beast king. This tactic Kirata didn't like so much, but after the beast admitted defeat, Kirata helped the beast in any way he could, whether that was protecting them from humans or helping with the territory.

Kirata used this tactic for years until it hit the point where he didn't even have to use plan B anymore. The word of his strength and kindness spread throughout the beast kingdom, to the point that all beasts of that time knew his name and respected him. At that point, Kirata knew he had become the beast king his father imagined, but he knew it wasn't over.

After ten years of bringing the beast kingdom together, Kirata was ready to confront the humans. Kirata wanted to make peace with the humans so the war could finally end, but the humans wanted nothing to do with peace. With this being the case, Kirata challenged all humans in the Moro zone to gather together and invade the same place Seto's army invaded ten years ago. The humans took up his offer and came straight to him.

On the same land where Lege died, an army of humans showed up, ready to kill Kirata at all costs. When they arrived, they found that Kirata was nowhere to be found. In Kirata's absence, the army started to chatter among themselves.

"Where is this so-called beast king? Don't tell me he chickened out."

"He probably did. I knew that this beast king was just a fraud. Who in their right mind would fight such a big army on their own? He definitely challenged us to look strong."

As the army starts to underestimate Kirata's power, he comes down from the sky with a calm expression.

"Hello, humans I am Kirata the Beast King, and I've called you all here today to talk peace."

The humans on the ground look at each other in confusion.

"Peace? That's what you called us here for stop playing around and come down here for battle!"

"Yeah, he's right; we will have peace once you vile beasts are gone!"

As the humans scream about the destruction of the beast race, Kirata's face fills up with anger.

"You are all fools!"


"You all might hate beasts, but...this zone needs to find peace! Every day on both sides, we lose lives to this stupid war! Do you truly want your kids and your kids after them to suffer from this war? When is enough enough, damn it!?"

"Hey, you so-called beast king, don't you realize there's no peace because humans fear the possibility of losing territory?"

"Then put your trust in me! I promise you that I will put the Moro zone in a state that everyone can be happy with."

"Tch, why the hell would we put our trust in yo–"

Before the soldier could finish his sentence, a lightning strike came down from the sky and destroyed a nearby mountain. After seeing a mountain destroyed in front of them, the humans looked in shock.

"I'm not asking you; I'm telling you, and if you wish to challenge me, I'll make sure to kill you and destroy everyone you love!"

The humans dropped their weapons, knowing that they had lost the battle. From that day on, Kirata used his power to rule over the Moro zone. He made sure to keep the peace between humans and the beast. At first, most feared him, but as the older generation died out and was replaced by the newer generation, he became loved for his actions. Kirata did his job as the beast king for centuries since his lifespan was extremely long. Keeping the peace was hard, but after about a hundred years, hostility in the Moro zone seemed to have completely disappeared.

Kirata felt great about creating peace in the Moro zone but never truly found peace within himself. Being the beast king for so long took its toll on Kirata; he constantly felt tired because of the constant stress of having to keep the entire Moro zone running smoothly. With old age creeping up on him, he started to feel his time as the all-powerful beast king was coming to an end soon, but that all changed when he met a certain boy.

Sixteen years before the present and countless years after peace was found in the Moro zone, it was nighttime in a small, unnamed village. This village sent out a report about being attacked by some delinquent beasts. Kirata, who is now at his full thirteen feet of height, flew to the village with Arcta, whom he met forty years prior, on his back. When he lands, he is met by a human dressed in beat-up clothing.

"Welcome beast King It's an honor to meet you."

"Yes, nice to meet you two village chiefs; please show me the scene."


Kirata follows the village chief to an area of the village that was attacked by the beast. When he arrives, he sees a few destroyed houses alongside a few casualties.

"Tch, well, even in a time of peace, a few bad apples continue to cause trouble. Why can't anyone just accept peace? Arcta, please go and gather the casualties so we can bury them."

Arcta waddles with great speed around the village, gathering any dead bodies that could be found. Arcta returned to Kirata, but this time with a small child and a beast egg.


"Wait, is that child alive, and where did you get that egg from?"


"What? They were together in a closet?"


The village chief walked up to look at the child closer.

"Yep, I knew it; that is the child of that family."

"What family?"

"No one actually knows their names, but all we know is that the family does some weird stuff, so the village tends to avoid them."

"Yeah, I see why the village would think that, especially since they illegally have a beast egg in their possession. Arcta, are the parents alive?"


"Yeah, I thought so. Hey, Chief, does this child have any relatives we can give him to?"

"Not from what I know."

"Of course you don't."

"Well, I guess I have no choice."

Kirata handled the situation and took both the baby and the egg to his mountain at Kirata village, where he would raise both of them. He named the child Wayne, and with Arcta's help, he trained him to be ambitious even if he had less than others. The egg hatched two months later and turned out to be a rare race of beasts called Gumalo. At first, Kirata called him Kirata Junior, but later, Wayne, at the age of six, changed it to Lex because it sounded cooler. Wayne and Lex became more than just best friends; they became brothers.

Wayne and Lex made Kirata happy. Watching them grow alongside each other helped pull Kirata out of his deep depression, but what truly made Kirata fill up with joy was what Wayne said at the age of ten. While at Kirata Mountain, Wayne came up to Kirata to announce his dream.

"Papa Papa, listen to my dream; it's so cool!"

"Ok, ok, please tell me and calm down while you're at it."

"OK, my dream is to spread the beast kingdom around the world!"

"Wait, what are you on about?"

"Well, you told me the biggest problem the Moro zone has is that both beasts and humans hate having to share the zone, so I thought, why don't we give the beast more space to live? If the beast is spread across all four zones, then there's no way any side can complain about having to share so much. It's the perfect plan!"

In Kirata's mind, he thought that this was a dumb plan, but in his heart, he felt warmth knowing that Wayne was the Moro zone's future.

"OK, Wayne I will support you in any way I can, so start training now because you will need to be powerful to make big dreams come true."


Six years later, in the present, Kirata, who is on his last leg in the battle against Hunter, snaps back to reality. With Hunter flying over his body, Kirata starts to think to himself.

"Damn it, I blacked out for a second. Why did I remember all that shit right now?"

"Hey Beast King, are you ok down there? Don't tell me you're ready to die now. I wanted to have a little more fun with you. Hahaha!"

"I'm low on everything, and Hunter seems to be unstoppable, but you saved me that day, Wayne."

The Moro zone's skies start to fill up with black clouds.

"That day I found you, I was at my limit, but you, with your loving personality, saved me! So I can't quite here! I will save you just like you saved me all those years ago!"

Kirata's entire body starts bursting with electricity.

"I, the beast king, put that on my soul!"

Chapter 39 end