Graduation and Decisions

With no one noticing Kaito's departure from the Hall, the banquet continued unhindered with the students throwing their thoughts of the issue at each other.

Some of the true disciples were moved by the prospects of having more techniques given to them while also being taught by experts in a realm higher than what they initially thought possible.

In the Academy, or rather, in the Entire Spirit forge Domain, the highest level of cultivation they have come in contact with was only at the Chakra Integration Realm. And this wasn't physical contact per se, but from records.

They were still students so they didn't really have the qualifications to meet someone of that stature, and even if they did, they wouldn't know about it.

Other than their Academy Dean who was at the Peak of Chakra Spirit Realm and said to be infinitely close to Chakra Integration their respective teachers were all in the Chakra Spirit Realm.

And considering that they have all learnt what they thought they could learn from them, they began to set their eyes high.

Of the True disciples none of them had managed to make it to the Chakra Soul Realm, however there was an unspoken agreement that Zenith, Ayumi and Alaric were the ones who'd make it there.

Zenith was known for his unprecedented speed and agility when it came to combat. He was also able to maneuver in the air as a Chakra Core expert which was unique to only him. His attacking power and speed were also enhanced greatly, so in terms of combat due to his Wind and Lightning element core, he was at the top of the hierarchy.

Ayumi on the other hand was known for her illusions as well as Ice and Water manipulation. In terms of attack and defense, she was also at the top of the hierarchy.

Alaric on the other hand was someone who took fire to an extreme level. He was quite known to be explosive in combat and no one had really won him in battle since he entered the academy.

Of course, fighting amongst True disciples wasn't allowed without the consent of both parties as well as a few teachers.

This was to prevent harm from coming to their prospective successors in the long run.

So when it came to ranks amongst True disciples, everything was calculated based on what the populace had seen them use.

The banquet continued for a few more hours but similar to how some found Alaric's proposition interesting, some were totally disinterested in it and left the hall.

Time passed swiftly and the next day, the entire academy was filled with a jubilant atmosphere as the sixth-year students prepared to graduate from the academy. Excitement buzzed in the air as families and friends gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of their children.

As the morning sun bathed the academy grounds in golden light, the graduating class assembled in their finest attire, adorned with symbols of their achievements.

The ceremony commenced with solemnity and reverence, as the academy dean delivered a heartfelt speech, praising the dedication, strength and perseverance of the graduating class.

"So...where will you go now?" Zenith asked as he swirled his wine cup elegantly while looking at the students being all merry. Kaito and Ayumi sat with him around a table, each in their own thoughts.

"It's been six years. I'd like to go home for a bit." Kaito said with a calm and nostalgic expression. "How about you two? Finally decided on staying back at the academy?"

"I dunno. I'm still undecided, Kaito help me out would you?" Ayumi said pitifully. Her eyes were already filled with tears but Kaito was unaffected and just rolled his eyes at her.

"We're all Eighteen years old right now, Ayumi. If you still can't make your own choices then I will only feel Pity for you." Kaito said harshly.

"Hey! That's just mean now."

"I know. And you needed to hear it." Came Kaito's reply.

"You- You- you bully! Zenith! Kaito is bullying me!" Ayumi turned to Zenith and complained but all she got was another eye roll from him.

"You both haven't answered my question though. Kaito, you too. Visiting home isn't a long term plan and you know it. Ayumi and I are in the same cradle right now and as I don't have a welcoming family to return to, I'll be staying back." Zenith said seriously.

"I'll also be staying back. It'll be interesting to see how much I'd grow with their focused tutoring. Perhaps we could be the first Chakra Integration Realm expert this academy branch would create in a hundred years." Ayumi said with a fiery expression however her aura came out as cold.

"Those are good." Was Kaito's short reply to their answers, however a small smile managed to creep its way up his face as he said that causing the two to smile too.

"And you? Where and what will you do after?" Zenith asked.

"Hmm. Perhaps I'd create a chamber of commerce?" Kaito said after a short period of thinking.

"That already exists in Azure Bloom. Creating another one would put you in a position of contention with them and that's dangerous." Ayumi interjected in worry only to have Zenith and Kaito look at her weirdly.

"It's Kaito we're talking about Ayumi. There's a high possibility that not even the Dean could defeat him right now. Remember we couldn't really win against him when he was still at the peak of Chakra opening."

"Stop that." Kaito said with a sigh. "I'm a genius, y'know. It's not like I'll open the chamber of commerce in a boisterous manner, attracting enemies on all sides." Kaito said and sighed again.

"Still, I'm not even sure if that will be the best course of action. As I am, it'll take ten times the normal resources to grow stronger. 10,000 low level Chakra stones was barely enough to properly condense my core, I dread to imagine how much I'll need to enter the Chakra Soul Realm."

"We could help with that from the academy." Ayumi offered

"You focus on improving your strengths for now. If I need help, I'll ask." Kaito shook his head, denying her offer

"We both know that's a lie." Zenith said with a chuckle and they all laughed.

"It's as I said, only prey move in groups."

"Wolves are predators and they move in groups." Ayumi pointed out.

"Exactly. Together they're strong, individually, they're weak." Kaito retorted.

"But they get the job done."

Kaito shrugged and kept silent while observing the students go about their merriments. Ayumi sighed and glanced at Zenith who also shrugged at her.


As Kaito observed the students, various thoughts ran through his head at that instant. He could very well create a Cultivation technique and sell it to the academy for a high price in Chakra Stones but that'll only bring him trouble for short term benefits.

He could also hide his identity while doing so but he felt that would be a hassle.

There was an option of creating a spy network but then he'd need a lot of personnel. Loyal and Trustworthy one who'd be ready to give up their lives for his cause but he wasn't one to trust blindly.

He also thought of bringing in ideas from His past life but he found it too much of a hassle to create certain components that'll aid him.

In a few years, when he's strong enough to create something out of nothing, perhaps he could create whatever from his imagination, but for now, he couldn't.

Kaito had also taken classes on Array Formation, Artifact Refining and Alchemy. Due to his high levels of intelligence, he could already boast to be an intermediate master in all three professions, but still, beginning a business based on any of these required funds.

At the very least, he needed millions of Gold in order to begin.

In this world, 100 gold coins was equivalent to 1 low chakra stone. 100 low level was equivalent to 1 mid level chakra stone. 100 mid level was equivalent to 1 high chakra stone.

This was the unit of exchange, but no one he knew of has really come in contact with Mid level chakra stones. According to the teachers, only Chakra Soul experts could absorb them.

However, no Chakra Soul expert would have that in abundance since they couldn't fully absorb it. It'd be wiser to exchange it for low level chakra stones which they could absorb completely.

And considering the fact that he needed 10,000 low level chakra stones just to condense his core, he feared that even 100,000 low level chakra won't be enough to Breakthrough to Chakra Soul.

"At least 10,000 mid level ones?" He muttered to himself.

"You say something?" Ayumi asked.

"Nothing, just appreciating the sights of the academy one last time." Kaito said with a smile.

"Heh. As far as I know, you never really tried to explore the academy much. What's there for you to admire?" She sneered playfully at him causing him to chuckle but keep silent.

Who said he hasn't explored the academy? There was rarely a place in the academy he didn't know. Even the secret tunnels built beneath the academy in the case of an attack.

One thing Ayumi and Zenith didn't understand or rather, were made not to understand was...If he could create Cultivation Techniques, who said he couldn't create Cultivation Arts to go with them?