
As Kaito and Zenith continued their exploration of Celestial Peak Academy, their path took them through a secluded, tree-lined walkway. The serene atmosphere was suddenly shattered by the arrival of three burly students, the cliché bullies of the academy. They swaggered towards Kaito and Zenith, exuding an air of arrogance.

One of the bullies, a tall and broad-shouldered young man, sneered as he approached Zenith. "Hey there, Firebrand Zenith, what's this? You've got yourself a new friend? But really, couldn't you find anyone less... pathetic?"

The other two bullies chuckled menacingly, clearly enjoying their attempts to belittle Zenith.

Kaito, standing beside Zenith, observed the situation with a calm expression. He knew how these scenarios usually played out in anime, but he was also aware that Zenith could handle himself to some extent. However, he was not one to back down from a challenge.

Zenith, although seemingly unfazed, couldn't hide the unease in his eyes. He responded with a level tone, "What do you want, Cain? We were having a peaceful walk."

Cain, the leader of the bullies, continued to taunt Zenith. "Peaceful walk? Well, well, you've grown a backbone, haven't you, Zenith? It's just that we can't help but notice your new friend here."

The other two bullies joined in with mocking laughter. Kaito decided it was time to step in and see if he could change the tone of the conversation.

"Is this how you guys feel better about yourselves? By intimidating others?" Kaito asked, raising an eyebrow. He had a disarming smile that concealed the determination in his eyes.

Cain turned his attention to Kaito. "Who's this? Your protector, Zenith? Looks like you need one, with your fragile nature."

Zenith couldn't help but appreciate Kaito's support. He spoke up, his voice steady. "Cain, we don't want any trouble. We're just exploring the academy. Maybe you should do the same."

Cain and his friends exchanged glances, clearly surprised that their usual tactics weren't working as planned. Kaito's casual demeanor and Zenith's resilience seemed to throw them off balance.

As Kaito and Zenith were about to move on from the encounter with the bullies, things took a more aggressive turn. The leader, Cain, seemingly irritated by Zenith's calm response, decided to take a more direct approach. He grabbed Zenith's shoulder roughly, causing Zenith to wince in pain.

"Listen here, Firebrand," Cain sneered, "You and your new buddy better learn some respect. Otherwise, we might have to teach you a lesson the hard way."

Kaito's eyes narrowed as he watched Zenith's discomfort. He stepped forward, his tone firm but composed. "You're crossing the line, Cain. Let go of my friend."

Despite knowing and feeling that Zenith's life would be an interesting one to watch, he wasn't going to stand aside as someone gets physical with his new company.

Cain, not expecting Kaito to intervene, turned his attention to the new student. With a cocky grin, he pushed Zenith aside and moved menacingly closer to Kaito. "And what if I don't, newbie? What are you going to do about it?"

Kaito's smile had vanished, replaced by a serious expression. He calmly held out his hand, palm open, and whispered, "First Gate."

In an instant, a surge of energy rippled through Kaito's body as his dormant Chakra power awakened. The bullies, despite their arrogance, could sense a newfound strength emanating from Kaito.

If course they weren't shocked, afterall they were all fifth and sixth gate cultivators. However, the potency of the energy shocked them.

Before anyone of them could react, Kaito moved with incredible speed, dodging Cain's attempt to grab him. With a swift, precise movement, he countered, sending a powerful but controlled strike to Cain's chest.

The bully was sent stumbling backward, gasping for air as he clutched his chest in pain. Kaito had struck with enough force to incapacitate him temporarily, but not to seriously injure.

Cain's two companions were taken aback by the sudden turn of events. They hadn't expected the new student to be such a formidable opponent. One of them stammered, "We didn't know you could fight!"

Kaito's voice remained steady. "I'm not here to fight, but I won't stand by while you hurt my friend. Remember that."

Cain, still recovering from the blow, managed to nod in agreement, while his friends helped him to his feet. They decided to retreat, realizing they Kaito could easily take down Cain, who was many times stronger than them.

Zenith, looking at Kaito with newfound respect, couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, Kaito."

Kaito patted Zenith on the back and grinned. "Anytime, buddy. Let's keep exploring, and this time, without any interruptions."

"Still..." Zenith said as they walked a few steps. "Aren't you at the first gate? How come you were able to repel Cain?"

"I told you didn't I? I'm plenty strong." Kaito smirked at Zenith, who smiled and knew to keep his silence.

From Kaito's response, he knew he wasn't going to tell and being the type of person he was, wasn't going to keep asking.

With the cliché bullies put in their place, the two friends continued their journey through Celestial Peak Academy, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.


The two friends had managed to put the earlier encounter with the bullies behind them. Kaito, with his newfound strength, had certainly surprised Zenith, who was still in awe of Kaito's abilities. As they continued their exploration of Celestial Peak Academy, Zenith led Kaito to a grand building, and they stopped in front of a door marked "Dean's Office."

