
Creation of either Cultivation Techniques or Cultivation Arts was something anyone with the right tools at his disposal could do.

You have the Energy Within your body, all that was required after that was the right direction, requirements and understanding.

For those who possessed the necessary energy within their bodies, the process of creating a cultivation technique or art began with a deep understanding of their elemental affinity, spiritual essence, and personal strengths. They would then channel their energy into intricate patterns and movements, imbuing them with intent and purpose.

The next step involved meticulous research and experimentation, as practitioners sought to uncover the most efficient and effective methods of harnessing their energy and manipulating the elements around them.

This often required a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical application, and intuition, as they delved into the depths of their own inner realms to unlock hidden potentials.

Throughout the process, the creator would draw inspiration from a variety of sources, including ancient texts, personal experiences, and insights gained from fellow cultivators. Collaboration and exchange of ideas were encouraged, as practitioners sought to push the boundaries of what was possible and create techniques and arts that were truly groundbreaking.

Ultimately, the creation of a cultivation technique or art was a deeply personal and transformative act.

To Kaito however, all these were unnecessary. He already had the Absolute Beginning Scripture to begin with, all other forms of techniques or arts were not short of useless to him.

All he needed was to delve into the various patterns Energy could move within the body.


The Ceremony soon ended and everyone was well on their way back to their respective domains, or for those born within the Spirit Forge domain, they were well on their way to their homes.

Whatever would become of them was unknown and the academy couldn't care less, however to those who were asked to stay behind, a special period of tutoring awaited them.

"Here." Kaito said and handed a square shaped jade token to Zenith and Ayumi respectively.

"What's this?" Ayumi asked while admiring the intricate carvings on the jade surfaces.

"A communication tool of sorts. You just need to pour a bit of your Chakra into it to transfer whatever information you wish to transfer through words." Kaito explained.

"Oh! So you finally made the thing you said could make going out unattractive." Zenith said excitedly.

"Hmm. This is only a prototype. I haven't learnt much about Arrays and Artifact Refining to be able to properly create one." Kaito said regretfully. "All this one can do is just pass information across."

"There's no limit to how far it can go?" Ayumi asked

"Not that I know of. As long as there's energy in the air, information would always reach the other jade token." Kaito said. "Even across Domains."

"That's interesting. This way, we can keep in touch."

"Hmm." Kaito nodded before adding. "Don't expect me to call regularly though. I'll be busy with a lot of stuff so... sorry in advance."

"Don't mind it Kaito, we too will probably be busy, but promise to check up at least once a year?" Ayumi asked with a pout

"That much I can assure you." Kaito said and pulled them both into a hug. "Till next time. Hopefully, when we meet again, you'll both be standing at the peak of whatever Domains you find yourselves."

"That's but a matter of fact." Zenith said, his voice breaking as he did.

"Come now. Don't get all weepy on me now. Look, even Ayumi isn't crying." Kaito said as he pulled back from the hug only to see a red faced Ayumi trying to stifle her tears. "Oh come on."

Kaito rolled his eyes at these guys and then tapped their foreheads putting them in a momentary daze before walking away.

They were acting as though they wouldn't see him again which he found annoying. They were Cultivators with potential to surpass the Chakra Integration Realm and step into the Transformation Realm.

With a cultivation of that level Living for a couple thousand years was guaranteed. With his Cultivation technique, they were sure to be the strongest in their levels for a while.

If they met someone with a bloodline though, that could be contested, but for now, what could possibly go wrong.

With that thought in mind, Kaito quickly disappeared from the academy grounds. If anyone was paying attention to him, they'd noticed that after a few steps, his figure disappeared.

Kaito had made up his mind earlier. He would create a chamber of commerce that'll act as both a trade center and a spy network. In order to create this without drawing attention to himself, he needed to remain hidden from the public eye till he was strong enough.

With his current skill set, he could be invincible within this Domain for a mere 10 minutes, but that was only if there were truly no Chakra integration realm expert. But after ten minutes, he'd return to being weaker than a normal mortal.


Veridian Haven Village. A small village surrounded by mountains, hills and lush forest. It was a true haven in the very sense of it with nature as its main theme.

