Peculiar Sensations

A\N: I'm going to gradually reduce the number of words a chapter would have. Just thought to let you all know.


The tour of the academy brought to Kaito a proper understanding of the inner layout of the Institution.

At present, he was garbed in the academy's uniform which was a flowing White Sash.The Academy's uniform consists of flowing, deep indigo robes adorned with intricate golden embroidery. The fabric is lightweight and breathable, allowing students to move freely during their martial arts training.

And with every increase in class, so does the color of the sash.

At present Kaito was sitting alone in his room while ruminating on the path ahead of him.

He knew for a fact that it wouldn't be easy, but as someone who had seen what his society has to offer in his previous life, he had a certain level of self control.

Emotions that were normal to this body had little effect on him, partly due to his maturity of soul and partly due to his self control.

That was why he could confidently defend himself against someone of Cain's level.

According to Zenith, Cain was already a Sixth Gate Chakra Opener. This meant that in a year at most, he'd be able to condense his Cores.

Kaito didn't know how he'd fare against Chakra Condensation Cultivators, but he felt everything would be okay. At most, he'd just escape.

Letting out a deep breath, Kaito looked out the night sky and saw the two moons cascading over the planet in its bright beauty and couldn't help but Marvel.

"I really am in a different world aren't I?" Saying this, he disengaged from his cultivating posture and made to sleep in for the day.

Tomorrow would be a whole new experience for him, and he had to be prepared in whatever way he could, and no good day ever starts with a bad morning.


In the administrative office, the buff man that had stopped Kaito earlier that day made it to his compartment to sign out for the day.

"Guard Thalos, I take it Today was the same as usual?" The man who was in charge of the process asked in an attempt to make small talk.

Thalos kept his face as indifferent as ever and nodded. "Nothing of note ever happens in the academy. No one is stupid enough to actually break in."

"I honestly don't see the need for this job. Can't the academy afford to create an array formation or something?" Thalos said in annoyance as he compressed a bit of his chakra on his fingertips and stamped on the parchment on the table.

"Well, the academy needs to show a friendly face every now and then. Someone should always be around if anyone down there needs to see someone up here." The man seated said with a smirk.

Seeing as Thalos wasn't saying anything, the man continued. "Honestly, you should just try to break through to the Chakra Soul Realm. That way, you won't be assigned such menial tasks."

Thalos snorted and said. "I'm okay with the task. I don't get to attract much attention to myself and you don't have to make it about my talent. I know it's bad enough."

"Come now, I wasn't making it about your talent. I'm just saying, you never come in here with a smile so obviously, I'm concerned."

"That's because there isn't a need to smile in your presence." Thalos said.

"Ouch. But now I'm confused. You complain about the task one time, and then you say you don't want to change tasks. Can you make up your mind?" The man muttered to himself which Thalos obviously heard but chose to ignore.

"By the way, does the academy accept late entries these days?" Thalos asked and the man shrugged.

"How should I know? Probably the son of some powerful individuals."

"No. This one looked like someone straight out of a backward village." Thalos said as he made to leave. "And to make matters worse, he didn't even flinch when I exerted my pressure on him."

"Hmm? I find it disturbing that you'd exert your pressure on a nine year old kid, Thalos, you sure you don't feel the need to change tasks?"

Thalos merely snorted and made to leave, not bothering to waste his time on the man in charge of tasks in the academy.

"A kid able to withstand a Peak Chakra Core pressure. Now that's something you don't get to hear everyday. I wonder what's his deal." The man said as he put away the parchment Thalos had signed on to indicate the completion of his task.

"A Physique? Or perhaps a cultivation Genius? Fufufu. Now this Academy just got interesting. I can't wait to see this guy myself. Hopefully, he doesn't disappoint." .


Kaito who was sleeping suddenly felt a strange sensation which quickly disappeared as a soothing energy washed through his mind, clearing it and allowing him to sleep peacefully.

This was one of the effects of his Cultivation Technique. The ABS provided him with both Psychological and Physical resistances. Not that he knew.

Certain level of pressure which would hamper the mind or soul would only be a slight disturbance before everything returns to normal.

In a way, he was immune to a lot of things. Pressure to his body and mind included.

Kaito wasn't aware of this and for good reasons. Despite his peculiar situation, he wasn't well versed in the inner workings of the world he was in.

He understood a lot from the ABS, but not everything was explained to him. What he got was merely the general knowledge anyone in the right places would know.

As for the minute and inner manipulation of chakra, he knew nothing and had nothing in his Arsenal.

The fighting techniques he was privy to were all too high level for him. This was so he would be able to learn lesser forms of techniques to lay a good foundation ahead of time.

In this way he'd be able to bring out the fullest potential of the techniques that he would be made available to.

Kaito didn't know this, but his life was about to take a whole new turn as he began his first day in the Celestial Peak Academy.