Chapter 25 Vanished

"Do you have any? more fairy tales to tell Master" Iredia asked.

"Unfortunately, that is all I could tell you for now, I will tell you more stories later"Henry replied.

"It's a promise!"

"Yeah it's a promise" Iredia smiled.

Sharon woke up and was surprised to see Henry awake and discussing with Iredia.

"Come on brother let's move so we can find the Jade spider web I think my exam days are close so I need to log out," Sharon said looking Henry straight into his eyes.

"How is the search going?, have you found any Information about Player Henry yet?"

A handsome young man sat on his bed with his game helmet in his hands.

"Sorry young master, but this player seems resolute in keeping his identity secret, not even our offers were able to lure him out" says a player sitting on a wooden chair and typing on his computer.

He has gone without sleeping for the past two days just to look for information on Henry, but atlas the results come back in a box of disappointment filled with a whole lot of nothing.

"not taking the bait? Then all we have to do is increase the temptation, go and adjust the reward to twenty million, unless this Player is already super wealthy then he will surely bite the bait or later" says the young man sitting at the bed though twenty million means nothing to him in his eyes.

"Understood"The Man typing replied and leave the room.

"I will have my hands on this Player no matter the price, this individual is either Grand square crystal union or the wolves crystal union, or maybe he had connections to the Ancient creators, allowing him to obtain materials and clear an instance Dungeon in the game everyone knows that normal players cannot do this if I get him to join my union then my family position within the ranks will surely rise!"

Similar scene Players thought the world with many high-standing figures doing whatever they can in their power to learn about this Player Henry who is already light-year ahead of most Players in the game.

Unaware that Henry still has no idea how much of a stir he has created in the real world just because of a few announcements.

"Go Master am always with you" Iredia Said as Henry and Sharon walked towards the south side of the forest following the map.

"I hope we find the Jade spider lair brother," Sharon said to Henry.

"Yeah I hope too, a few minutes from now you started calling me brother can you tell me your reason," Henry asked Strangely

"It's me Jimmy, your cousin you looked less different than you are in the real world" Sharon replied smiling.

"Are you serious right now?" Henry asked looking straight into her eyes.

"Yeah am sorry I didn't tell you earlier at the cafe, some times VRMMORPG Players have to keep their profile low" Sharon replied smiling.

Henry quickly grab her on her waist and hugged her.

Boom! A loud explosion appeared in the distance.

"What has just happened?, why did the earth tremble the way it just now, Did someone drop a bomb?" Henry suddenly asked different questions.

Clang! The sound of metal clashing resounded again and a dust of wind suddenly swept the place, nearly lifting Henry and Sharon into the air.

A few seconds later a warrior dressed in dark steel armor around his body appeared in front of Henry.

"Xavi sent me to kill you, Henry, if I don't kill you today am not warrior Zuli," The warrior said to Henry as he brought out a long steel sword.

"Ahahaha! What made you think a warrior like you can kill me, Today will be the day you will realize your foolish existence," Henry said as he pulled out his sword running towards the warrior.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

visible ripples filled with profound Power Swiftly swept the sky after every clash, Henry's spine every time his sword pass him.

Henry was shocked, to say the least, "To fight in someone's garden how Disrespectful.

They started jumping in the air and fighting each other.

They jumped back and forth, throwing powerful sword strikes at each other to create damage.

The fight lasted for many minutes without using Powers or one gaining an advantage over the other: they seemed to be equally matched.

While swinging swords the warrior tears Henry's lips with his sword.

Henry retreated and paused for a few seconds.

"This is just the beginning Henry and going to kill you both in VRMMOROG and the real world"

This statement made Henry angrier.

Henry moved in stealth and jumped, the sword in his hands flashed then spun through the air and stabbed the warrior at his head.

Instantly the warrior fell and die.

System: You killed warrior Zuli

"Ahh, are there rewards?"Henry said in his mind

Brave! Clap Clap Clap

Iredia was impressed by Henry's did " I love the way you fight master" Iredia said smiling as she walk close to Henry.


Sharon healed the injury on Henry's lips.

"I am sorry for healing late brother," Sharon said in an emotional tone.

"Ahh that reminds me master I got a Suprise for you, it was given to me by my Dad as a gift, So I choose to hand it over to you" Iredia Speaks from the other side.

"I think you are also in search of this to upgrade The Supreme One Necklace" Iredia Said as she brought out a vessel of blood.

"Yes Iredia," Henry said as he moves closer to Iredia.

"I made a promise to my Dad to hand it over to the right person before I join him in the Spirit World" Iredia Said as she hand over the vessel to Henry.

"Goodbye Henry, Bye Sharon my spirit is always with you," Iredia said as her whole body lifted up to the sky and vanished while reaching the sun.