For six years, Kaito had only ever returned Six times and stayed only for a period of 10 days during each visit. However, those 10 days were enough for him to apply some of his knowledge into making life here a little bit better for everyone.

Of course he wasn't stupid enough to make them stand out, after all, everyone was innocent until they came in possession of riches they don't have the strength to protect.

So starting from Farming and housing, Kaito was able to make the previously impoverished village into a relatively prosperous village. Through careful planning and implementation of sustainable practices, the villagers enjoyed increased crop yields, improved infrastructure, and a higher standard of living.

And standing in front of a 10 meter tall wooden gate, Kaito couldn't help but smile as he pushed it open and walked in. The village didn't get many visitors so there wasn't really a need for guards and the like.

The purpose of the gate was to prevent beasts who might see them as easy picking.

"Hey! Is that..?"

"Oh my. Is it that time already?"

"Seems like it."

"Kaito is finally back, and guess what?"


"I asked you to guess not to ask me what?"


"Anyways, I heard that Lord Kaito has finished his studies at the academy."


"Does that mean he isn't leaving anymore?"

"Dunno. Do you think this little village can accommodate a dragon like him?"

"Makes sense."

Various conversations like this were going on amongst the villagers as they saw Kaito enter the village. Those who were close to him hurriedly came to welcome him while others just waved at him from afar.

There wasn't a shortage of girls also blushing maddeningly and boys glaring.

That didn't mean they were filled with hatred towards him though. They grew up with him and have been the major working force of the village.

Of all age groups, they were the ones who spent the most time with Kaito whenever he's around and they knew he fancied no girl in the village, so their glares were something like a passing joke.

Kaito's smile didn't falter at the reception he was getting and soon his senses picked up on a speeding projectile making its way towards him.

With his current strength, he knew of course what said projectile was and prepared himself to receive it.

Before it made contact with him, Kaito deftly received it and threw it up.


"Hahahaha." Kaito and everyone around burst out laughing at the scene as the projectile, a girl less than 5 years of age, flew through the air.

"Big brother! Put me down this instant!" The little girl demanded while trying to get herself to fly by waving her hands and feet.

"Is that any way to receive your dearest brother?" Kaito asked while still holding her in the air with his chakra.

"Humph. My dearest brother is big brother Taro. You're just a bully." The girl said as her fear seemingly disappeared causing her to cross her hands over her chest while pouting her cheeks.

"Oh? Then ask your dearest brother to come bring you down." Kaito said and proceeded to walk away, leaving the girl floating up there.

"Big brother, isn't that a bit too much?" A second voice asked as the crowd that was gathering made way for a young boy who looked nearly identical to Kaito.

"Even you Taro?" Kaito asked, acting heartbroken.

"Don't make a scene brother. Tsumaki just missed you a bit too much. As soon as that crystal you left us last year lit up, she ran out of the house like an arrow out of its bow." Taro said with a wry smile.

The crystal Taro was talking about was an exhausted Chakra stone he poured his Chakra of a peak Chakra opening expert in.

He did that in hopes that should they meet any harm it could pressure whoever was the cause. After all, the village was a mortal village and would only have mortal enemies until It drew the attention of those it shouldn't.

It also served as a locator of sorts. Should Kaito be close by, it will light up in resonance to his chakra.

Kaito looked back to his little sister whom he'd only spent a total of sixty days with since her birth and couldn't help but smile even wider.

She was already on the verge of crying but haven grown up hearing the tales of her super strong brother, how could she bear to tear up in his presence.

"Come now Tsumaki... What do you say to your dearest eldest brother upon his return?" Taro asked the girl placatingly.


"Hmm? I didn't get that." Kaito said while picking his ears.

"WELCOME BACK, BIG BROTHER!!" She screamed and burst into tears causing Kaito to laugh and pull her into his arms.

"Don't cry now little sis. What did I say about you crying?"

Tsumaki tried to control her sobs for a while before managing to say. "It'll make me ugly."

"And does my dearest princess want to be ugly?"

"Never! Tsumaki is the most beautiful!"

"So what do you have to do to not become ugly?"

"Tsumaki should not cry."

Watching her cute reactions to his questions, Kaito couldn't help himself from kissing all over her face while tickling her as she chuckled.

"I'm back."