A day in the Emperor's life (You can skip this if you want)

I woke up at six Am, which is a habit I seemed to have carried from my previous world.

Brushed my teeth and got washed by my servants, after that I stared at the mirror due to an absolutely catastrophic issue.

My beard... It doesn't exist...

For the past... almost two years now, I shaved my cheeks and did everything in my power to make a beard grow.

But it just doesn't! Not even the most modern technology can triumph over my cheeks!

...That sounded weird.

Anyways! After a brutal morning stand-off between me and my "beard," I went to get breakfast, the table is now around five meters shorter than before, due to... Unfortunate circumstances.

Yes, let's call it that...

Everyone was more relaxed than before, probably because they realized that as long as they don't intentionally piss me off, I won't kill them.

I dropped a couple of jokes and made small talk with my "Family."

After that, duty called and I went off to work.

Unlike what most people expect, I don't actually have to do that much, I simply tell people what I want to happen and they will tell me if it's possible and how long it will take.

It's their job from that point on to see to it that my will is fulfilled.

After telling all the important people what I want to be done, they inform me about the current situation in the Empire, how the nobles have been moving recently, the feeling of the common people, and the progress of my current projects.

Oh, and most importantly of all, they tell me about the Xeno's movements.

After this headache-inducing meeting ends, I give myself a four-hour break in my own room.

That's what everyone thinks anyways, but secretly I sneak out of the palace.

Well, sneaking out is impossible, so I basically dress like a normal person, put on a wig, and contacts that change my eye color, and walk out through the main gate.

The guards are used to it at this point, and even though they always warn me to be careful, I don't care.

I know there are hundreds of security guards following me at all times anyways.

I walk around the city streets, trees and greenery are everywhere, streets are narrow while sidewalks are wide, and walking is greatly encouraged with a robust public transport system.

Stalls are everywhere along the streets, and Indian men doing impossible tricks with their customer's ice cream are always present across all of the universes it seems.

'Their power is simply beyond my comprehension I guess.'

I chuckled at my own silliness and kept moving onward, admiring the skyscrapers around me.

These skyscrapers aren't lifeless husks of oppression like in my previous world, mainly because they have drawings all over them.

Little masterpieces drawn by childer were on all levels, some adults even cooperated and made giant paintings of the Azburgian flag, other cultural moments, and even some memes!

The streets are, as previously mentioned, filled with stalls that contain foods of all different cultures.

I even saw two stalls, one serving burgers and the other vegan food, they are funnily enough right next to each other, and I could almost see the lightning between their eyes.

As a joke, the two shopkeepers even made a dramatic battle between the "Burger Imperium" And the "Vegie Crusaders," Today is the twentieth episode of this epic showdown.

I don't want to brag but I was around since the first episode! So I'm pretty cultured.

Last time, General Burg Betrayed his Emperor Burginkton the Fith! And the Vegie Crusaders used the instability of the Imperium to launch their final crusade.

A truly shocking development.

Today the final episode would happen and I, as a long-time fan, had to see it!

Hundreds of people gathered around and sat down on pillows prepared for them.

All of us looked at the small screen in front of us as an animated world appeared on it.

The episode began with Emperor Burginkton the Fith, fleeing from his treacherous army, back to the palace.

The Emperor had two children, one son, and one daughter.

The daughter betrayed the Emperor in the tenth Episode and married some banana from the Crusaders.

So now it was just his majesty and his son against the world.

Gathering whatever forces still stood with him, he marched to meet the Crusaders.

one. last. time.

The colossal army of Vegetables stared with contempt at the small Burger Imperium's force, While the Burger Elite met them with a determined gaze.

The Emperor's daughter walked in front of the army and looked at her father.

Everyone booed when she got on screen, after all, the woman betrayed her people and family for one man, and every man thinks it is pathetic.

The woman had pensive looks, they were just enjoying the drama.

The children looked with stars in their eyes at the armies that stood in front of each other.

The princess spoke: "Father! surrender and we shall spare your meager forces!"

A deep masculine voice resounded in response: "My daughter, you betrayed all of us and now you expect me to trust you? Let me make my own offer... Surrender and bring me the head of your leader and I MIGHT spare. you!" The Emperor's voice was filled with fury and righteous anger.

The ground shook as he made the proclamation, sending the princess and her army staggering backward in fear.

"F-Fine! I gave you a chance you stubborn meathead, but YOU refused it! Don't blame me for what will happen now!"

"Shh, it's okay dear..." A suave banana walked next to the princess and held her side.

"Ah, alright Reginald..."

"MEN! Attack the foolish self-proclaimed Emperor!"

