The End

"Hello!!! My beautiful. Beautiful Creatures. It fills with A sense of Euphoria that you have found way to break past your limits. Truly, it does. Now, you're a little bit closer to reaching your full potential, however, I know should I allow you all to take it slow to understand the Laws, there wouldn't be much progress."

"In my long, long, life, I have come to understand that One can only excavate their Full Potential only when In a Life and Death Experience. Of course, there are exception but... I don't have the time to wait."

"Show me how exceptional you all can be. Show me that the knowledge personally imparted by my Children weren't a waste. Show me... Show me a beautiful and wonderful Art that is... Life."


As the sound of The Heavens waned, a roar so loud that it shook the Heavens itself Sounded. With it came a certain coercion that seemed to want to crush the will of every creature in existence.

The Current Divines, Divine Body, Soul and Lord, all managed to resist this coercion but, the multitude of living beings were unable to do so, leading to another session of deaths in the millions.

It was unknown whether this in particular was done by the Will of the Heavens but even then, those who survived were filled with nothing but righteous indignation at the Heavens.

They wished the Heavens had a physical body for them to inflict all their pains on, but alas, it didn't. Without giving them time to even recover from the loss, numerous portals opened at various parts of the Universe and from them came beings which most have only had from stories.

This Beings were nothing they've ever seen before. Their figure was so hideous that people of weak will would throw up, if not directly faint at the sight. Their aura promised nothing but death and destruction. Not the good kind of destruction that comes before recreation, but the Destruction that promised True End.

These beings all found beings at the same level as them to fight which pleased the Divines since the highest level these Demons had reached was the Divine Body... However, their Joy and Happiness was crushed as they felt it.

Presence so glaring that it made Thiers seem so miniscule. The Lords felt it much more than others. They felt the magnitude of the Realm they could reach with proper mastery of Laws.

As people who have received proper Tempering when Breaking Through to the Divine Lord Realm, their Will weren't so easy to bend hence they quickly engaged these new opponents while also trying to understand what makes them so different from them.

These Laws, how useful they could be... They were determined to figure it out while fighting or even die trying... After all they had no place to run to. They could either fight and grow while fighting or die fighting.

They all had families they had to protect afterall, and trying to run in times like this would just make them cowards that would go down through history.

Due to how large the Universe was, planets who's Divines could initially come in contact with themselves numbered so little. In the Vast Expanse Of Space. 3000 Unknown Galaxies, Thousands of Solar Systems, Millions of Stars. It was impossible to know where to run to. It was also unknown whether this Apocalypse wasn't affecting the Entire World.

Beasts and Plant Life Sentient Beings, Humans. All of them died in their multitudes. Thankfully, the various techniques and weapons initially created worked wonders. However, weapons were still just that... Weapons.

Without a proper wielder to wield it expertly, it was nothing more than a sharper, longer, heavier, or sturdy piece of metal. Although some were strong enough to withstand the force meted against them, others snapped and shattered when exposed to a certain amount of damage.

Puppets. Figures created in the form of Humans and Beasts alike also proved to be a great asset to the Worldly Army, however, all good things most often that not, had a certain percentile of bad things.

These puppets required energy from whoever is controlling them. A lapse in concentration would incapacitate these puppets, a lack of Energy would mean the end of both the Controller and the puppet. And finally, the death of the controller effectively puts the puppet out of commission.

This particular war went on for years, decades and centuries. A lot of people died during these times and a lot were born. The New borns with greater potential than their predecessors. It was as though the World was giving them a way out of all this.

With more talented new borns with greater potential, the war seemed to be tilting towards their favour. It seemed as though the Demonic beings grew weaker while they grew stronger.

Babies with unique physiques were born due to the Nature of Chakra both parents had. It wasn't only them though, Divine Lords who focused solely on Law Mastery became more proficient in it as they fought and survived.

Time passed and it didn't seem like they were fighting a death battle any longer, it felt like they were experiencing a test. S test to see how quick they could reach the pinnacle of Law Manipulation.

However, no one seemed to be able to break through that Realm, no matter how hard they tried. It seemed like they still lacked something, however, they didn't mind. Reason being that they now had enough power to protect what they wanted to protect.

Suddenly, on one faithful day, they heard. "That should be enough."

And I'm response to that short sentence, the World Stilled. "I have seen enough and although no one managed to Reach a satisfactory Level of power, you still managed to Grow more than you have ever done in a short time of three thousand years. For that, you have my Honest Praise."

"This should be The End."

As soon as that short five words were said. As though the Heavens and Hell opened, Light so Pure that it would instantly evaporate the Darkest of hearts and Light so dark that they could swallow the brightest light shone.

Whether it was due to their low Realms, Divine Lords could only see seven figures in both the Bright Light and Darkest Darkness. No matter where they stood in the Universe, they saw these 14 beings.

Before they could begin to comprehend what these beings wanted to do, a great Quake shook the entire World. All the Miasmic Energy from the Abyss seemed to be sucked towards the Darkness, or rather, it seemed like they were escaping the Light.

