Prologue: The Creator's Genesis

In the beginning of time, before the very concept of existence took shape, there existed a being beyond all understanding. This entity knew no boundaries of space or time, for they were but figments of imagination in its infinite existence.

In the midst of this vast and empty void, where nothing but darkness prevailed, the being felt an unshakable sense of ennui. The emptiness of the void, devoid of purpose or form, left it longing for something more.

With a mere thought, the being conjured a sword into existence, a blade that defied the laws of creation itself. With each swing of this otherworldly sword, the universe unfurled. Galaxies burst forth, their celestial splendor filling the void with shimmering stars and orbiting planets, each a testament to the profound meaning embedded in the strokes of the sword.

Yet, as the being continued its cosmic artistry, it couldn't shake the sense of incompleteness that gnawed at its essence. The universe was beautiful, but it lacked depth, purpose, and the spark of life.

A moment of enlightenment washed over the being like a cosmic wave. "Why not create beings who can breathe life into this grand canvas?" it mused. And so, from the very essence of the being itself, the Celestial Bodies came into existence. These ethereal entities were the embodiment of the supreme laws that underpinned all creation.

However, even the Celestial Bodies, magnificent as they were, seemed solitary and unfulfilled. Thus, the being decided to embark on a grander experiment, crafting a species with the potential to ascend to its own lofty heights.

From the essence of the being, the human race emerged—a species marked by potential and the capacity for growth.

The being bestowed upon his First Creations its wisdom and entrusted them with a divine task—to create the myriad forms of life that would populate the universe.

And so, the being watched over the cosmos, its creation unfurling.

In a distant library, a young boy, no older than nine, discovered the ancient writings that chronicled this extraordinary tale. His heart filled with awe and admiration, for he dreamt of one day reaching the celestial heights of the being who stood at the genesis of all creation.

1st POV

[Months Ago]

As I opened my eyes, I was met with an overwhelming sense of wonder and confusion. Blinking rapidly, I tried to make sense of my surroundings. It wasn't my room, and it certainly wasn't the city I had lived in during my life.

I looked down at my small, childlike hands, my fingers slightly plump and unsteady. Panic surged within me as I realized that I had somehow transformed into a kid, probably a nine-year-old boy. My memories from my life before this remained intact, but the body I now inhabited was undoubtedly that of a child.

The last thing I remembered before this bewildering transformation was gazing upon a being beyond description. That being had possessed a captivating aura, with immaculate white hair cascading down its shoulders. Its beauty had been so mesmerizing that I had questioned my own masculinity in that moment.

And then, I had felt the piercing sensation of its gaze upon me. Those enigmatic eyes, like pools of infinite knowledge, seemed to peer directly into my soul.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the memories and make sense of my new reality. My life had been far from ordinary. I held a university degree in astrophysics, yet my interests had always diverged from the mundane. Novels detailing creation stories had been my passion, and the concept of being a creator-level being had fascinated me beyond measure.

Astrophysics, in its pursuit of understanding the universe's physical laws, often leads to contemplation of the profound and the inexplicable.

It reminds us that while science seeks to explain the natural world, it also reveals the vastness and complexity of the cosmos, inspiring a sense of wonder and reverence akin to the mystical encounters of ancient seekers of truth.

In this way, astrophysics bridges the gap between the empirical and the mystical, inviting us to explore the profound mysteries of the universe.

Unfortunately, humans weren't able to reach the level I had always hoped for, causing my initial Interest to wane.

Now, I found myself in a world that felt like something straight out of one of those novels. The being I had encountered, the transformation, and the strange circumstances of my existence in this unfamiliar place all pointed to a reality beyond my wildest dreams.

This was until a sudden rush of sensations overwhelmed me. It was as if a floodgate had been thrown open, and memories not my own poured into my consciousness.

I saw flashes of original's life—his laughter with friends, his joy at discovering his chakra affinity, and the hardships he had faced growing up. But along with these memories, I received a surge of knowledge—a profound understanding of the world I now inhabited.

