Chapter 24 Fairy Tales

After closing his eyes he began feeling more Relaxed and comfortable.

The weird Chanting from Iredia became less Gibberish, he was beginning to comprehend Her words and information he never knew Was being fed into his head.

This continued for a whole hour before a Sharp sound word suddenly woke Henry from His meditative state.

System: You have received the map to locate The Jade spider web.

Henry looked around and couldn't find any Map.

Swift trowed the map at Henry's chest "Here Is the map, it fell from the sky while Iredia was Chanting".

Henry was very happy to receive the map he Lift Iredia and scream joyfully.

And suddenly above the sky for every player To witness a grand system notice appeared In the sky.

The announcement shocked every witness, Especially the famous players.

It has not been up to 30 minutes Henry lead The team to clear an Instance Dungeon and Now he is the first to receive a map in VRMMORPG.

"What's wrong Henry?" Sharon asked, he Looked dazed while staring at the sky.

"Oh, the announcement.." Henry pointed to the Word in the sky.

"I don't see anything though" Iredia speaks From the other side.

"You cannot see the words in the sky?" Henry Asked suprisely.

She shook her head, promoting Henry and Sharon to ponder.

"Perhaps NPCs cannot see the game Notification?, let's continue to play" Iredia can Henry some distance with the ball in her Hands.

He smiled bitterly, but he didn't refuse and Continued to play with her.

Suprisely, when he took a step forward,all the HP he had lost a moment ago full came Back.

The two began playing again, but the speed The ball was trow seemed to be at a much Faster pace than previous.

The second history Henry break increase the Rate of rich and powerful companies looking For him in the real world.

However, it was a nearly impossible task due to The way the game handle the Player's privacy.

Unlike other games where one can see the Players name at a glance, VRMMORPG did not Have the feature.

Unless the individual allows it, nobody would Be able to see their name.

I think Xavi had some collaboration with Stone That is why Xavi was able to track Henry.

After most unions spend many resources and Time looking for Henry, people quickly come To the relization that unless Henry willing Revealed himself, his identity would remain Unknown forever in the real world.

But that alone was not enough to force these People into giving up on trying to find Henry.

The internet, game forums, and even newspaper People began offering real money for Information on Henry, even outright paying Thousands for the person to reveal himself.

Virtual reality has become so deeply involved in The real world that it would not be an Exaggeration to say that professional gamers and top rankers have more Fame than real world Celebrities.

Some professional gamers in fact, earn Seven Digits every month just for advartisiment Alone with there game image.

In fact, even casual gamers can earn more Money than people with a normal jobs just by Selling items and converting it into real money.

With so much advertisement and appeal,it would only be obvious for people to want to Become a gamer where they can earn money Instead of choosing work that invoices Labour.


After throwing the ball for a few more hours Without breaking a sweat, Henry suddenly Stops.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling tired again?" Iredia asked Henry.

"No I think is dark and I can't see clearly," Henry said to Iredia in a low tone, he look Towards the left and saw Sharon sleeping.

"Please don't log out, stay here with me" Iredia Pleaded.

Henry didn't have a choice since Sharon was Sleeping he didn't plan to disturb her sleep.

"Okay, I will stay" Henry replied as he breathed out heavily.

"What did you want to do now the Stars are Already out?" Henry asked emotionally.

"Play games!" she answered without Hesistation.

"I figured" Henry nodded with a smile.

Henry didn't not agree to play throwing balls With Iredia, they both sat down under a tree Close to Sharon and talk to Sunrise.

"Won't your parents be worried if you don't Return soon?" Henry asked after noticing that She has been out with him through out the Night.

"It's is okay, Iredia is always out here playing By herself so they are used to it".

"...." Henry's pity towards her increased with Every passing moment he spent with her.

"Iredia, how about I tell you more stories?"

"More stories" Her eyes began flickering like The Stars in the night sky upon hearing the Magic word, and she instantly shift closer to Henry.

"The story I will be telling you today is fairly Tales from my homeland"

"Fairly Tailes? like the legend" Iredia said with A big smile on her face.

"Well. . not exactly, fairy tales are more short Stories made for entertainment rather than Legends and such, there are pure fiction, so it is not real"

"What is the difference?" Iredia asked Suprisely.

"... You will get to know when you hear it" Henry replied gently.

Henry began telling her famous and classical Fairy Tales from Earth such as a certain Individual poisoning a girl who was who was awakened due to a kiss from a slave and They both got married.

It has been a while since Henry heard this story From his Dad, since when he was 10 years old.

He was able to recall them clearly and greatly entertained Iredia, who was not used to this genre of stories.

"Those people.... are they all mortals?" Iredia suddenly asked Henry.

"To my knowledge yes"

"This is nothing like Stories of mythical beasts

rolling the word or immortals overturning Heavens, It is normal, yet it brings so much entertainment"

She didn't know mortals could be so entertaining despite being the focus of the stories.