In the next moment, they felt the energy of the World purified. And Rain began falling. However, that voice sounded again.

"This should be a lesson to you all... Never cease to Improve. Change is the only Constant I appreciate. Stagnancy? I abhor it's existence. If in the next 10,000 years, there isn't much Improvement, I would see to it that this Universe is cleansed, right to its very Sosure."

And that, that marked the End of the Apocalypse.

For years to come, survivors went about discovering new ways to Improve. Clans were formed, Kingdoms were established, Organisations were put in place and Academies... Academies were built to enrich the young and upcoming Youths with enough knowledge to go as far as they possibly could.

In the aftermath of the apocalypse and the revelations that had unfolded, the survivors embarked on a quest to not only master the laws but also to deepen their understanding of the universe itself. They knew that true mastery lay not only in wielding power but also in comprehending the intricate tapestry of existence.

Academies flourished as young and talented individuals flocked to them, eager to learn from the seasoned experts who had lived through the tumultuous times. These institutions became centers of not just martial prowess but also philosophy, science, and art. The survivors understood that to transcend their current limits, they needed a holistic approach to knowledge.

Clans and kingdoms, once divided by boundaries and rivalries, now formed alliances based on mutual respect and shared goals. Knowledge flowed freely between these groups, creating a synergistic environment where innovation thrived. It wasn't uncommon for experts in different fields to collaborate, resulting in breakthroughs that pushed the boundaries of what was known.

The individuals born with unique physiques, products of exceptional chakra-based lineages, were at the forefront of these advancements. They were regarded as living embodiments of the potential that lay within the laws of the universe. As they matured, their abilities expanded, and they became key figures in the pursuit of law manipulation's ultimate realm.

Over centuries, the survivors' relentless dedication bore fruit. They honed their skills to incredible levels, mastering previously unattainable techniques and delving deep into the mysteries of the laws. The universe, once scarred by war and chaos, transformed into a realm of balance and harmony.

Yet, the ultimate realm of law manipulation remained elusive. It was as if the universe itself held its secrets close, challenging the survivors to unlock its deepest mysteries. The survivors continued to push the boundaries of their abilities, knowing that the voice from the heavens had set them on a path of perpetual growth.

Then, as the survivors stood on the cusp of a new era, the heavens spoke once more.

"10,000 Years has come and gone. I wonder... How was your progress?" The Heavens spoke as it's voice reverberated throughout the far stretches of the Universe.

In realms untouched by the living beings of the world, beings of unimaginable power stirred awake. Their movements led to different manifestations.

"It seems like father still isn't satisfied with the growth of the World... Would we be in trouble?" A voice that seemed to resonate with the fabric of Existence spoke to it fellow beings of law.

"Come now sister. Father himself did say that we shouldn't meddle with their growth. We idling around is what we should be doing while safeguarding the Laws father bestowed on us." Another voice replied.

Thia one seemed to want to destroy existence itself, yet it was held back by some restrictions.

"Tha isn't the case dearest brother. Father said we shouldn't meddle with the first World. Have you forgotten? We did impart our knowledge to them during the First Cataclysm." Another voice tuned in. The presence that came with her Voice seemed to be all illuminating. She was the first Born of the World. The First Light.

"Heh, you'd know wouldn't you? After all Father did create you for them. I wonder why he prohibited us from entering there. He even has That Accursed Sword Guarding it. Sister, humour us. What's so special about that Galaxy?" The Voice from earlier with the destructive intent asked.

"As expected from you. The only thing you know is destroy and destroy..." The First light spoke in a tone that made her seem like the mother.

"That's exactly what I'm made to do. Destroy!" Destruction howled at her.

"...But even your limited intelligence should tell you something... Sister, would you dare to guess?" She asked the person from earlier who lamented the fate of the living beings.

"..." After musing for what seemed to be moving time, The voice answered. "Because he personally created them?".

"Exactly! In a way, they bear the same bloodline as us. Only we were directly born as higher lifeforms, while they have the potential to reach our level." The first light spoke.


"That can't be..."

"That seem to be interesting." Other Embodiments who had been silently listening in spoke as this piece of information dropped.

"Doesn't that mean... That place is father pet ground?" destruction spoke causing the void to immediately turn silent as he felt several eyes leveled on him. "What? Isn't that the case?"

"Brother. You really need to learn some common sense." One female Voice said causing Destruction to flinch in his Realm.

"Sister. I didn't know you were here." Destruction said meekly.

"Humph. To correct your earlier statement... They aren't Father's pets, but his direct inheritors. This means Father wants them to develop to a stage on par with him." The female voice said. "A state of existence even greater than we are."

"Sister Death is correct. That is why I have come up with something that will keep us ever evolving... Exactly as Father appreciates." The First Light said with a smug tone.

"Really, Sister?"

"Of course..." She answered. "It's like this..."