In this world, chakra was the essence of life, the very fabric that bound everything together. All humans possessed seven chakra gates within them, each gate a key to unlocking their true potential. Before embarking on the path of cultivation, these gates needed to be gradually opened, a process that required intense training and discipline.

My heart raced as I absorbed this newfound knowledge. I knew that to uncover the full extent of my powers and fulfill my destiny, I would need to embark on this journey of chakra cultivation. But there was more to it than just opening the gates.

As the memories continued to flood my mind, I learned that the human body had to be strengthened to withstand the immense pressure that came with the opening of the chakra gates. It wasn't a path for the faint of heart, but for those who were willing to push their limits and defy their own boundaries.

With each gate opened, individuals could draw in the energy of the world, channeling it into their own being. The process required precision and control, as they condensed this energy nine times to form a core—a core that would be the source of their power and the key to unlocking greater heights of cultivation.

But even as I absorbed this knowledge, I sensed that there was more to discover, secrets hidden beyond the known boundaries of chakra cultivation. The original might not have known what lay beyond, but I was determined to explore every facet of this world, to push the boundaries of my understanding, and to reach the pinnacle of what could be achieved.

As I opened my eyes, feeling the weight of the memories and knowledge that had been gifted to me, I knew that my journey had taken a new and profound turn. The path of chakra cultivation awaited, and I was ready to embrace it with all the determination and curiosity that had brought me to this world in the first place.

As I sat there, a mixture of trepidation and excitement coursing through me, I couldn't help but wonder if this was my opportunity to explore the mysteries of creation, to understand the essence of existence itself, and perhaps, one day, to reach the celestial heights of that enigmatic being I had encountered. Little did I know that my journey had just begun, and the pages of my own creation story were waiting to be written in this fantastical realm.

With each passing day, I immersed myself in the life of this young boy, learning to navigate the intricacies of this unfamiliar world. It was a world filled with magic, wonder, and creatures I had only read about in those cherished novels.

I attended a small village school, where I made friends with other children who possessed unique abilities, like controlling fire or communicating with animals. They eagerly shared stories of their own encounters with mystical beings, further fueling my curiosity about the origins of this realm.

Surprisingly, unlike the usual cliché of Transmigrating into a bullied kid, no one in this village is ever being bullied.

That also made me wonder... Why was I able to transmigrate into this kid? He didn't die... so how?

This kid, from the knowledge I had acquired, actually had living, loving parents and a younger sibling. A boy barely five years old.

He lacked nothing and had everything he had ever required...

His life was...

In the small village of Veridian Haven, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests, lived a curious and kind-hearted boy named Kaito. He was no ordinary child; his bright, inquisitive eyes held the spark of wonder that set him apart from his peers.

Kaito's days were filled with exploration and discovery. He was, by nature, a curious soul, always eager to learn about the world around him. His parents, a loving couple who had nurtured his growth from the moment he was born, encouraged his insatiable appetite for knowledge.

In the mornings, Kaito would wake up to the gentle rustling of leaves outside his bedroom window. The sunlight would filter through the canopy, casting a warm and inviting glow. It was a daily reminder of the beauty of the natural world, a world that Kaito felt deeply connected to.

His parents, whose names were Aiko and Hiroshi, were the pillars of his world. Aiko was a skilled herbalist, tending to the medicinal plants that thrived in their garden. Hiroshi, on the other hand, was a skilled craftsman, creating intricate wooden carvings that told stories of the village's history.

Kaito's family home, a quaint cottage adorned with climbing vines and colorful flowers, exuded warmth and love. It was a place where laughter echoed, where stories were shared around the hearth, and where Kaito's younger brother, Taro, brought endless joy.

Taro, a five-year-old bundle of energy and curiosity, looked up to Kaito with adoration. The two brothers shared a special bond, and Kaito took his role as the protective older sibling to heart. He often spent his free time playing imaginative games with Taro, exploring the woods, and teaching him about the wonders of the natural world.