Kaito glanced at the imposing door, then back at Zenith. "This is where we find the Dean, huh? I hope he's as interesting as our little scuffle with the bullies."

Zenith chuckled, appreciating Kaito's humor. "The Dean is a legendary figure in the academy. His name is Dean Raijin, and he's said to be in the fabled Chakra Spirit Realm. Meeting him is a rare privilege."

Kaito nodded in understanding. "Well, I've got a recommendation letter from the village chief, so let's see if I can make the most of that privilege."

Zenith pushed open the door to reveal a spacious and lavishly decorated office. At the far end of the room, behind an ornate desk, sat a middle-aged man with an air of authority. He had a long, flowing beard, and his eyes held a depth of knowledge that was immediately evident.

Dean Raijin looked up from his paperwork and regarded the two young students who had entered his office before focusing on Kaito who wasn't dressed according to the Academy's attire. "You must be the new student with a recommendation from Veridan Haven," he said in a deep, resonant voice.

Kaito stepped forward, respectful but not overly formal. "Yes, I'm Kaito. I'm honored to be here, Dean Raijin."

The Dean nodded, his eyes appraising Kaito with interest. "Kaito, you come from a small village with a unique background. Your recommendation letter speaks highly of your potential. We have high expectations of you here at Celestial Peak Academy."

Kaito remained composed, despite the pressure of the Dean's gaze. "I'll do my best to meet those expectations, sir."

Dean Raijin leaned back in his chair and smiled warmly. "Good. Celestial Peak Academy is a place of opportunity, growth, and discovery. We value the potential in every student, and I hope you find your time here rewarding. If you have any questions or need guidance, don't hesitate to ask."

"I'll keep your words in mind." Kaito nodded.

"Very good." The Dean nodded and then looked at Zenith. "You should already be aware of the school buildings. Take Young Kaito here to the administration building to get the necessities."

"Understood sir."

.Zenith led Kaito out of the Dean's office and back into the bustling halls of Celestial Peak Academy. They made their way to the administration building, where Kaito was issued his official academy uniform and given a student handbook.

As they walked back through the academy grounds, Kaito couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The students handbook detailed the several classes and what's expected of everyone in it.

It also listed the numerous auxiliary paths students could focus on in their free time.

This intrigued Kaito however. The reason being that, in the Absolute Beginning Scripture, no path was auxiliary. Every path was in place for something greater.

Instead of calling them auxiliary paths, the ABS referred to them as-

Zenith noticed Kaito's thoughtful expression and asked, "What do you think of the academy so far?"

Kaito grinned. "It's definitely more interesting than I expected. I can tell I'm in for an exciting journey."

Zenith chuckled. "I have a feeling that your presence here will change more than just the usual routine. Let's make the most of our time at Celestial Peak Academy, Kaito."

Kaito clapped his friend on the back. "You can count on it, Zenith. After all, we're the protagonists of our own stories, right?"

Zenith then led Kaito through the sprawling campus of Celestial Peak Academy, eventually arriving at the dormitory area. The dormitories were a collection of traditional Chinese cum Japanese-style buildings, each housing a group of students. Zenith stopped in front of one of the dorm buildings and turned to Kaito.

"This is where you'll be staying, Kaito," Zenith explained. "Each dorm has shared rooms, and you'll have a roommate. Don't worry; most of the students here are friendly. Let's head inside, and I'll introduce you to your new roommate."

Kaito followed Zenith into the dormitory, and they climbed the wooden stairs to the second floor. Zenith knocked on a door, and a moment later, it was opened by a young student with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Zenith, who's this?" the roommate asked.

Zenith introduced Kaito, saying, "This is Kaito, a new student from Veridan Haven. He's going to be your new roommate."

The roommate extended a hand with a welcoming gesture. "I'm Hiro. Nice to meet you, Kaito. I hope you'll enjoy your time here."

Kaito shook Hiro's hand and returned the smile. "Thanks, Hiro. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here."

Hiro showed Kaito to his side of the room, where he had a neatly arranged futon, a small desk, and a wardrobe. "Make yourself at home. If you have any questions or need help with anything, feel free to ask. We're like a big family here."

Kaito appreciated the warm reception and thanked Hiro. He quickly settled into his new dorm room, and as he looked around, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the adventures that awaited him at Celestial Peak Academy.

As Kaito and Zenith left the dormitory, Zenith asked, "So, what do you think of your new home away from home?"

Kaito smiled and replied, "It's cozy and welcoming. I have a feeling I'm going to like it here."

Zenith grinned. "I'm glad to hear that. Now, we should get back to exploring the academy. There's so much more to see."