Chapter 38 The Death Of Dark Sea

It was getting closer and closer to midnight in the game world and Henry soon stopped. 

"Alright let's go I want to take you somewhere"

Henry wanted to go and open the Treasure box at the bottom of the lake.

The game was progressing quite slowly but he didn't know when other players would start to obtain items that could allow them to swim for a long time and allow them to breathe underwater.

Most players had reached LV4 by now. It was much more efficient to form a team to hunt high-level monsters, so there were barely any players at the Night Lake by now.

Dark Sea was completely in the dark as to why Henry wanted to come here.

What made him even more curious was that Henry told him to stand on the shore, then looked around and jumped into the water.


Before Dark Sea could yell out, he saw a seal break out of the water and nod toward him.

The Warlock was completely shocked and his eyes widened as his world collapsed.

Henry grinned and then dived into the water.

Not long after, he found a Treasure box.

There were 2 pieces of Bronze grade equipment, both of which had advantage stats.

A Bronze-grade piece of equipment that has a  decent bonus state would definitely sell for a crystal, equipment that wasn't gender or class specific and had 2 good bonus stats could sell for at least 1 crystal.

Normal Players couldn't afford that sort of equipment, but a team definitely could.

A group of players could pool together their money to buy good equipment for their main attacker and upon earning more money, they could buy the rest of their team equipment.

There were water plants everywhere, and it was difficult to find another Treasure box.

Henry looked around the bottom of the lake, but couldn't find any, so he could only go back to the surface and wait for the skill to refresh again.

Upon reaching the surface he saw Dark Sea anxiously looking down.

"You finally came out, I thought you drowned!"

"I opened the Treasure box down there but there should be more, I'm going to go down again after my skill refreshes," Henry replied.

`Damn I always knew you're freaking overpowered, even higher Players might not be overpowered as you'' Dark Sea could not help it, as the crude words rolled out of his mouth in shock.

Even receiving 4 Jade spider webs hadn't made him this shocked.

This guy Henry was incredible, he had turned into and dived down to open Treasure boxes.

Perhaps he was the only person in VRMMORPG who can do this.

Henry was speechless, he didn't really know what to say, he was muttering. He smiled at Dark Sea cause he is beginning to like him more as a best friend.

Henry takes out a few pieces of equipment saying "Have a look and take what you need"

What Magnanimity! 

Dark Sea nearly got down on his knees and called Henry ' Big Elf '.

Dark Sea seemed like a carefree person who said things off headley, but he had a good sense of what was and wasn't appropriate.

As such, although he knew Henry could go into the water, he didn't ask why, since Henry had offered him the equipment he didn't hold back and choose a valuable shield as well as plate pants.

If this equipment were sold, they could definitely fetch a price of at least 2 to 4 crystals.

If someone told you their secret and trusted you to be their friend, refusing their good would simply be an act of rudeness.

Friends who always acted extremely courteously and did not accept each other's goodwill could not be said to have truly deep ties.

Henry had considered the potential consequences of telling Dark Sea his secret.

Seeing Dark Sea is now close to Henry and he wants to upgrade his level with the help of Henry, Henry decides to recruit him into Sunrise Crystal Collection unit.

In actuality, the 4 Jade Spider Web that Dark Sea gave Henry were worth for more than the 2 Bronze grades that he had taken.

Trading a single Jade Spider Web could be worth as much as 50 Crystal.

Then again these Jade spider webs were exchanged for Henry's guide to the Instance dungeon. All in all, this was a good transaction for Henry.

Henry once again dived to the bottom of the lake and search for Treasure boxes.

As he was searching, he suddenly saw a Mermaid holding a big golden fork in her right hand, waiting for Henry to take a step and she will attack.

While Dark Sea was sitting beside the lake waiting for Henry's return, The Wolf Union attacked.

The battlefield was ablaze with chaos and Magic as Dark Sea faced off against the Wolf warriors.

Arcane spells clashed with sword strikes and the air crackled with energy. Dark Sea eyes gleaming with determination, summoned dark tendrils of shadow to find off his opponent.

But this time Warriors united in their cause and were relentless. They fought with a coordinated strategy, exploiting weakness and pressing Dark Sea from all sides. The clash of steel against steel echoed, as Dark Sea powers waned under the relentless assault.

Just as it seemed that Dark Sea would succumb to the overwhelming force, a figure emerged from the shadows.

Armstrong adorned in gleaming armor stepped forward, their eyes filled with unwavering loyalty.

"Thanks for coming Armstrong, Henry is inside the lake," Dark Sea said to Armstrong.

Armstrong engaged the Warriors, their swords dancing through the air with deadly precision.

The Wolf Warriors, momentarily caught off guard, found themselves facing a new threat.

The combined might of Dark Sea and Armstrong pushed the warrior back, turning the tide of the battle.

But amidst the warrior, the commander managed to land a devastating blow. A sword pierced through Dark Sea's chest, causing him to stagger backward, blood staining his armor.