Chapter 39 The Mermaid

But amidst the warrior, the commander managed to land a devastating blow. A sword piercing through Dark Sea chest, causing him to stagger backward, blood staining his armor.

Armstrong widened in horror as he saw Dark Sea falling to the ground.

This seemed to show as Armstrong rushed to Dark Sea, with trembling hands, he cradled Dark Sea head, as his strength faded.

He looked at Armstrong with a weak smile, blood staining his lips " It Journey ends here, protect Henry from these fools, he is inside the lake, and am not sure if he knows what is going on here, lastly I want you to avenge my death" Dark Sea gasped, struggling to speak through the pain.

Tears welled up in Armstrong's eyes as he whispered, " No, Dark Sea, I cannot let you die here, what story am I going to tell Bella and Sharon, they wouldn't be happy if you didn't survive in the real world also.

Desperation fueled Armstrong as he channeled his remaining energy into a healing spell, trying to mend Dark Sea grievous would.

The damage was too server, and Armstrong's efforts proved futile. Dark Sea strength continued to wane, his breath growing shallow.

With a trembling hand, he reached out and gasped Armstrong's arms, his voice barely a whisper "Thank you..... for standing by my side"

A mixture of grief and determination flickered in Armstrong's eyes as he nodded his voice chocked with emotions "I promise I will do your last wish Dark Sea"

Armstrong held Dark Sea lifeless body close, tears streaming down his face.

Night Lake Mermaid Lv5, Henry used his seal which gave him the ability to fight with equal agility and strength under Water.

Henry's agile movement was matched by the graceful flow of the mermaid.

With each clash, Henry's dagger sliced through the currents, while the Mermaid use her golden fork to command the very waves around her.

Henry's keen intellect guide their every move, anticipating the Mermaid's attack are countering with Swift precision.

Henry's dagger and the Mermaid's Golden fork danced through the water, striking with unrivaled accuracy, yet the Mermaid's divine Powers granted her resilience against Henry's onslaught.

This time Henry's seal is fading in a movement of desperation, the Mermaid unleashed a devastating surge of water with the golden fork in her hand, threatening to engulf Henry.

The force of the current pushed Henry to the brink. Their defense crumbled under the immense power. It seemed Henry got weak and victory was within the Mermaid gasp.

While the Mermaid was moving toward Henry with her golden fork above her head, to a big surprise she could not see Henry's body

Henry activated Stealth, disappearing into the shadows of the watery depths, with the element of Suprise on their side, Henry emerged from the shadows, dagger gleaming with arcane energy.

This reduces the Mermaid HP,-70,+30.

The enchanted dagger caused high damage to the Mermaid. Henry smiled at the enchanted dagger as he drove it to the Mermaid's back. The dagger pierced through her divine defense, inflicting a grievous wound.

The Mermaid let out a piercing cry of pain, her ethereal form faltering as she realized the gravity of her impending demise.

As Henry withdrew the dagger, a surge of raw power emanated from the enchanted blade, coursing through the Mermaid's body.

The water around them crackled with energy, a testament to the immense damage inflicted upon the goddess of water.

With her strength waning, the Mermaid struggled to retaliate, her once mighty wave reduced to feeble ripples.

Henry, fueled by determination and the taste of victory, pressed on relentlessly. Blow after blow Henry and the Mermaid struck with unyielding force, exploiting the Mermaid's Vulnerability.

The water was turbulent, reflecting the intensity of their battle. But despite her fading strength, the Mermaid fought valiantly.

Summoning the last remnants of her powers to mount a final defense. However, it was too late.

Henry's relentless assault proved insurmountable with one final, decisive strike, Henry plunged his dagger into the Mermaid's heart.

A blinding surge of light erupted from the wound, illuminating the depths of the lake.

The Mermaid form dissolved into shimmering droplets, her life force returning to the vast expanse of water she once ruled.

As the battle subsided, Henry stood amidst the remnants of their fierce encounter, victorious yet weary. The water gradually calmed, returning to its tranquil state. Henry slowly retrieved his dagger, With the Mermaid's defeat, a profound silence over the underwater realm.

System: You have defeated the Night Lake Mermaid.

Henry's heart was still pounding with the adrenaline of the battle.

System: Seal fading you have less than 1 minute.

Immediately Henry heard this announcement he didn't wait to see the equipment Night Lake Mermaid dropped.

He moved back to the dry land tiredly and called out "Dark Sea!!"

He didn't hear any response, he knows something was wrong he brought out his dagger and moved in stealth.

Suddenly he saw Dark Sea body lying down Lifelessly on the ground.

"Haaaaa!!!" Henry cried loudly as he walked toward the body. Tears fell from his eyes when he saw the deep hole in Dark Sea chest.

He cried in pain and tried to heal the wound but it seems it was too late.

Henry sat close to Dark Sea Life less body crying. Suddenly he heard some noise coming from the forest he stood up and ready his dagger once again.

"I couldn't save him, brother, it was the wolf union commander that pierced his sword into his chest, they also tried to kill me but I ran into the bush," Armstrong said as he walked out from the forest slowly in tears.

"I already know there are the ones who do this, and we must avenge his death," Henry said as he wipe his tears.

Armstrong walked to the lake to clean up the blood on his body, while Armstrong was cleaning his face he look down and saw a big Tortoise inside the lake: it must be a boss, Armstrong Said in his mind as he called Henry.