As Kaito grew, so did his fascination with the mysteries of the world around him. He had always been drawn to stories of beings who possessed the power to shape landscapes.

Creating a sea, mountain, hurricane, and many more wonderful spectacles with just a wave of their hands.

It was a passion that set his heart ablaze with curiosity and wonder.

His parents, recognizing his thirst for knowledge, encouraged him to read and learn. They had a small library in their home, filled with books of various genres. Kaito's favorites were the ancient tomes that spoke of the world and the secrets of era long past.

Kaito's education extended beyond his home. He attended the village school, where he found kindred spirits among his classmates. His enthusiasm for learning was infectious, and he became a beloved figure among his peers.

At school, he learned the basics of reading and writing. But his interests transcended the confines of textbooks.

He yearned for knowledge that delved deeper into the mysteries of life and the world.

In the village, chakra was the essence of existence—a mysterious energy that bound everything together. Kaito had heard stories of its power, stories of individuals who could harness this energy to perform incredible feats. The concept of chakra intrigued him, but he had only scratched the surface of understanding.

At his age, Kaito was like any other child in Veridian Haven. He had not yet begun the journey of chakra cultivation, a path that required patience and discipline. Opening the seven chakra gates within the body was a process that would come later in life.

But little did Kaito know that his life was about to take a dramatic turn. In a distant library, a hidden parchment lay waiting, chronicling the tale of a being beyond comprehension—a being who had shaped the cosmos and breathed life into the universe.

As Kaito continued his exploration of the world, a destiny beyond his wildest dreams loomed on the horizon. The pages of his own creation story were waiting to be written, and he was on the precipice of a journey that would unlock the profound mysteries of existence itself...

Our lives were so similar. It was almost no wonder I was able to transmigrate into this body.

But if I was here, were was the original Kaito? Were we exchanged? Did our souls merge?

Since he didn't die, and he didn't bear any grudges, I find it hard to understand what caused this.

As a graduate of astrophysics, I firmly believe that there is no way for a new soul to take over a body without repercussions.

Ones memories were a part of one's soul. The relationship between a soul and it's memor was similar to the relationship between a new Mobile Phone and it's storage space.

As a new phone, it is empty. Other than the inbuilt features, it has nothing else, and even without installing any additional apps, music, videos and all what nots, the more you use it, the more the memory fills up.

As a soul, one starts off at Blank. But as one grows, what he sees, hears, smells, feels, both physically and emotionally, are all data being stored in the soul.

This led to my conclusion... Our souls had merged.

Damn! Have I been brought to play in a supreme beings game of entertainments?

Haha, not that I hate it though. It's much more interesting than the boring life I had lived on Earth.


I spent my free time in the village library, pouring over ancient tomes and scrolls that held secrets of creation and existence. The more I read, the more I realized that I had been given a rare opportunity—to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos, to delve into the very fabric of reality, and perhaps, to one day stand among the creators of worlds.

My transformation from a disillusioned adult to an enthusiastic child had brought with it a renewed sense of purpose. In this wondrous realm, where the boundaries between the mundane and the extraordinary blurred, I was determined to embrace my destiny and explore the limitless possibilities of creation.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, I embarked on a quest to uncover the truth behind my existence in this world, and to discover the path that would lead me to the enigmatic being who had set me on this extraordinary journey.


It would be very much appreciated if I could get your powerstones as well as wonderful reviews.

This is my first time writing an original so your input and constructive critiques would be very much appreciated.

I also think I should change the name "Chakra." It's already been used by Naruto but I dunno. I feel like changing to Aether or Ether energy but... I'm undecided.

Also, I'm thinking of using Eastern Names. Not Chinese, but Japanese. I don't really like the Fantasical names or Western names. I also don't want to misuse the Chinese names.

A single name can mean a couple different things after all.