Chapter 37 Wolf Territory

The skill book which shows him how to upgrade his skill or teach him more skill and the enchanting book which will teach him how to enchant.

Henry always finds favor in VRMMORPG both in NPCs and normal Players.

After saying goodbye to master Brown, Henry left but this time he didn't move in stealth.

As expected the reward was the Alchemy skill.

This was important for any Player, because Alchemy had a branch called poisons. This allowed Players to create Poisons which could be applied on daggers, such as lowering movement speed, paralyzing the enemy, lowering the effects of healing.

System: under the leadership of Players R-JAY the set of a new record for Spider lair (Elite level) current record: 1 hour 25 minutes 40 seconds.

Henry was surprised he stared a few moments before recovering.

At this point, it was normal for their record to be broken.

During the word announcement it seems R-JAY  wasn't a single player, he is also part of the wolf union.

To Henry creating new records for instance Dungeon didn't just have much point.

After all, it was just extra Bronze grade equipment, however, creating new records was important for large unions- they would rather exchange 10 pieces of equipment in order to bring more fame to the union.

Henry bitterly smiled to himself, he couldn't believe he made a friend in Wolf union, he was highly disappointed in himself.

Soon later Henry receives a notification and  it was Dark Sea. 

"Where are you now? I have something to give to you meet me at the place we meet first" Henry read the notification and walked towards the village.

Not long after Henry saw Dark Sea the Warlock jogging over.

"What is it? you are being so mysterious about" Henry asked.

Dark Sea immediately opened up a trade window, and threw a pile of things in.

"Bravo, where the hell did you get these?" Henry  smiled and couldn't stay calm.

Within the trade window were 4 Jade Spider webs!

Jade spider web only spawned in the elite level Instance dungeon for the spider lair, and had an incredibly low drop rate.

Yet Dark Sea suddenly took out 4.

"Don't be scared Henry, they came by legitimate means" Dark Sea sent them over as he explained.

"After clearing the Instance Dungeon, I contacted some of the big unions, and planned to sell the guide for clearing it. After comparing the compensation they each offered, I decided to sell it to Wolf union" 

Henry now realized what was going on.

"That's right, I sold the guide to them. We agreed that they would give all the jade spider webs to me, but I couldn't sell the guide to anyone else" Dark Sea said.

"4 Jade Spider webs..... that's amazing" Henry sighed in awe.

"How many do you still need?" Dark Sea didn't ask Henry what he needed them for. He knew that to require so many of incredibly rare items, Henry was definitely planning something big.

"I still need 3 more," Henry said as he patted the Dark Sea shoulder. "Thanks blood" 

He would be a liar if he said that he wasn't touched. No words could express the gratitude in his heart, so he could only say something simple. "Thanks" 

Dark Sea is a good friend, his character was bold and refreshing, and wasn't the type to plot against others.

Once he saw you as a friend, he would be completely loyal and devoted to you.

Henry couldn't be as open as Dark Sea, but that didn't mean he didn't want to make more friends who would be open with him.

"Alright, just take it, I wasn't this courteous when you made me get equipment from the Gobin" Dark Sea tapped Henry on his shoulder .

"If you are grateful, then help me level up" 

"You sure you want me to help you level up" Henry didn't think he was much stronger than Dark Sea who was a stronger warlock in VRMMORPG.

"Leveling up is going to be a pain," Dark Sea signed.

"The public Instance dungeon can be repeatedly cleared, and there'll be more and more Instance dungeons in the future. just level up through doing Instance dungeons and quests. if you can make a good team. it will be even more efficient than killing monsters" Henry advised.

There were very few quests in VRMMORPG, and relying on them wasn't enough to get to high levels. As such, most players relied on killing monsters to level up.

The monsters in the Instance dungeon were harder to kill than the monster outside, but they gave more Exp. If Dark Sea, Bella and some others of their union Players, just like Henry had said, he really would be able to get on the Player level Ranking.

The both of them walked as they talked and soon arrived at a LV8 Stone-skinned wolves territory.

There were two types of wolves, here-one was the stone skinned wolf, which had high defense and average attack, while the other type was called the stone-toothed wolf, which had high attack and average defense.

Both types had high Hp, most Players avoided this territory.

They were two types of Wolf here, one was the stone skinned wolf, which had high attack and average defense. 

Both types had high HP, so Players generally preferred not to train here.

Henry and Dark Sea both had quite a few pieces of Bronze equipment, so that bit of HP was nothing to them.

The most efficient way to train was not to share monsters with anyone else.

Dark Sea usually spoke a lot, but was incredibly focused while training. He was like a silver monster-killing robot.

While killing monsters, Henry would also practice using his skill, slowly applying the things he had learnt from the Skill book.

Continuously testing and continuously improving.

It was getting closer and closer to midnight in the game world and Henry soon stopped. 

"Alright let's go I want to take you somewhere"

Henry wanted to go and open the Treasure box at the bottom of the lake.