As the vegetable army charged the distance between his men and the princes, the Burger Emperor turned to his men.

"MEN! This battle is for the fate of your families! your home! your species! We have fought for millennia to stay alive! Will you let these weaklings take the things you hold dear!?"


"Then we shall fight until we all die! As long as one of us stays alive the Burger Imperium shall live through them! Now prepare yourselves! And Remember what you fight for!"

The vegetables charged at the larger Burger soldiers and were stomped into the ground by their raw size and strength.

The Burger elite was the elite for a reason after all.

The burgers threw themselves at the enemies and made a valiant effort to defeat them.

The largest burger is, of course, his majesty himself.

He swatted tens of vegies in one move of his hand, and the battle was going in their favor, until...

"AGH!" His son cried out in pain as a carrot threw itself into his bottom bun.

Slowly, burgers fell apart, until only the princess, the prince, Reginald, and his majesty remained.

The remains of burgers and vegetables lay around them.

"Are you happy now...? My daughter... ANSWER ME!"

But he was met with silence, then and only then did Burginkton realize that something didn't add up.

"No... It can't be..."

"Yes! Father, you FINALLY noticed!"

"My son... How could you?!" Burginkton screamed with the last of his strength.

"Brainwashing all of them wasn't as difficult as I thought! But man the Elite just couldn't be broken with any of my spells... *Tch* So sad I had to waste so many pawns to take care of them."

The audience gasped at the sudden betrayal and everything made sense. The sudden war and instability of the Empire weren't the Princess's fault, but the Princes!

"I see..." The Emperor muttered to himself.

"Huh? No speech? common! I was hoping for an epic showdown but you have nothing?"

"Oh... I have something alright... Son. do you know why the Burger and veggie kingdoms were always at peace?"

"No. And I don't care anymore."

"HA! Well, you will care now."

As the Emperor said that, all of the fallen Burger warriors stood up and gathered themselves.

"How? What have you done?!"

"So now you care?" The Emperor mocked his son. "The reason is that Burgers contain vegetables, we are a mix between wheat, meat, and vegetables, for we contain all."

"That grants us power few others have... And I am the pinnacle of said power!"

As the Emperor said this, The ground shook once more, as the light returned to the princess and Reginald, All of the vegetable soldiers stood and looked at the prince with hatred.

They remembered what he made them do.

"W-What?! Impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"W-WAIT! PLEASE! spare me, Father! This is just a misunderstanding!"

"I will see you in the microwave." (Microwave is hell)


The prince stood no chance and he was felled in that decisive battle.

The two kingdoms immediately made up and began peace talks, during which the vegetable kingdom helped to reform the Burger Imperium.

The world went back to peace.

The end of the Burger Imperium and the Vegie Crusaders.

Everyone clapped and the two shopkeepers bowed with grins on their faces.

I really liked the story, although it was short and the characters weren't fully explored, it was still good.

I continued walking around until I reached a bar in a dark alleyway, I walked inside with a mask on my face that had a hole where my mouth is, and all of the other quests had masks on as well.

I sat down at the bar and ordered a good beer.

"Hey, Sam." The bartender greeted me.

"Sup Jack."

"So how has work been going my friend?" He asked.

"Yeah not that bad actually, but the aliens are a huge pain in the ass for me right now."

"You said that before as well!" He laughed.

"Haha, Yeah man It just sucks, It's so stressful!"

I came to this bar whenever I had some extra time to kill to complain about my ridiculous situation.

I obviously didn't tell them about my reincarnation or my identity or any national secrets.

But I can still complain under the pretext of being a crew member on one of the destroyers!

So I drank and talked for an hour, but made sure I wasn't too drunk, and afterward, I slowly went back to the palace.

And on my way back, I saw an Exotic animal.

A Karen.

This strange species of humanoids is basically extinct in today's world, and thank goodness it is.

But here we can see the toxic Karen, in its natural habitat.

Look. It's approaching the unsuspecting male human.

OH! They have made eye contact! The Karen used the classical "Blame you for something that's completely my fault and make a scene!"

It's not very effective...

The Chad male uses "reasonable response!"

It's not very effective...

The crowd uses "Booo the bitch!"

It's super effective!

The Karen has broken down crying!

The crowd uses "Force Apology"

Karen says she's sorry!

Karen runs away!

Yes! Yes! Thank you, I know I'm an amazing narrator.

Anyways after that bizarre encounter, I made it Back to the palace, with 8 hours left in the day.

So I played with Brock, prepared some speeches, spoke with some nobles, finished any unfinished work, had dinner, and went to bed at 10 pm.

Can't say I don't like this new life of mine...