Chapter 26 The Mask

Henry and Sharon were happy and at the same time sad.

"Come on Henry you got one of the equipment, we have to log out," Sharon said to Henry in a cool tone.

"I promise to visit you in the real world," Henry said as he logged out.

While Henry pulled his helmet off he was surprised to see Mr stone sitting close to his bed.

Unknown to Henry he has been online for the past three days.

When the rest of the Guides saw Henry was awake they were all happy, Swift rushed and brought a glass of water with glucose for him to drink.

"Taking random Players into the instance Dungeon is one thing I can't let go of, you gave the rewards to the outsiders as well, Henry is they something wrong with your brain?"Stone speaks to Henry aggressively.

"It's not my fault VRMMORPG collaborated us" Henry replied in a low tone as he was trying to rise from the bed, but still he fell back.

"I don't think that's an excuse you should have rejected the collaboration" Stone replied.

Swift, Thunder, Lina, and Steal were standing beside the bed but couldn't say a word while they were exchanging words.

"I traded most of the items with the union name, so I think that alone will promote the unions wealth, who I do Instance Dungeon with is non of your business, I think it remaining few crystals for my task to be completed" Henry speaks in a tired tone and was trying to stand from the beg again but this time he rolled and fell on the floor.

He didn't mention that he had over $20,000 real money on his bank card.

Even if he didn't, he wouldn't mention something like that to cause more trouble.

Stone didn't reply to Henry's words this last time he left to his car at the garage and drove off.

Thunder went and brought more glucose for Henry to regain more of his strength cause he had not eaten or drunk any substance for three days.

"How have you been Henry you have suddenly become popular," Steal said joyfully from the other side.

"Henry, how did you lead the team to clear an Instance Dungeon?" Lina asked touching Henry's hair.

"Who taught you all those skills, Henry?" Thunder asked from the other side.

"Quite!!!!" Swift scream loudly.

They all stayed quiet for some seconds.

"We don't have much time left for Henry to upgrade the supreme One Necklace, we have to upgrade it before it is too late, things are getting more though, "Swift said to each of their faces.

"Yeah Henry that reminds me, we saw the trader in his dying minutes and the only words we heard from his mouth is to keep the Supreme One Necklace and the Skill Book safe," Steal said in a sad tone.

"Ahh guys, I think many organizations are looking for Henry with a price on it," Lina said as she moves close with her laptop.

"Wow! What a huge amount of money, just to find Henry or for Henry to open his identity" Steal speaks in a surprise tone.

"Henry is turning into a god in VRMMORPG, now I know the power of the supreme One Necklace and the skill book" Thunder Said from a distance.

"Come on guys, I think we should go in search of the spider lair now, since we can also be sleeping and playing, it going to be easy for us this time I got the map"

"Yeah that's a perfect idea, but you still have to eat and freshen up before we log in," Swift said as she held Henry across his shoulder and lift him up.

After Henry freshens up, they all eat dinner together and log in.

Unfortunately, they didn't appear in the same place.

Henry cautiously moves through the woods trying to stay hidden.

As Henry was carefully advancing using Stealth, the rest of the VRMMORPG were in an Uproar.

Everyone was asking this question in their minds:who was Henry?

Henry was a low profile no one had even heard of his name before.

Currently, Henry was slowly advancing into the mine.

There were many mines in the forest, and this Was one of them.

There were many dog-headed people called Cynocephali wandering around that ranged between Lv8 to level 10.

They sometimes dropped equipment, but they always drop a lot of money, after a day or two this place will become filled with people.

After using Stealth and wandering around for a while bit using the map, Henry finally found the NPC he was looking for.

Explorer Guc, Star Shadow Valley Guard Lv 13, Heavily injured.

"Greetings my kinsman, there is something I need your help with" Henry got Straight to the point, and issued out a quest.

It is worth mentioning that after leading the team to the first clear of Spider lair, Henry gained a suffix of his name in the eyes of the NPCs.

Henry the Spider lair pioneer.

This was similar to a Tittle, but it didn't give any bonus stats.

However, when he had enough reputation, NPCs would start to take Intitive to offer his Quest.

Although pioneer was a low great suffix it was still a symbol of power.

"Of course it would be my honor" Henry slightly bowed.

He was much more familiar with etiquette than other players.

Tap nodded in Satifiaction, took out a mask, and gave it to Henry saying,"There are some strangle noises in one of the mine tunnel, please take a look for me".

System: you have received a quest check the mine Tunnel....Quest Ranks, Quest Rewards:1 Silver coin.

They were many LV8+ Cynocephali walking around and Henry was only LV4.

The key lay in the mask in his hands.

Cynocephali mask: This piece of equipment has mysterious illusion magic, causing the wearer to look like a Cynocephali.

Henry put on the mask and Instantly Transformed into a Cynocephali Shoulder.

He had a Ferocious looking dog head, a muscular body clothed in some tattered leather armor, and was holding a crude wooden club.